Chapter 452: Doting is a paradox

Chapter 452 Doting is a paradox

As soon as   Ning Youguang said these words, surprise appeared on the face of the director who was organizing the shooting.

She felt that this episode would explode.

"You guys take good photos." She whispered to the staff next to her, "Don't miss any bursts."

The staff next to    also had expressions on their faces, as if they had seen a treasure, full of excitement.

"It seems that Tangtang and Teacher Ning have a lot of friendship on weekdays." Ma Zhou smiled, "You should know each other well, right?"

Zhou Tang glanced at Ning Youguang and said with a smile, "Mr. Ma, I do know something about Teacher Ning's taste."

Ning Youguang also smiled, "I went to my brother's house several times, and I met Teacher Zhou."

specially mentioned the Ming Dynasty, mainly because I didn't want others to dig out Ning Yi.

When she said this, Zhou Tang immediately understood.

Ma Zhou looked at Ning Youguang, "My brother's food is good, right?"

"Mr. Ning usually talks to me about art, literature, and psychology." He Yuan smiled and looked at Ma Zhou and Zhou Tang, "I only learned today that she has a brother."

She looked at Ning Youguang again, "Their brothers and sisters must get along very well. When they are so old, they often go to my brother's house to eat and drink."

The four of them laughed instantly.

He Yuan looked at Ning Youguang again, "You are so good, your brother must be very good too, right?"

Ning Youguang has not answered yet.

Zhou Tang answered right next to him, "It's really, really excellent."

Zhou Tang is already a top male star in the Chinese entertainment industry at a young age, but he commented that Brother Ning Youguang used two "very", and his expression was full of admiration and admiration.

This attitude made He Yuan and Ma Zhou couldn't help but wonder about Ning Youguang's background.

But curiosity is curiosity, and it is not suitable to inquire now in such an occasion.

Ma Chau immediately followed the topic and led to the theme of today's program——

"Brother and younger sister are so excellent, they must be inseparable from the teachings of their elders. Today, we invite Teacher Ning to come over, just to invite you to talk with me about a topic that many people have raised on the Internet - family education." One thing that is very important to international people's livelihood is also to affect the mental health of countless next generation."

He looked at Ning Youguang, "After all, you are already a professor of psychology at the National University of Science and Technology. I noticed that you are also the vice president of the Association for the Prevention of Juvenile Delinquency. About this 'Study on Juvenile Delinquency Prevention Association', I only know that this is a non-profit national academic group voluntarily organized by experts, scholars, practitioners and related units engaged in juvenile delinquency research. What kind of work?"

"I am mainly involved in the formulation of the national research plan for juvenile delinquency prevention, organizing, coordinating and promoting the national juvenile delinquency prevention research work, conducting investigations and researches, conducting theoretical discussions, and implementing related projects such as the prevention of juvenile delinquency and crime." Ning Youguang smiled. .

"The children have all gone to the point of committing crimes. Is there a problem with the original family education behind them?" Ma Zhou continued to ask Ning Youguang.

"After all, there are still a small number of teenagers who commit crimes in the society, and most of them are developing normally." Ning Youguang smiled, "However, if a family has children who have embarked on the path of committing crimes, it must be because they have not been at home since childhood. Having received a good education, for example, the parents in the family dote on their children, or some parents did not educate their children well since childhood, which will cause such tragedies to happen.”

"I think 'indulgence' is a paradox. The reason behind coddling is that parents and elders are lazy when educating their children. They obviously don't understand how to educate their children, and they don't learn how to be a parent and how to educate their children." He Fate followed closely, and said in a serious tone, "Actually, as a parent on the Internet, you really have a heart, and it is very easy to gain knowledge, including many excellent family education instructors and psychological counselors. Systematic family education courses are published on major online platforms, and they are not expensive, but as long as they want to educate their children well, they must know that spoiling children is absolutely unacceptable, and they will not do it.”

Her words were unanimously agreed by several people present.

Especially Ma Zhou, "Mr. He's point of view is very interesting."

He looked at Ning Youguang again, "Mr. Ning, based on your work experience, can you tell us anything about family education?"

Ning Youguang smiled gently, "According to my work experience, after researching their group, I found that most of them do have various problems of lack of family education, but the lack of family education produces the problem. The problem does not necessarily refer to forcing children to commit crimes. For example, those in the society who have grown up and cannot handle interpersonal relationships, intimacy, self-relationships, etc., also have more or less personality disorders. And personality disorders are the reasons for not growing up in a good family environment as a child."

Ma Zhou nodded, "Then in your opinion, what is the main reason for the lack of family education?"

Ning Youguang chuckled, "Mother Teresa once said something like, 'Today people are mostly in anxiety and can't handle intimacy well. In my opinion, it's because people fail to find the Love.

Parents are mostly so busy with work and other things that they don’t have time to take care of their children, and they don’t have time to care and share with each other.

If every pair of parents and children, every one of them can give their families the kind of life that cares about each other, then our world can be full of peace and joy.

Love comes from the family, and love grows in the family.

Today's world, what people lack is this love.

This is also the root cause of people’s inability to handle all kinds of relationships.

We must turn the family into a 'fountain' of love.

I agree with her point of view that the foundation of a good family education is that parents can create a harmonious and loving family atmosphere for their children from childhood. "

"I read this passage of Mother Teresa in her biography, and I was very impressed at the time." He Yuan said at the right time, "But I don't know as much as Teacher Ning, who is a professional educator. I have a deep understanding of family. Some of my experiences and opinions on education come from my own experience growing up and my observation of people around me. I found that if children grow up in a harmonious and loving atmosphere, their emotional intelligence will be very high when they grow up.”

"Yes." Ning Youguang agrees with He Yuan's words, "Only people with a healthy personality will have high emotional intelligence when they grow up, and a healthy personality comes from the upbringing of a good native family environment."

"Speaking of this high emotional intelligence..." Ma Zhou looked at Zhou Tang with a smile. 1314

(end of this chapter)