Chapter 589: I wish you all wishes come true

Chapter 589 I wish you all the best

"It's hard to say." Ning Youguang sighed softly, "Who can really master everything?"

"You will be able to arrange it properly in the future. It's great to marry a young classmate. He obeys your words, and you don't need to consider the problem of getting along with your mother-in-law and daughter-in-law. You are so capable, it can't be better." Xia Yu replied. She is very confident, "I often secretly hope that my baby can live like you in the future."

"Thank you for your compliment." Ning Youguang chuckled, "Who knows in the future? Let's live the present moment first."

She did not deny what Xia Yan said.

But what to say?

The world is impermanent, the world is impermanent.

"OK OK." Seeing that Ning Youguang didn't like to talk about these issues, Xia Yu changed the subject wisely, "Tell me about participating in the team building with Mochizuki Company, is it fun in the mountains?"

"It was fun." Ning Youguang yawned lazily, "We had a good time."

"That's it?" Xia Yan was speechless.

"Otherwise?" Ning Youguang raised his eyebrows.

"Okay, okay, if you're tired, hurry up and take a moment while you still have time." Xia Yun saw that she was sleepy, and stopped grabbing her and continued, "When are you on vacation, you can take a few hours home to have a look. "

"I'll look at the schedule. If I go back, I'll tell you in advance." Ning Youguang.

"No problem." Xia Yu was very satisfied with her arrangement, and reminded her carefully, "Grandpa is not in good health recently, you should pay more attention to him when you are free, talk to him more, he will be very happy. "

"Okay." Ning Youguang felt that her cousin became a mother, although there were more things, but she also matured a lot. At least, she knew how to care for people.

"If your child is tired, remember to rest first, and then think about other things after a rest." Ning Youguang said, "Don't be in a hurry to solve everything together, the sky won't fall if you deal with it later."

"Got it." Xia Yan's tone became lighter.

Weibo, 20:30 pm.

[An ordinary person: Doing the things right now is taking responsibility for your own life. ]

[An ordinary person: Nothing is necessary in life except love. Good luck! //@貨拉拉拉不拉拉布拉布拉布多: Teacher, I am a girl, do not want to get married, my mother respects me more, but she also said that girls are going to get married after all, it is impossible to be alone at the end of life, get married Is it really necessary for life? ]

Ning Youguang finished posting Weibo on a routine basis, and then she turned to a question from a netizen and answered it. There is nothing to do tonight. After posting Weibo, she swiped her phone again.

The newly posted Weibo soon saw a surge in comments and likes.

Suddenly, an ID very similar to her Weibo ID jumped in front of her—

[A person who likes ordinary people: marriage is not a necessity in life, but marrying a loved one is. ]

Ning Youguang actually doesn't agree with this unfamiliar netizen's point of view, and feels that his understanding of love is limited.

But the corners of his mouth raised involuntarily.

how to say?

She feels that a person who thinks that "marrying with a loved one is a necessity in life" is at least attached to love.

This kind of attachment is also a scarce commodity in the current society.

Worthy of encouragement and praise—

[An ordinary person: I wish you the best of luck. @A person who likes ordinary people: Marriage is not a necessity of life, but marrying a loved one is. ]

The heavy rain hit the ground, causing a mist of water more than half a meter high.

In the neon flashing city, the criss-crossed streets are hidden in the raindrops and water mist, the pedestrians with umbrellas wrap their robes tightly, and the passing vehicles are like "rising clouds and fog" in the night. Shuttle in the long river.

A thin layer of glass windows separates the outside and inside of the car from two worlds.

In the car with the heating on, Mochizuki, who was originally looking lazy, suddenly frowned and straightened his body in the car seat.

He looked at the comment that had just been posted on the screen of his mobile phone that was returned in seconds, and his brain suddenly "boomed", as if a fireworks had been blown up.

He never imagined that after diving under his sister's Weibo for more than ten years, he would be replied by her @@ on this ordinary and desolate night.

For a moment, the mood is very wonderful.

There are surprises and surprises.

In the end, he returned to a faint joy, and the corner of his mouth smirked—

[A person who likes ordinary people: Thank you [rose]//@An ordinary person: I wish you all the best. @A person who likes ordinary people: Marriage is not a necessity of life, but marrying a loved one is. ]

Because of the replies from thousands of bloggers, Mochizuki soon found that her comments on her sister's Weibo received the most comments and likes ever from netizens.

Together - [I wish you all the best! ]!

The unfamiliar kindness and blessings are surging and pure.

It made it hard for Mochizuki, who was always in a peaceful mood when he was lonely, to be unhappy, so that when he got home, Qing Jun had a smile on his face.

"You're in such a good mood?" Ning Youguang, who heard Mochizuki entering the house when he heard the door open and stood up to greet him, asked, "It seems that the cooperation talks went well?"

Mochizuki nodded lightly, "It's very smooth."

He bent down and put the shoes he just changed into the shoe cabinet, "It was a good talk with BD tonight."

Ning Youguang walked up to him and asked softly, "Didn't you drink a bar?"

"No." Shi Mochizuki said, "You have told me in advance, how could I have committed the crime knowingly."

"The young classmate did well." Ning Youguang stood on tiptoe and kissed Mochizuki on the lips, "There must be a prize."

Under the light, Shi Mochiyue's deep eyes instantly brightened as if reflecting the galaxy in the sky.

Ning Youguang was instantly intoxicated in his eyes.

Ning Youguang wrapped a fluffy blanket in the sand and turned to the camera. When he saw Mochizuki coming out of the bathroom, he smiled and said, "I haven't had time to deal with the pictures saved in the mountains. Tomorrow weekend, I want to sort it out."

Shi Mochizuki sat down beside her, "Aren't we going out tomorrow?"

"Don't go out." Ning Youguang put the camera on his lap, "It will rain all day tomorrow."

Shi Mochizuki got up to check the stock in the refrigerator, "What do you want to eat, I'll go buy groceries."

"No hurry." Ning Youguang stretched out his hand to hold him, "Last time a few girls in your company said they wanted my photos, I want to sort them out tomorrow and save them in the online disk, then I will give you the link and password, See how you can get it to them."

"I'll give it to Assistant Jin and let him give it to them." Shi Mochizuki said.

"Okay." Ning Youguang picked up the camera again and continued to look at the saved pictures inside, "The sunset in the mountains is really beautiful."

"There's a place I want to go after I've been there." Shi Mochizuki leaned over to her temples and looked at the photos with her, "If you want to go, we'll go again later." 1314

(end of this chapter)