Chapter 543: not in the spirit, but in the heart

——“But it is precisely because morality is often anti-human that it needs a lot of guidance and restraint.”

The girl thought for a while, and suddenly felt so discouraged.

"Teacher, according to your analysis, most of us struggle all our lives for survival and reproduction. In this case, I suddenly feel that we work so hard and it doesn't make much sense."

Humans work so hard, if the ultimate goal pursued is the same as that of animals, just to survive and reproduce...

This truth really made her feel a chill down her spine.

And, she thinks, many people don't want to reproduce now.

"But human beings do not only live in human nature. There are still many people with high-level thinking in this world. Although they are human beings just like us on the outside, the quality of life inside is not only human nature, but also such as Divinity, such as Buddha-nature." Ning Youguang said, "Don't think that you are human, you can only live out the appearance of human nature, that is because ordinary people have no way to break free from the shackles of thinking, so they can only be framed within the human body. , there is no way to advance."

"Teacher, do you mean the level of a person's soul?" the girl asked.

"No." Ning Youguang shook his head, "If you're just talking about the soul level, it's still in human nature."

"What is that?" The girl couldn't understand.

"Body-Mind-Spirit. Ning Youguang told directly, "Not in the spirit, but in the heart. "

She said, "No matter what state a person's heart is in, one lives in what world. I remember reading a story about Su Dongpo and Foyin participating in Zen meditation. Those who have a Buddha in their hearts will see everyone as a Buddha; those who have cow dung in their hearts , what you see will not be a fragrant. Therefore, whatever you want to live, let your heart live in whatever place, the existence of everything in this world is sacred, the only thing that can make some What doesn't look sacred is what people think about it. Therefore, it doesn't matter what's on the outside, but how your heart interprets it. What your heart interprets is what you live out, so don't Don’t envy the gods, don’t envy the Buddha, as long as you want, you can be a **** or a Buddha.”

"It literally means I understand." The girl looked at Ning Youguang and smiled, "But it seems that there is still a long way to go."

"It's already good." Ning Youguang said with a smile, "This is not something that can be understood in three or two times, but something that requires us to spend a lot of time and effort to realize enlightenment, so take your time and know first. , then it will be possible.”

"Hmm." The girl was encouraged, and for some reason, she suddenly felt as if she was being charged and had a lot of power.

She nodded happily and looked at Ning Youguang with a smile, "Although I still don't understand, I will write it down carefully. In the future, maybe one day I will become enlightened, and I will know?"

"Of course." Ning Youguang also smiled softly, "Every moment in your life belongs to infinity."

School started, there were many people on the campus of UCAS, and there were many people who knew Ning Youguang.

The two of them took their luggage and walked from the school parking lot to the girls' dormitory building. There were many old students along the way and Ning Youguang greeted them.

Of course, there are also many freshmen who are either stunned when they see her, or they excitedly ask the people around them, "Who is this beautiful woman?"

"Did you send your family over to school?"

"She's so pretty!"


Lao Sheng looked at these fussing freshmen with contempt, and said proudly: "What sent her family to school, she is the goddess recognized by our school - Professor Ning."

Completely forgot that when they were freshmen, when they first entered the school and saw Ning Youguang, it was also the appearance of the goddess who was shocked by the goddess and became speechless.

"Professor Ning?" The freshmen had the habit of doing a lot of homework before the start of the semester and immediately responded, "Is that the very famous psychology professor in our school?"

"Who is Professor Ning?" Some freshmen are still ignorant and don't know much about the school.

"It's that Professor Ning." Freshmen who understand Ning Youguang's identity are still willing to give their friends some popular science.

The old students have said it too many times, and they really don’t want to waste any more words, so they just say, “You can go to our school’s forum and search for the information of Professor Ning Youguangning of our Department of Psychology, and you can read it. All know."

Then, along the way, regardless of whether they were freshmen or old students, countless face controls secretly took photos behind and beside Ning Youguang with their mobile phones.

As for taking a photo from the front, no matter how red-faced you are.

The girl was sent all the way to the downstairs of the girls' dormitory by Ning Youguang.

In front of the gate of the girls' dormitory of UCAS.

Ning Youguang asked, "What floor is your dormitory?"

"6th floor." The girl replied, "Teacher, please give me the things, I will bring them up myself."

"I'll help you carry it up together." Ning Youguang said, "The stairs are difficult to climb, so I just happened to help you carry the suitcase up together."

"Teacher, I can do it myself." The girl looked at the classmates who came and went around, and couldn't stop looking at her eyes, feeling very happy and a little embarrassed, "Give me the bag."

"It just so happened that I ate too much at noon, so I climbed the stairs to digest my food." Ning Youguang first carried the bag and went to the girls' dormitory building.

The girl stood there and watched Ning Youguang's tall Pingting's back, pulling her suitcase and quickly following.

The stairs on the sixth floor of the girls' dormitory.

"Teacher, I'm almost there, I can take it to the dormitory by myself." After climbing the last flight of stairs, the girl gasped and told Ning Youguang.

"Okay, then I'll be here." Ning Youguang, who helped carry the luggage together, breathed evenly, and put the bag in her hand on the girl's suitcase, "Go to the dormitory and tidy up, it's nothing to do after finishing. Just take a bath and rest for a while, all the way to dust, I'm tired enough."

"Yeah." The girl lowered her head and replied softly.

But soon, she looked up at Ning Youguang and asked, "Teacher, if a person does not grow up after marriage, is it scary and sad?"

The girl's eyes were full of urgency.

She knew that if she didn't seize the opportunity that hit the big luck before her, she would ask the psychological questions that she couldn't figure out.

In the future, she may not have such a precious opportunity to ask Professor Ning private questions by herself.

"Why do you ask that?" Ning Youguang, who had planned to turn around and leave, stopped again and asked patiently.

"Teacher, can we go over there and ask you a few questions?" The girl looked around and asked, pointing to a relatively hidden corner of the aisle next to the stairs. 1314