Chapter 431 Two more

And the more people around him don't let him do anything, the more he wants to do it.

Ning Youguang very well understand Xie Yizun's psychology that he wants to get satisfaction from resisting each other because his needs are not met in the company.

This also led to——"But when you focus on fighting against them, you forget your true purpose."

"I know I was wrong." Xie Yizun obediently admitted his mistake.

"It's okay to be wrong, we'll just get on the right track." Ning Youguang comforted him, "If there is a problem, solve it, think about the results, and be guided by your own goals."

"I see." Xie Yizun said, "When I encounter problems in the future, I will think about what is the most appropriate way to do it."

"You can think of these things very well." Ning Youguang thought his younger brother was very smart, and it was easy to understand, "When do you want to go to the company?"

"Let my mother contact the company in the past two days." Xie Yizun said, "However, I want to change the dormitory."

"Is it because your roommates and friends lied to you?" Ning Youguang asked.

"Yes." Xie Yizun frowned and said, "I don't want to face them anymore."

"You can change the dormitory." Ning Youguang said, "But you don't want to face them, there is no way to do it, unless someone helps you kick out those people you don't want to face from the company."

Xie Yizun knew that this was impossible, and the entertainment company was not run by his family.

"Then what should I do?" He said irritably, "I don't want to be with them anymore."

"You can choose not to be with them if you don't want to." Ning Youguang said, "You have the right to choose to make friends."

"Then who should I be with?" Xie Yizun had a shadow after being bitten by a snake.

"I don't know that, but I can share with you my principles of making friends."

"What kind of friendship principles?"

"Get along with people who are not tired, and meet people you like." Ning Youguang has a very free and easy attitude.

"I probably know if I like it." Xie Yizun asked earnestly, "If you're not tired, you won't understand much."

"You can do this if you don't understand." Ning Youguang said meticulously, "No matter who you play with in the future, as long as that person makes you feel uncomfortable and makes you feel exhausted, you should stay away from him."

"What if they came with good intentions?" Xie Yizun asked again, "Sometimes some people are really good for me, but it's uncomfortable to be with them."

"Then communicate with them well, and once you find yourself uncomfortable, tell them." Ning Youguang said, "People who really love you definitely don't want you to be uncomfortable, and when you tell them, they will also be willing to. In the process, you have to learn to be vigilant of those around you who imprison you in the name of love, whether the other party is family, colleagues or friends, or your future lover.”

"Well, I remember."

"Not only to remember, the most important thing is to learn to use it in real life."

"I know."

"It's good to know." Ning Youguang smiled and said, "But, one by one, do you really plan to stay away as long as you are uncomfortable with others in the future, and stay away when you are uncomfortable with others?"

"Can't you?" Xie Yizun asked.

"Yes." Ning Youguang said, "But there are so many people in this world, there are always some people that we are uncomfortable with and can't avoid. What should you do then?"

Xie Yizun was silent, and after a while, he shook his head blankly, "I don't know."

Interpersonal relationships are always a big task for everyone. Some people are born strong, and some people are not.

Xie Yizun, who has been half a "left-behind child" since childhood, is obviously the latter.

"Sister, do you know?" Xie Yizun asked Ning Youguang, "Can you tell me?"

"The rule is very simple." Ning Youguang smiled, "Allow others to be yourself, and allow yourself to be yourself, understand each other if you can understand each other, respect each other if you can't understand, don't control, don't force, and don't compromise."

"I see."

"Then let's discuss your desire to debut, shall we?" Ning Youguang turned to another important topic.


"Mom told me that your company thinks that you usually perform well and practice basic skills well, but they still want you to go out later." Ning Youguang told Xie Yizun the information he got from Xia Youqing , "They want you to consolidate your strength."

"Why?" Xie Yizun didn't understand, "I have learned everything that I should learn, and I will also learn what I should know. Those in the company who are not as good as me can go out to act, go out to perform, and receive variety shows, why can't I? "

"Others are others, you are you." Ning Youguang's clear eyes fell on Xie Yizun's impatient face, "Each life has a different mode of appearance, and the inherent potential talents are different. Of course it's not the same. You feel unbalanced that others can debut early, but have you ever thought that your goals in entering the company are different."

"No." Xie Yizun shook his head.

"Okay, then I'll tell you now." Ning Youguang said, "Mom said that those who go out to pick up jobs before they have practiced the basic skills are just the company's practice of cutting leeks and their own desire to quickly become popular. The idea is dictated by the immediate interests.”

Sixteen-year-old Xie Yizun does not understand these twists and turns in the shopping mall.

But he understood what Ning Youguang said.

He is no longer jealous of those who can make their debut in the company, he began to worry a little for them, "Can they not be like this?"

"I don't know about that." Ning Youguang shook his head slowly, "If you are worried about them, when necessary, you can mention your friends. As for whether to listen or not, don't force it."

Xie Yizun's heart was a little heavy and a little boring, "Sister, I suddenly feel a little naive and lucky."

"Why do you say that?" Ning Youguang asked softly.

"I suddenly found out that although my mother said that I was going to the entertainment industry, she would not help me, and I had to rely on me for everything, but..." Xie Yizun gritted his teeth, "As long as I am her son, I am destined to get in the circle. Preferential treatment."

Ning Youguang smiled, "It's good that you can see that."

Xie Yizun felt a little disappointed in his heart, "I originally thought I could do it by myself, but now I think about it, no matter what I achieve in the future, I can't do without the help of my family."

"Yes." Ning Youguang said calmly and objectively, "Having an open life is your blessing. Don't think it's a burden or a burden. It's a bit unlovable when you get a big bargain and sell it well. "1314

(end of this chapter)