Chapter 587 Two more

"Don't be too stressed." Ning Youguang said, "Don't forget that you still have teammates, my brother-in-law, make good use of him."

"I want to make good use of him." Xia Yu smiled bitterly, "The problem is that he has a lot of things to do himself. He goes out to work during the day, and when I come back at night, I have to take care of the child. When I put the child to sleep, he has already fallen asleep, and I will too. It's not good to disturb him, it's not that it's not good to disturb him, it's because I'm too tired, and I don't have the energy to talk to him more. You know, we're so busy that we don't have time to x."

"Can't the child let Auntie take a look at it more?" Ning Youguang felt a little speechless when he heard Xia Qu say this.

Xia Yu's family obviously has a confinement lady and a nanny, how could she be so tired of taking care of the children.

"No, the baby must fall asleep in my arms at night." Xia Yu insisted, "At this time, he needs a sense of security the most, he has to grab my clothes every night to fall asleep, otherwise He will wake up soon after falling asleep, and he will cry, and it will be difficult to put him to sleep again."

It seems that not only the conflict between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law makes her anxious.

Raising children also made her very anxious.

"You really can't adjust it properly? Would you like to go to the cousin's sister-in-law to learn from the scriptures?" Ning Youguang suggested, "Let's see how I can make myself not so hard?"

Sister-in-law and brother Chenchen moved out after they got married. After giving birth to their children, they moved out of the confinement center and moved to their own small home. They only hired a sister-in-law to raise their children.

I don't have as many helpers as my cousin, but the children are also well raised.

She has never seen her have so many troubles like her cousin.

"I asked my sister-in-law for advice before, but it doesn't help me much." Xia Yu said this, feeling a little dull, "Our situation is different, my brother has a good personality, and he loves children very much and likes children. After Duoduo was born, my brother took care of him more than his sister-in-law. Of course, her sister-in-law was relieved. I am different. My husband is not as patient and annoying as my brother. "

Duoduo is Xia Chen's son, already in elementary school.

Ning Youguang understood.

Now the biggest problem in my cousin's house is herself.

"Are you feeling so tired every day now?"

"Yes, if I'm not tired, I won't be so busy with your brother-in-law that you don't even have time for x." Xia Yu said, "Since giving birth to the child, I feel that all my time and mind have been occupied by the child. Just taking good care of the child, I'm already very tired, where do I still have so much thought to communicate with your brother-in-law, communicate, etc. I'm not afraid of your jokes, not only do I have no mind to communicate with him now, I even hug him Impatient."

- "After I put my child to sleep every day, I just want to find a small place in the big world to hide myself."

"Be good, touch your head." Ning Youguang knew that Xia Qun had a problem and wanted to run away.

At the same time, she really needs a person's space too much.

"I never thought that the body of a woman after giving birth would be so ugly." Xia Yu said, "I haven't dared to stand naked in front of a full-length mirror for several months. I don’t want to dress up either, I want to get back in shape quickly and then think about it.”

"Doesn't your figure look good?"

Xia Yu, as a mother of a child for several months, is really not ugly.

is a bit more rounded than before.

But the skin is better than before, even whiter.

Anyway, Ning Youguang thinks her cousin looks very good-looking, she looks a little more cute than when she was thin.

But she thought it was useless to look good.

"Not good." Xia Yudeng got up from the bed, ran to the dressing mirror in the cloakroom, lifted up her shirt, and pinched the round flesh on her stomach to show Ning Youguang, "Look, what is this? ?"

"Lovely meat." Ning Youguang leaned back on the office chair lazily, his voice whining.

"You are so cute!" Xia Yu couldn't hold back her expression when she was amused by Ning Youguang's mischievous look.

She said a little angrily, "It's so annoying ah ah ah ah!!"

— "I originally wanted to make an appointment with a private tutor Shuo Xing two months ago, so that I could get back in shape as soon as possible, but my grandfather would not let me say anything. He said that I must wait until the child is a little older, otherwise I will grow old quickly in the future. "

"Grandpa is right." Teacher Ning, who is also a Chinese medicine practitioner, can hardly disagree with her master's professional philosophy.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, why are you all like this, I originally wanted to have a good discussion with you and let you do the ideological work as a grandfather so that I can now go talk to my privates Teach bodybuilding."

"Yes." Ning Youguang agreed very readily, "The question is can you drink medicine?"

"..." Xia Yu, who was still breastfeeding, was silent.

Ning Youguang didn't let her continue to bother her for too long, "It's okay, I'll give you a recipe that you can eat, you can take care of it, and then go to a personal trainer, don't exercise too much, just do it too intensely. ."

"Mom, I love you so much." Xia Yu was much happier, "You are my Aladdin lamp, my almighty god!"

"Don't, don't!" Ning Youguang rejected Sanlian, "I'm nothing, I'm just an ordinary person."

