Chapter 454: High-quality guardianship trumps all matter

Chapter 454 High-quality protection is better than all substances

"Actually, I feel that the reason why Teacher Ning said this is because family education is really important, right?" Zhou Tang took Ning Youguang's words with a smile, "I remember Mr. Cai Yuanpei, an educator, said, 'Family is the beginning of life. Schools too.', which shows that family education is of great significance to each of us, each family and the whole society."

"I think you understand it right. Family education is definitely an important part of our national education system, and it is the foundation, supplement and extension of social and school education. It accompanies one's life, affects one's life, and contributes to one's growth and success. It is very important." Zhou Tang's words made Ma Zhou admire, "Everyone knows that this good family education is very important, but the standard of 'good' is vague for many people, and there are a few people sitting there. Teacher, might as well talk to you about what you think is a good family education?"

He Yuan was the first to speak out, "I remember that the poet Gibran had a thought-provoking poem, in which he wrote--

'Your sons and daughters are not really your sons and daughters.

They are the children born of life's longing for itself.

They came to this world through you, but not because of you.

They are with you, but they are not yours.

You can give them your love, not your thoughts, because they have their own thoughts.

You can shelter their bodies, not their souls, because their souls belong to tomorrow. ’

Before, I was vague about the concept of good family education, but when I read this poem, I felt empowered. I think that good family education is as a parent, and what we must understand is that children are independent first. Individuals, followed by your children. "

"It's really important that parents respect their children's subjective consciousness in the family." Ma Zhou nodded with a smile, "What about Teacher Ning and Teacher Zhou?"

Zhou Tang glanced at Ning Youguang, who was sitting on the side with a calm face, and smiled slowly, "I think the best family education is for parents to be the best version of themselves. Father is father, it's not an exaggeration. I do not deliberately hide my shortcomings, but calmly use actions to demonstrate the best to my children. There may be shortcomings, but they cannot fail to improve. Mothers are mothers, and they will not affect their emotions because of a trivial matter. Will freely put the rest of his life on the child, no matter what happens, he can communicate well, instead of losing his temper. In a family, parents can do these two things, and the child will not change when he grows up Very good, at least a healthy kid, I think."

Ning Youguang chuckled, "Mr. Zhou is right, a professor of psychology at the University of Manchester once conducted an experiment called the 'Stationary Face Experiment'. Through this experiment, it was found that the mother's emotions are very important for the child's mood changes. It can be said that, A mother’s emotions are the compass at home, and a father’s example is more effective than asking a child to take the test.”

Ma Zhou said with a smile, "Mr. Zhou and Ning's words reminded me of what Mr. Zheng said before. He said that his father had said that he had been a father for so many years, and the most profound experience was to close your Mouth, lift your legs, walk your life path, and show it to your children.' - The best education for children is to teach them by example. So, Mr. Zheng and his brothers and sisters are excellent."

He Yuan also smiled and said, "Some people often say that what the child is like, the parent is like. In fact, the reverse is still true. Parents are the mirror of the child, and the child is the shadow of the parents. Morality, cultivation, habits, qualities, principles, three The growth of a person is inseparable from the education of parents. And the best family education is that the father is a role model and the mother has warmth."

"Mr. He summed it up well." Ma Zhou looked at He Yuan and smiled.

"I live by my pen, I'm not married and have no children, so I can only talk about family education on paper. Unlike Teacher Zhou, who is a good example of family teaching by deeds and deeds, Teacher Ning is a professional family education instructor. Of course, I can only give The two of them have concluded." He Yuan mocked himself.

"Oh?" Ma Zhou looked at Ning Youguang with interest, "Is Teacher Ning still a home education instructor?"

He Yuan immediately teased Ma Zhou and said, "Mr. Ma, let's Mr. Ning skip a grade from an elementary school and go to school, and the provincial college entrance examination champion, is it difficult to get a family education instructor certificate?"

Chaoning Youguang, who was full of admiration on Ma Zhou's face, threw his hands away, "Mr. Ning, it's because I'm too small."

He fought with He Yuan, and the atmosphere at the scene became more relaxed.

Zhou Tang also smiled and said to Ning Youguang, "Then I'll talk less, I'll be afraid of being slapped with an axe in front of Teacher Ning."

