Chapter 794: I'll teach you a way

The queen grieved Balla's surrender and finally took the big piece left in Robb's hand.

This thing is as black as mud and ugly, but it tastes terribly delicious, you can't surrender.

She broke off a small piece from above, threw it in her mouth, and wrapped it in her cheek. She was afraid that it would be gone after eating, so she didn’t dare to chew it, but dared to let the thing slowly melt in her mouth. The loud drum asked Robb in a vague voice: "What's the name of this thing?"

Robb smiled and said, "Chocolate!"

"Why is the name so weird?"

Robb said: "This name is to teach you the wisdom to overcome courage."

Outstanding bravery, chocolate?

The queen thought about it, and finally understood, this guy is teasing herself.

She hummed twice and turned to Chief Maya, "Do you have more of those black beans just now? I want to buy them in large quantities! Large quantities!"

An awkward expression appeared on the patriarch's face: "Well...the amount is really small. This thing is called cocoa beans, which can be used as money here."

Things that can be used as money, of course, can't be large, and this thing is also quite precious to the patriarch.

Not only did he not want to sell, but he wanted to buy it. The Queen of Reverse asked: "Can you sell us some of the white sugar used to make chocolate? We also want to make chocolate to eat."

The queen squinted: You native, don't sell me cocoa beans, but want to buy my sweets? I don't sell you candy, it's up to you how to make chocolate.

Patriarch Maya also thought: You white woman, if you don't sell me candies, you still want to buy my cocoa beans? I don't sell you cocoa beans, it depends on how you make chocolate.

The two of them got furious like this!

Robb couldn't help but secretly laughed: "Mr. Clan Elder, you are just a small tribe on Maya Continent, aren't you?"

The patriarch nodded: "Yes, there are many tribes on the mainland, and we are just one of the very small tribes."

There are millions of Maya people on the Maya Continent, but these people all form small independent tribes. They do not belong to each other, and there are often wars. Sometimes between two very close tribes, Even the culture is out of sync.

Robb said, "You don't have many cocoa beans, but other tribes have a lot. You can buy them."

Patriarch Maya showed embarrassment on his face: "This thing is our currency. I have to have good goods to exchange for their cocoa beans..."

Robb stretched out his hand to put his hand on the shoulder of Maya Patriarch, and said in a low voice, "Come on, I will teach you how to do business. There is white granulated sugar. You can use a catty of cocoa beans for two catties of sugar with her."

Patriarch Maya said, "Then I won't have cocoa beans."

Robb said: "But you have two catties of candies. You take these candies and go to another tribe next to you to make friends. You teach them how to make chocolate. Then, they will definitely think that chocolate is super delicious and want to eat it. You will need sugar very much. At this time you will sell them your sugar, and a pound of sugar will be exchanged for a pound of cocoa beans."

Patriarch Maya’s forehead is a bit blocked. After all, civilization is too backward, and he has never finished doing business in his life, but after listening to Robb’s words, he thought carefully: Huh? If you do this as he said, one catty of cocoa beans will turn into two catties of cocoa beans.

Robb patted him on the shoulder and continued: "You come to this woman in white clothes with another two catties of cocoa beans, and exchange two catties of cocoa beans for four catties of sugar."

Patriarch Maya was completely awakened: "Then I can use four catties of sugar to exchange for four catties of cocoa, right?"

"Bingo!" Robb gave him a thumbs up: "You are really a wise patriarch."

The patriarch was filled with joy, as if he saw a new world in an instant! He hurriedly said to his men next to him: "Quickly, go back and take all the cocoa beans I have at home."

This time the queen is also happy, can change to Coke, the thief is happy. There are snacks! Moreover, she didn't even have to think about it, and she knew what kind of sky-high price this thing could sell after taking it back to the Gran Kingdom. Two catties of sugar can be exchanged for one catty of cocoa, and she would wake up with a smile when she fell asleep.

At this time, the several eagle warriors standing next to the Maya patriarch showed envy on their faces. They had tasted chocolate just now, and they felt that the thief was delicious. They wanted to eat more, but they knew very well that cocoa beans were What a precious thing, they can't afford to be a scumbag. It is a great honor to be tasted xocoatl by the patriarch at the banquet. I am afraid that I want to eat chocolate again in the future.

However, as soon as they thought of this, they saw Robb approaching and said to them grinningly: "I can tell from your expressions that you want to eat chocolate, but you don't have the money to buy it."

The eagle warriors looked embarrassed: "Yes."

"I can let you have a way to eat."


Robb smiled and said: "I think you have strong muscles and great strength. You must be a good hand to move things."

"Yes!" The Eagle Warrior said seriously, "I'm really good at moving things."

Robb said: "This lady in the female clothes actually wants to dig ore in the mine where the Norma people were driven away, but she will not take your people to work. She has no help, so she can't move away. Those minerals."

The eagle warrior nodded: "That is to say..."

Robb said: "If I were you, I would recommend myself to her and say that I can help her move the ore, but after the move, I will give you white sugar. If you are so strong, the speed of moving the ore must be very fast. You can get a lot of white sugar, and then use a little bit of white sugar for some cocoa beans, you can also make chocolate."

"Oh? That's right!" The eagle warrior suddenly said, "With cocoa beans, you can have everything."

Cocoa beans are Maya's currency!

However, the eagle warrior immediately figured it out, and then, white sugar should also become currency. Because according to the patriarch's intention, the white granulated sugar is about to form a one-for-two relationship with cocoa beans, so as long as the white granulated sugar can be earned, what else can't be earned?

He couldn't help but took the translator and walked to the queen, and started talking.

Several other eagle warriors nearby also heard Robb’s words, and of course they would not fall behind. They also surrounded the queen with them. After a wow, wow discussion, they were settled!

Miss Queen got a large group of laborers!

She couldn't help turning her head to look at Robb, and thought to herself: This ghost man is really amazing. After a few words, whether it is Maya or me, I feel that I have taken a big advantage, and no one has lost. earn! Maybe, this is what really smart people do.