Chapter 793: This thing is not tasty

Looking at the black condensate in Robb's pot, it looks like a muddy ugly, Miss Queen expressed her calmness. With this broken thing, you want to kiss me? I'm afraid it's five hundred years early! She didn't even need to taste it to know that it would definitely not be delicious, even if the white sugar could offset some of the bitterness, it would not be possible to make this thing the best food on the Maya Continent. It was absolutely impossible.

She didn't reach out to pick it up, just calmly said: "Before I try to eat this thing, I have to talk to you for certain, about the question of how to define the word'delicious', because it is very delicious. Subjective things, the same thing, some people think it is delicious, some people think it is not delicious, if you unilaterally say that this thing is delicious, and then you force me to say that I lost, if you have to kiss me, then I am justified I can't tell."

Robb smiled and said, "It makes sense, then how do you judge whether it is delicious or not?"

The queen hummed: "Everyone sitting in this room, I will count, um, including you and me, there are 21 people in total, so let these 21 people try to eat a small piece, and then vote and admit it. There are many people who eat things as the best food on Maya. Even if you win, if you don’t admit it, I will win."

Robb nodded: "A very reasonable comparison. It is reasonable and reasonable. I totally agree. Okay. That's it."

When the queen heard this, she was delighted in her heart: Ghost man, now you have been fooled. There are 21 people in this house, but if you count you, the people of Westwind City and the natives together accounted for only ten votes, and the other eleven. All the tickets are held in my hands! Whether it tastes good or not, I will win.

It turns out that ten of the people who can enter this house are the chief of Maya, the five eagle warriors, Robb and the foreman of the mine, the chief of the cat people, and the cat girl Huahua.

And the other eleven people are the Queen and her ten close attendants. Such heads are playing voting, not for death?

The queen doesn't even need to tell her subordinates what to do, just sit there with a majestic face and get the result she wants.

She was not in a hurry to try, and said to a subordinate: "You try first!"

The subordinate took a small mud-like black piece from Robb and put it in his mouth. The expression at that moment was simply wonderful. He first glanced at the queen and then at Robb. Looking at the remaining black patches in the pot, the expression on his face really didn't know how to describe it.

He seemed to want to eat another piece, he seemed to want to stand by Robb's side, but in the end, he still showed a "my conscience hurts" expression, voted for the Queen's side, he said in a trembling voice: "No good to eat!"

Robb smiled without saying: "It's okay, people's tastes are ever-changing. It's normal for you to think it's not delicious, don't be so sad."

The attendant was so sad that he almost cried, but he returned to the queen's back.

The queen was surprised when she saw the look of this attendant!

Then, Chief Maya tried it. He only tried a small bite. The expression on his face was like being slapped with a honeypot. The facial features seemed to melt. He did not hesitate to stand behind Robb. : "Good time!"

The queen said: "These indigenous people are used to this food, of course they think it is delicious, huh!"

Then, the people on both sides began to take turns to end...

After a few eagle fighters tried the food, they all stood on Robb's side. Of course, several people in Westwind City, plus Robb himself, were all on this side.

And the ten subordinates of Miss Queen all showed an expression of "my conscience hurts" after the tasting, and stood on the side of the queen.

The current number of votes is 10 to 10!

The final crucial vote fell to Miss Queen.

She secretly smiled in her heart: Ghost man, do you know this now? Hahaha! The outcome of this battle has been decided, I will taste it casually, and then say that it is not delicious, you will lose a mess. Then you can't take Xuelu to brush the Demon King City, hahaha, the victory is really easy.

She was smiling triumphantly when Robb took a small piece like a fingernail and handed it to her.

"Why give me such a small piece to try?" the queen wondered.

"You have to say it's not delicious anyway, it doesn't matter if you taste more or less, right?" Robb smiled authentically.

"Humph!" the queen thought to herself: Do you know that you dare to bet with me?

She took the little weird thing and threw it in her mouth. Before she even had time to taste the taste, she opened her mouth and said, "It's not delicious, hahaha, I won!"

"Really? Oh, it's not delicious, it's a shame." Robb sighed, "It looks like I lost."

The queen smiled triumphantly, but after only laughing for a few seconds, she suddenly felt something wrong. The little black lump that was just thrown into her mouth was melting. It slowly melted, and then, the smell of it spread out. In the queen's mouth, touching the taste buds of that thing, she immediately uttered an earth-shattering cry: "Okay...Okay...It's delicious!"

Huh huh? Is this food so delicious?

The queen can swear that this thing is the best thing she has eaten so far. She has never tasted the mysterious taste so sweet and slightly bitter before. Oh, heaven, ah, ah, what is this Ghost taste?

As soon as she thought of this, she heard Robb say: "Since you feel delicious, I won't give it to you in the future." As he said, he put a large piece of the thing behind him. Hidden.


She forcefully said calmly: "It doesn't have to be this way, although it is not delicious, but I occasionally eat a little bit. It's okay to eat a little bit to resist the discomfort."

Robb shook his head and said, "Well, I'm so wronged. You must firmly refrain from eating things that don't taste good. Don't force yourself. That's bad for your health and your mood."

The queen said: "No, no, no, I think if you eat a bit of bitter things moderately, you can also think of bitterness and sweetness."

Robb continued to shook his head and said: "In fact, there is no need to remember the suffering. In the past, there is no trace of water. Humans must learn to look forward without looking back. The sufferings we have suffered before, there is no need to try again in the future."

Queen: "This is not in line with my life creed!"

The two babbled for a long time...

Robb said: "What's the use of so much nonsense? I just said, you said it's not delicious, I won't make this thing in the future, and throw it away." He took the remaining chunk and planned to go Throw it in the mud pit outside.

"Don't!" The Queen was shocked: "Stop it!"

"What are you in a hurry? It's not tasty anyway."


The queen squeezed her small fist, looked at Robb aggrievedly for a while, and finally lowered her head: "I lost! It's delicious! Don't throw it away! Give me a little more! One piece, a small piece is fine."