"Mr. Zhou is very polite." Ning Youguang smiled, "A person who has received a good family education since childhood is often the most qualified to talk about family education."

"Hey, I said you should stop touting each other." He Yuan teased the two of them, "I think family education, no matter what channel you learn from, the final test standard is still effective and easy to use, so you say You are all right, you all open up more gold, let me and Lao Ma increase our knowledge together, Ma can just learn and sell now, and he can teach his son well when he goes back. As for me, I have learned and kept it later when I have a child. It's useful, anyway."

"Hahaha..." Several people present smiled happily.

Ma Zhou recognized He Yuan's words very much, "Mr. He's words are reasonable, and the two of you should not refuse each other. For the healthy growth of our next generation, it is impossible for the two teachers to hide their secrets."

"Mr. Ma said so, I'm too embarrassed to stop talking." Zhou Tang laughed.

"The philosopher Plato once said, 'Where a person's education guides him from childhood determines where he will go later. This is the case with all people, what kind of family they grow up in when they are young, what kind of life they will go when they grow up Road. Whatever causes parents plant in the soil of education in the first half of their lives will bear fruit in the second half of their lives. The family is the child's first school, and the parents are the child's first teacher. Every outstanding child , behind it are the parents' efforts to water it."

Ning smiled and smiled, "When the lights are dim, in a home, the father's face is warm, the mother's face is full of joy, and the child's hand is holding the light, which is the best look in life."

She spoke slowly and softly.

As long as you speak, the people around you will automatically become quiet.

Few words, and substitute the surrounding into a warm atmosphere full of fireworks.

Ma Zhou, He Yuan and Zhou Tang couldn't help but fantasize about the picture she described in their minds, and suddenly they had the urge to go home.

He Yuan was the first to pull away from it. She thought of the lonely and cold look at home, and quickly shook her head, "After all, a good family education depends on a happy, harmonious and happy family environment."

Ning Youguang smiled and said, "You are right, the premise of good family education is that parents can create a good family growth environment for their children, and a good family environment can make children maintain a happy and upward mentality, and happiness is success. way."

"Speaking of the way to succeed..." Ma Zhou looked at the people sitting, "Don't parents want their children to be successful in the future and become the pillars of society?"

"But in today's society, many parents will think that a person's success is the ability to make a lot of money." He Yuan said, "This also leads to many parents choosing to make money when educating their children, not to discipline their children. I listen to A friend said that there is such a pair of examples around her. A man and a woman are in a divorce. The two sons are now nine years old, and their mother has always been taking care of them alone. The father never holds the child, and seldom accompanies the child. It is said that work is busy. After so many years, the husband and wife have become more and more discordant, and finally they have reached the point of getting a divorce. Then my mother thinks it is okay to divorce, but I hope that my father can help take care of the children during the winter and summer vacations. In this case, she can work with peace of mind. , the son also has the company of his father. After all, he is a boy, and his father can't ignore it at all, but the man does not want his son to go to him. He said that I will give you how much money you want. The son was given away, but he couldn't take it, and the woman was so angry that she said, 'Do you hope that the son will not want you in the future?', and guess what, what did the man say?"

The other three looked at each other and shook their heads in unison.

He Yuan sarcastically said, "He said, 'As long as I have money, my son will never deny me in the future.'"

Zhou Tang and Ma Zhou sighed.

"This dad is going too far." Zhou Tang.

"Unless he is really ready to not want a son." Ning Youguang's expression on his face did not change much, but his voice became slightly cold, "Otherwise, the child will have problems in the future, and sometimes he will cry because no matter how much he earns. Money can't make up for the missing part of the child's soul."

The expression on Ma Zhou's face was no longer a smile, "I read a study before and found that every psychological or behavioral problem of a child is related to the behavior of the parents and the way of education of the parents. The problem of the child, It's often made by adults."

"Money brings prosperity in life, but the lack of education for companionship and communication will result in a lack of thought and spirit for children. The so-called rich and raising children is the most brilliant way, not material improvement, but Give the child enough security and enrich his heart. Instead of giving the child a lot of money, it is better to sit quietly and listen to his inner world in his spare time." Ning Youguang looked gentle, but his words were sonorous. Powerful, "So, parents must understand that high-quality companionship is better than countless wealth, and high-quality protection is better than all material things." 1314

(end of this chapter)