"My mother doesn't have any special taboos except that she doesn't like pork." Thinking of this, the girl couldn't help sighing, "Her pattern has nothing to do with taboos, she is just picky, she just thinks that other people's things are not good, just her own Well, it's been like this for decades, my brother and I know her too well, she's just like this, always just staring at her own things, thinking that her ideas are right, that everything she makes is delicious, Anything you do is also justified, and nothing is wrong with others, and everything is bad."

Ning Youguang thought about it and asked, "Is your mother a full-time housewife?"

"It doesn't count, my dad's construction team, she will help settle accounts." The girl said.

"Then mother lives in a relatively narrow circle?"

"Yes." The girl nodded, "For decades, she has faced those people and things. She doesn't like to read or study. I sometimes see good courses on the Internet to share with her. , let her follow along, and she said she couldn't learn, so I said I would learn with her, so she could ask me if she didn't understand anything, and she said she was old, so tired and wanted to sleep..."

The girl said more and more excited—

"The question is where is she getting old? She's not yet fifty years old. I think she just resists studying! Every day, apart from my dad's construction team, she just watches TV or plays mahjong with the people around her."

"Mom doesn't have much room to grow after marriage."

"It's not that there isn't much room for growth, it's that there is no growth at all!" The girl looked a little tired, "Mr. Ning, before I went to college, I often stayed with my parents and I didn't feel that, but after college, I also learned psychology. Study, when I go back from vacation, I find that my parents have not grown up at all, their thinking patterns have not grown, their minds have not grown, and their concepts have not grown."

"A lot of parents are like this. Their whole life is to get married, have children, raise their children, and then wait for their children to get married and have children. They bring their grandchildren, and then they grow old. It's like this for a lifetime."

"I think this kind of life is terrible." The girl couldn't help shivering, "What's the difference between such a life and animal reproduction?"

"This is human nature." Ning Youguang said, "Human nature only involves two points: survival and reproduction."

"..." The girl didn't quite understand what Ning Youguang said, "What about dreams? And the realization of self-worth in life? Are all these things like survival and reproduction?"

Ning Youguang said, "Then it depends on what people pursue their dreams and achieve their goals for self-worth. If it is for money, fame, food, sleep, and sleep, then it is still human nature."

The    girl felt a little confused: "Is motherhood human nature? Is it human nature to love beauty? Is it human nature to show off wealth?"

"It's all human nature." Ning Youguang said, "Mothers sacrifice themselves to protect their children in order to reproduce; some people love beauty in order to gain the opportunity to reproduce; some men and women show off their wealth, similar to the peacock opening screen. In order to fight for the opposite sex, and finally get the chance to reproduce."

"Teacher, if you say so, I will understand." The girl's face calmed down slightly, and after a while, she asked again, "Is gratitude and tolerance human nature?"

"No, that's morality." Ning Youguang said, "Morality is not an inherent need of human nature, and even in most cases, morality is anti-humanity."1314