"Good ordinary person." Xia Yan nodded very obediently, "Go ahead and ask you, how can I make your cousin-in-law become my **** teammate?"

"Didn't you say that cousin-in-law's temperament is not as good as that of Brother Chenchen, so he can't be a good 'male aunt'?" Ning Youguang laughed at Xia Yan's renegade.

"I just wanted to complain to you just now." Xia Yu murmured, "You don't know how broken down I am these days, the baby has a fever repeatedly, and often vomits when breastfeeding, and it's uncomfortable all day long. The humming, my mother's heart is almost broken! It's too uncomfortable for me."

"It's hard work, great mother." Ning Youguang knew that her cousin's complaints were not over yet.

"Last night, I coaxed the baby to eat milk and tossed for a long time before falling asleep. I was so tired that I couldn't remember when I went to bed and fell asleep. When I woke up again, I found that I didn't even take a bath! "Speaking of the recent reality, Xia Yu's good mood lasted for less than three minutes. "But at that time, in your eyes, 'my teammate', he had already entered a sweet dreamland. Do you know my mood at that time?"

"I'm really **** off! I just want to wake him up and ask him, how can he fall asleep at this time? The problem is that I can't wake him up yet, because it was 3:30 in the night, and he is tomorrow I have to get up early in the morning to go to the company for a regular meeting.”

"After all, you have taken on too much." Ning Youguang praised Xia Qu in a mocking manner, "What about the back?"

"I then gritted my teeth angrily and hugged the pillow and went to sleep in the next room." Xia Qu, like a puffer fish that suddenly deflated, looked very sad and helpless, "We often sleep in separate rooms recently."

"How does it feel to sleep in separate rooms?" Ning Youguang asked with concern.

"It's alright." Xia Que was stunned and said, "Anyway, we all think we slept well, otherwise I would wake him up easily if I always have to get up at night to breastfeed."

"Just sleep well."

"But I feel a little uneasy."

"Why are you upset?"

"How can a husband and wife sleep in separate beds?" Xia Yu felt that the husband and wife sleeping in separate beds represented a bad relationship between husband and wife, so even if she and her husband slept separately, they both felt that they were sleeping well, but she didn't want to do this in her heart. .

But the reality is that their husband and wife do not sleep in separate beds, and each other will be more tired.

"Why can't couples sleep in separate beds?" Ning Youguang felt that her cousin had too many restrictive beliefs. "Do you know that there are many couples in this world who sleep in separate beds, and their relationship is very good?"

"I know." Xia Yan said, "I have seen some bloggers say that they sleep in separate beds with their husbands, and the relationship between husband and wife is also very good, but I can't, I will be afraid."

Ning Youguang asked tentatively, "You don't believe that even if you and your cousin-in-law sleep in separate beds, you will be happy?"

"It doesn't seem to be either." Xia Yu continued to scratch her head, "Our relationship is actually quite good. Apart from being busy with the company, your cousin-in-law is also very good to me. It's my own problem, I can't help but think about it. ."

Ning Youguang asked, "Have you told your cousin-in-law about your anxiety?"

Xia Yan said in surprise, "How can I tell him about these problems? He didn't cause it."

Ning Youguang sighed deeply, "Fool, you all know that you are already very anxious. This is the time when you need help the most. If you don't tell him, who else can you tell him?"

"With you." Xia Yan blurted out.

"Yes." Ning Youguang held his forehead, "You can tell me, the problem is that no matter how many ways I can solve your psychological problems, I can't take the role of your brother-in-law in your life, I can give You can also give you comfort and love, but I can't give you the love and strength you should have gotten from your husband, do you understand?"

"Is it okay to seek a psychiatrist for psychological problems?" Xia Qu asked cautiously.

"No problem." Ning Youbald patted his head with a headache, "But as a mother and wife, if you encounter any problems, in addition to looking for a psychiatrist, the most important thing is to not forget to find your husband. Do you understand? You are in a mood, and when you encounter a problem that you can’t solve by yourself, you have to tell your husband as soon as possible, to express to him that you are stressed and emotional, and you need his help, understand?”

Xia Yan blinked.

Ning Youguang knows that she understands the truth, but she doesn't know what to do.

He continued, "Sharing your emotions with your husband can help you build a deeper intimacy with him. The source of motivation for us to do anything is our attention to things. Since you are taking care of your children and your mother-in-law. If you can't deal with this matter, if you want to get help from your cousin-in-law, you should first take the initiative to let him participate in your affairs."

"How to get him involved?"

"Continuously share with him the experience of what you have encountered, share with him your gains, your confusion, the process you share with him is the process of letting him understand you, and when he understands you, he will naturally know you. What do I need, how can I help you, I care about you." 1314

(end of this chapter)