Chapter 588: Unmarried, infertile, safe

Chapter 588

"Will he help me solve a problem just by sharing?"

Xia Yu was quite suspicious, could her problem really be solved so easily?

"Then it depends on your conversational skills with him." Ning Youguang was there.

"..." Xia Yan scratched his head, "Baby, please teach me again."

"First describe your recent real situation with him, then describe your feelings in your heart, and finally tell him about your needs." Ning Youguang said, "Don't add any of your own judgments and speculations in the first two steps, just tell the facts. , the last step is when you ask him about your needs, pay close attention to the focus of your question, keep your stance firm and articulate, avoid, don't speak with emotion, and don't say some words to my cousin-in-law that shirk each other's responsibilities, and try to be brave Saying that your needs are important or not, you must firmly grasp your needs and let him give a positive response."

—“Learn to be a husband, sister.”

"Oh." Xia Yan felt that what Ning Youguang told her about how to marry her was enough for her to digest, "What about my mother-in-law?"

"Your mother-in-law's problem should first clarify the boundaries between you." Ning Youguang said, "Before you communicate with her, I suggest you find a suitable opportunity to chat with my brother-in-law, and discuss together to see your little family. , where your mother-in-law can intervene, and where she cannot intervene, respect her opinions where she can interfere, and resolutely don't let her intervene where she cannot interfere."

"It's a family after all, how can you tell so clearly?" Xia Qu felt a little embarrassed.

Ning Youguang said indifferently, "If your family's boundaries are always unclear, your family may end up not like family."

"Okay, I'll divide it." Xia Yan didn't want such an outcome at all.

"Don't scare yourself first." Ning Youguang sighed softly, "Perhaps when you explain your boundaries to your mother-in-law, your mother-in-law will finally be relieved?"

"Will she?" Xia Yan was very suspicious.

"Don't you know if you try it?" Ning Youguang said, "In interpersonal relationships, learning to be better understood should be everyone's requirement of themselves."

—"The great road is simple, the principles are all very similar, really, it's all about execution."

Xia Yan sent out a bunch of complaints, and got a specific solution to the problem from Ning Youguang, and finally her mood became a lot brighter.

also had the mood to share with Ning about her baby’s daily life—

"I want to see when I am holding him, I will feel his two little hands tightly grasping my clothes, and his eyes are looking around. He begins to be curious about everything around him. He often sees what other people do. He also I can imitate some actions. Yesterday morning, my dad and I were eating sandwiches. When he saw us eating, he would reach out and grab it to eat. When he watched his dad bite the sandwich, he would also open his mouth and imitate it. Bite, it's really cute hahahaha."

Ning Youguang listened patiently and quietly, "Wow!" and "It's so fun!" from time to time, echoing Xia Yan who wanted to share.

"No matter how disturbed he is, as long as I hold him and gently feed him and pat him on the back, he will calm down. I feel that life is amazing, I have never felt such a feeling that no matter how tired or hard I feel, I won't hate it. When I gave birth to him, I felt that these pressures and difficulties were caused by him, but I would be very grateful that he came to my side and became a child." Xia Yu said with a happy face, "I used to feel that other people's homes belonged to me. The child is very cute. But looking at my own child is completely different from other people's children. I never get tired of seeing him every day, and I often can't help thinking, how did I give birth to such a lovely child? I think he must be The cutest kid in the world."

Ning Youguang applauded softly and said, "You are really good at giving birth!"

But immersed in her own happy little world, Xia Yan didn't feel embarrassed at all, but nodded in agreement, "It's okay, it's just casual."

After finally coaxing the anxious cousin, Ning Youguang chuckled and turned off the video of the phone.

Then, she sat alone in her office for a while.

After a detailed communication with my cousin today.

She had to think about something—

In the past, people always said that "people have long-term worries, and there must be near-term worries", but she found that the reality often showed that "people are long-term and worry-free."

If a person is always full of fears and worries about the future, basically, the person’s current life is unsatisfactory, and he will also face many problems in the future.

This is especially true in children's education.

If parents always use worry and fear to deal with various matters of their children, and disseminate this kind of information to their children, the result is often what they are afraid of.

Insecurity is a kind of collective unconsciousness formed by human beings facing various uncertainties for thousands of years. It does not actually play a big role in the protection of security, but it brings a huge psychological burden to people and many life tragedies derived from it. .

Under the condition that the current technology and material have provided human beings with a basic sense of security, an important way to stretch our life is to live in the present "carefree" and "carefree".

If a person's day is stretched, then his whole life is stretched.

Therefore, in the face of various life options, we need to distinguish from small things: "Do I act based on love and vision, or do I work based on fear and worry?"

The accumulation of these two mindsets creates a world of difference in life.

My cousin was not so anxious before, but after giving birth to a child, she became more anxious.

Is this Aiko's plan to be far-reaching? !

Suddenly, she thought of herself, has her wisdom really grown enough to hold the interpersonal relationships around her?

Will she lose all reason and calmness because of someone? !

she does not know.

"Yes, how about the Mochizuki company's team building activities?" While Ning Youguang pondered alone, Xia Qun called again for the communication video.

"Is your reflex arc a little too long?" Ning Youguang sighed.

They chatted for so long, my cousin didn't remember to care about her until she hung up the video.

"I'm sorry." Xia Yan also felt embarrassed, "I take care of the children every day, day and night, working hard, my brain is messed up, and I always forget things."

"It's okay, I understand." Ning Youguang smiled, "I'm a fool for three years in one pregnancy."

Xia Yan wailed, "It's really too much to have a baby."

"ok, ok, there is a little story about fear of marriage and pregnancy every day." Ning Youguang nodded again and again, "If you don't get married, you will be safe!"

"Are you still afraid of marriage and childbirth?" Xia Yan was stunned, "You are a psychology professor who specializes in the study of human nature, why are you afraid of getting married and having children?!" 1314

Thanks for the cute monthly ticket support these days, I love you guys, alright.

I'm out today, with fewer updates.

But I still hope that the little angel will support more during the bi-monthly pass! !

(end of this chapter)