Chapter 430: I think I'm cool too

Chapter 430 I also think I'm pretty cool

"Psychological entropy is a wonderful metaphor in psychology. Simply speaking, 'entropy' refers to the degree of chaos in a system. The more chaos, the higher the entropy value. On the contrary, the more regular a system is, the clearer the structure. , the lower the entropy value." Ning Youguang briefly explained to his brother, "Thoughts in the human brain are just like the molecules in the system. Horses are galloping all the time, and the more chaotic your heart is, the higher the entropy value will be. For example, your evaluation of others is a matter of gain and loss, and the careful calculation of material gain and loss are all factors that cause your mental entropy to be high. Another definition of 'entropy' refers to the total amount of energy that cannot do work in a system. In short, The higher your mental entropy, the less energy you have to do things well, because you waste a lot of your energy on internal friction. On the contrary, when you focus on doing something you feel very good When it comes to meaningful things, all your thoughts are supporting each other, interrelated, working together, and moving in the same direction in unison. This is a process of reducing entropy, also known as 'negative entropy'. Your mood is peaceful, full and fun, with high negentropy, and you have power in everything you do."

"Sister, what do you mean, I don't actually enjoy going to nightclubs, getting drunk, racing cars, getting tattoos?" Xie Yizun worked hard to digest the information Ning Youguang passed on to him, "Compared to these, I enjoy dancing and singing more. , play the piano."

"Do you still need to ask me?" Ning Youguang asked with a smile.

"It seems like this." Xie Yizun said after thinking carefully, "I feel very fulfilled in the company, I am making progress every day, I am constantly surpassing myself, and I do a lot of things every day, but I don't feel too tired. Slept well at night and woke up every morning full of anticipation. Here..."

Xie Yizun showed some embarrassment on his face.

"Don't feel embarrassed." Ning Youguang said with a smile, "The more honest you are with yourself and the more honest with me, the more I like it."

"Here, you and your brother-in-law are very kind to me, and I live very comfortably, but I feel very empty and short-lived, and I don't sleep well at night, but I don't know if it's because I slept too much during the day, or The reason for the mood." Xie Yizun scratched his head.

"This is the so-called "happy logic" problem." Ning Youguang said, "In the company, you work hard to realize your dreams, and everything you do can make you satisfied and grow, and the happiness you get is naturally long-lasting. , For me, what you do is meaningless to the real pursuit in your heart, it is a kind of self-consumption and boredom for you, and it is strange that you can feel really happy."

"Thank you sister for telling me this." Xie Yizun smiled, "I understand."

He smiled, and the boyish childishness could still be seen on his face, which was pure and cute.

"One by one, my sister thinks you look very good when you smile."

Ning Youguang thinks that she likes children laughing, such as Yiyi, such as Ning Youyu, such as her students, and those children she saw on the streets aimlessly.

The smile of a child is different from that of an adult.

She felt that their smiles were purer, more beautiful, and more touching.

Happy without water, very real.

"Sister's smile is also pretty." Xie Yizun bowed his head a little embarrassedly.

"Of course, we are siblings." Ning Youguang accepted it generously.

The intimate communication between the two sisters and brother went very smoothly.

Because of Xie Yizun's frankness.

Also because of Ning Youguang and Shi Mochiyue's indulgence and tolerance for him for so long, his negative emotions have been released and relaxed.

People and people are just like that.

When you allow the other person to be yourself, the other person will also allow you to be yourself.

Good negotiation is mutual.

If you are good at talking, the other party is also good at talking. If you are not good at talking, the other party will not be able to talk well.

Especially when facing a teenager like Xie Yizun who has not yet stepped out of his youthful rebellious period.

Ning Youguang always knows how to give patience, time, and respect.

He doesn't ask, she doesn't.

he asked, she answered.

These days, she used all her actions to tell Xie Yizun—

"I'm here, by your side."

"When you really need me, I will never reject you no matter what."

It is also her tolerance and acceptance over the past few days that Xie Yizun, this angry little beast, was tamed unknowingly and became well-behaved and talkative.

Once people's hearts are opened, no matter whether it is persuasion or education, it is more effective to do it with less effort.

Xie Yizun is also very willing to listen to her.

Because he knew that his sister would definitely help him, to understand him and help him from his perspective.

"Sister, I still want to sing, play the piano, and dance." Xie Yizun was lying on the table, his voice was soft, as if he had no bones.

"and then?"

"I want to go to the company." Xie Yizun was a little embarrassed.

After all, half a month ago, he was clamoring not to go to the company.

"Then go." Ning Youguang knew early on that Xie Yizun was angry when he said that he would not go to the company.

If you really hate the company, you don't like the life there.

The little overlord who lived every day in the last life, how could he persist in this ascetic life for so long?

Since he can persevere, it is definitely not just because of a promise or an invisible and intangible future. A large part of the factor is that he has gained strength in the process of daily actions.

He really likes and enjoys doing these things.

"I'm very happy that you can persist in practicing for so long without giving up or slackening. After suffering some setbacks, you can sort out your mood and be willing to go to the company. This in itself is amazing. I'm proud of you." Ning Youguang Praise Xie Yizun, "One by one, whether you make a debut or not, whether you can become a big star or not, if you can do what you have done in the past three years, it is already amazing."

Xie Yizun covered his face with his hands and didn't speak. He was a little embarrassed, but he felt very happy.

After a long time, he put down his hand.

Ning Youguang saw that the corners of the boy's eyes were red, and his smile became brighter.

"I think I'm pretty cool too."

"I think so too!" Ning Youguang looked happy, and while Xie Yizun was in better condition, he mentioned the main purpose of coming to talk with him today, "Okay, let's talk about what you plan to do next? You and The general reason for the company's quarrel, I heard my mother say it, and now, I want to hear what you have to say, okay?"

"Well." Xie Yizun nodded, "I don't think it's a problem with the inhuman living arrangements in the company, the high-energy training required by the teacher, and what makes me most uncomfortable is that I joined the company three years ago. They promised me that I could debut, and now they don't deliver, and when I think about it, I don't want to do anything, even if I don't hate doing it myself." 1314

(end of this chapter)