Chapter 453 Two more

——"Tangtang should have something to say, after all, there are so many fans who like you."

Zhou Tang smiled heartily, "My family was really harmonious from childhood to adulthood."

Today, because of the style of the show, Zhou Tang did not have any particularly delicate makeup on his face.

But he is a good-looking person, with handsome facial features, especially a pair of peach eyes, and he has a seductive effect without makeup.

His eyes swept around lightly, and the people sitting with him were all people with strong hearts, and they were completely unaffected.

But not far away, the staff of the program group who are working are not so strong.

Especially the young girls in the group, even if Zhou Tang's eyes did not fall on them, they were all blushed.

"Be careful and work hard."

So that the director of the program group not only has to pay attention to the shooting of the program, but also to the young people around him from time to time, so that they can take it easy.

Staring at them, don't just stare at the faces of the two gods, and forget the work in hand.

Zhou Tang may or may not know the attitude of the staff around him.

Anyway, he was completely unaffected and continued to talk, "My parents have a good relationship, they belong to the kind of relationship model that is independent and dependent on each other, mainly my mother, she is too stable, growing up, I have never seen her lose control of her emotions, especially for me. She has never lost control of my emotions. She would say a few words to my dad sometimes when she is emotionally overwhelmed, but soon she will be able to adjust herself. My father is also very willing to listen to my mother in daily life, and I remember one thing that impressed me the most..."

Zhou Tang's eyes widened, "Ever since I can remember, my dad has often said to me, 'Your mother is the backbone of our family, you have to listen to her words carefully, if you don't listen to her words carefully, you will make her angry, I will follow you Said, our grandfather will not have a good life.', so, I haven't seen them quarrel since I was a child, and then they did not interfere too much with my education, and they respected me very much. From childhood to adulthood, they treated me There is only one requirement - for example, the most my mother tells me is, 'You don't do illegal things, if you do, I want you to look good! If you don't do this, you can do anything.', so as long as I don't violate the principle Sexual mistakes, whatever I want to do, my parents will support me, such as if I want to study art, apply for art school, enter the entertainment industry, including relationships, etc., they have never interfered."

"Then you have a high degree of freedom at home." He Yuan looked at Zhou Tang with admiration.

"Yes." Zhou Tang smiled and nodded, "So I am very grateful to my parents, who have always been willing to support me in being myself."

"Tangtang's native family atmosphere, and his parents' education for him is a good family education?" Ma Zhou asked Ning Youguang.

"A parent who has less anxiety, a parent who is having fun in meeting their child's changing needs, will have a positive impact on their child, making the child a person who can regulate his emotions, who can The ability to trust others, feel good about yourself and maintain an optimistic hope are the foundations of self-confidence and self-esteem, and why people grow up emotionally intelligent."

"On the contrary?" Ma Zhou listened seriously.

"Conversely, in a family where parents are repressed, irritable, busy, or indifferent to their children because of some other thing, then their children can't find what they're looking for from their parents' reactions, they don't put themselves Seen as likable and popular, they see themselves as a superfluous, a disappointment or even a source of evil, or a dispensable person, and these damaging emotional connections have profound consequences for the child. Influence. Generally, children who grow up in such a family of origin will shut down their own brain centers that involve a sense of security, a sense of integrity, and an open mind, which stimulates the brain nerves corresponding to their parents’ painful emotional state. At the same time, they will also feel To boredom and emptiness, they can’t find their own sense of existence in the family. Once this mentality is formed, when they reach puberty, they can easily lose control, and the rebellious period is longer than that of children who grew up in a normal family environment.”

"Some children even go to society to do some illegal and criminal things?" He Yuan asked.

"There is a possibility." Ning Youguang's complexion became much calmer.

Ma Zhou also followed with a long sigh, "So I read a survey before, that is to say, someone surveyed many people who were dying and asked them what their biggest regret in their life was. The top three were neither not realizing their ideals, but also It’s not that I didn’t earn a lot of money, or what kind of heights I reached in society, but I didn’t educate my children well and accompany my family when I was young…”

"Yes, yes, yes." He Yuan nodded, "I have also read the contents of this investigation."

"In our day-to-day lives, we hear people saying 'If I hadn't been busy with work, my child's grades wouldn't be like this...', 'If I had that much time, I could have... ', in fact, this is also a paradox. In fact, since they didn't do it at the time, it was because their cognition and consciousness failed to do it, that is, 'they can't', as long as a person can really do something, they have long since transformed it into action. For." Ning Youguang's soft eyes fell gently on the people around him, as clear as a mountain stream.

——“Many people around us look back on some people and things in the past, and it’s easy to get anxious the more they think about it, because there is always an obsession that maybe I could do better at that time, but it’s actually not necessary, because even if there is a certain amount of Lessons learned, go back in time and do it all over again, and it's hard for them to do better, and they may make things worse by having concerns and losing enthusiasm."

"So what Teacher Ning means is that those parents who didn't teach their children well when they were young, even if they try again, still won't teach their children?" Ma Zhou asked in surprise.

Ning Youguang nodded, "Unless they learn to improve their personalities first, as Teacher He said earlier, and then systematically study family education, and then decide to have children, then they will be able to be good 'parents' after the child is born. This role, educate your children well."

"This point of view is quite novel." Zhou Tang looked at Ning Youguang with a smile.

"What Teacher Ning said..." Ma Zhou scratched his head gently, "A lot of parents around us are unqualified."

He Yuan also looked at Ning Youguang and sighed, "Your vision is too high, it will scare off many young people."

Ning Youguang smiled, "I'm just sharing some of my own views." 1314

(end of this chapter)