There was not much time during the passing period between third and fourth period. Jin Sming quickened her pace, afraid that she wouldn’t make it in time for the next class. 

She climbed up to the third floor of Building B, quickly nearing the door to her classroom when she finally couldn’t stand it any longer and turned her head with raised eyebrows to look at Chen Ci: “Haven’t you had enough? Are you going to keep following me even into the classroom?” 

Chen Ci, who was walking behind her, froze and said dumbfoundedly, “….But I’m in the class right next to yours. We just happen to be taking the same route.” 

“For real?” 

“For real.” 

Chen Ci put on a wronged expression. She’s been in the class next to Jin Siming all this time and so she naturally passed by the other party several times before. However, every time they met, Jin Siming would just pass by without even looking her in the eye. 

Furthermore, she had even asked the other party for her name the first time they met, but until now she still doesn’t know the name of the person she’s speaking to. 

Chen Ci pouted discontentedly, and then asked in a cautious and solemn manner, “I seem to not know your name yet?” 

Jin Sming couldn’t refuse such a pitiful face and so she reluctantly told her in the end. 

Unexpectedly, Chen Ci’s mouth dropped open in surprise after hearing her name, “You’re Jin Siming? You’re actually that Jin Siming?!” 

Her exaggerated tone of voice made Jin Siming frown uncomfortable and ask coldly, “What’s the matter? Is my reputation that terrible?” 

“No, no, no!” Chen Ci quickly waved her hands, “It’s just that….it’s no wonder you secretly followed Yao Jin…” 

Chen Ci lowered her volume near the second half of her sentence, but Jin Siming still heard everything. She didn’t know what gossip Chen Ci heard to act like she was so familiar with her. 

Jin Siming’s interest piqued and she crossed her arms as she asked, “We don’t seem to be close enough for you to know about my affairs? So what do you mean by that? Let’s talk about it, shall we?” 

Chen Ci opened her mouth, but then quickly swallowed her words as she looked at Jin Siming’s ugly expression. With Jin Siming’s eyes narrowed at her, she recalled how she acted aggressively before, and so she carefully mulled over her words before she said, “No…it’s just because our classes are right next to each other, so I can usually overhear some little rumors about you…” 

“Oh? What little rumors?” 

“I-It’s just…” 

Seeing Chen Ci hesitating and not daring to say anything, those rumors must not be anything positive. Even if she was able to dig out the words from Chen Ci, it’ll probably just embarrass herself. Since class was about to start, Jin Siming could only impatiently wave her hand and return to her classroom. 

As soon as she stepped through the door of the classroom, she was greeted by the sight of a crowd of men and women surrounding Yao Jin. Meanwhile, Yao Jin herself sat at her desk near the front, wiping the corners of her eyes with a tissue. 

Red circles surrounded her eyes and there were even some remnant teardrops in the shape of a crystal still handing on her long eyelashes. And her delicate looking shoulders were even moving up and down slightly. Like raindrops on a pear blossom tree, the tear-stained face of a beauty pulled on the heartstrings of the boys nearby. 

Jin Siming was also a little taken aback by this scene. She did see Yao Jin look a little agitated just now, but she didn’t expect that she actually cried and seemed to have cried quite fiercely too. 

And perhaps she was standing in a little too conspicuous manner, as some of the people in the crowd soon looked up and looked over at her. 

However…..she doesn’t know why but they were all looking at her strangely, some of them with resentment and some with a little anger. 

Jin Siming could only raise her eyebrows and return to her seat in a bewildered manner. 

Unexpectedly, Su Xiaohang would also look at her with that same strange look the moment she sat down. 

Jin Siming couldn’t hold back her curiosity anymore, “What’s the matter? Why are you looking at me with such an intense gaze?” 

Su Xiaohang cleared her throat nervously and then asked tentatively, “Is it true that you made Yao Jin cry?” 


Unexpectedly, it seems the blame has landed on her head. Jin Siming was quick to clarify, “Who told you this? It was obviously Qin Ziqing who made Yao Jin cry, so how is it any of my business?!” 

“Is that so…” Sy Xiaohang storked her chin in thought, “But I wasn’t in that special lecture with you, so I wouldn’t know what happened. Anyhow, you should take a look at the group chat.” 

As she spoke, she pushed her phone in front of Jin Siming. 

On her screen was the class’s WeChat group chat. Jin Siming has always felt that there was no useful information in this chat and that it was all mindless chatter, so she deleted it a long time ago and never added herself back into it. 

So after carefully reading through the chat’s contents, Jin Siming came to the conclusion that she and the students in this class might be living in two completely different words. 

【Unfamiliar Classmate #1: Omg, Beauty Yao actually cried. This is the first time I’ve seen her cry. The scene of a beauty crying really makes one’s heart ache QAQ】 

【Classmate eating melon #2: But why did Beauty Yao suddenly cry? It couldn’t be because Jin Siming made her cry, could it?】 (*T/N: To eat melon/seeds is similar to the English expression of eating popcorn, that is, you’re watching the drama from the sidelines while eating popcorn or in this case watermelons.) 

【Classmate eating melon #3: It’s quite possible. The two of them have gotten close recently, and Jin Siming even brought lunch for her and took pictures of her. Beauty Yao was also sitting with her during the special lecture earlier and then she started crying when she returned. I bet it’s all because of her!】 

【Classmate eating melon #4: But during the special lecture, I had spotted Beauty Yao earlier and she was still smiling happily. She didn’t look like she was going to cry.】 

【An Unknown Classmate #5: Tsk, I left as soon as the special lecture was over so maybe she cried because of what happened afterwards? I don’t know, but it must have something to do with Jin Siming.】 

【A Righteous Classmate #1: I don’t think it’s right for you guys to speculate about others in this group chat?】 

【Classmate eating melon #5: Jin Siming is not in this group chat and Beauty Yao hasn’t been active for a long time, most likely she’s blocked this chat a long time ago .】 


Jin Siming clenched her jaw angrily as she read all of this. 

When did she bring lunch for Yao Jin? It’s true that she secretly took pictures of her but…aren’t the rumors getting more and more outrageous? 

This won’t do, she’s not going to add another black pot on her back*. (*T/N: black pot = slang for blame/fault, so she means she’s not going to be blamed for something she didn’t do again)

She promptly grabbed Su Xiaohang: “Quick, you must post in this group chat right now and say that the one who made Yao Jin cry is Qin Ziqing!” 

Su Xiaohang asked awkwardly, “But I wasn’t in the special lecture, so no one will believe what I say?” 

Jin Siming kicked Bean Sprout’s in front of her, and the other party only turned around to say helplessly, “I never bring my phone with me to class during the day and keep in the dorms all day long. Have you already forgotten this fact?” 


The bell for class rang and because this class period would be dedicated to self-study, the classroom continued to be noisy until the Class President knocked twice on the podium and asked everyone to quiet down. 

However, this effect was limited to only the front few rows as the boys in the back continued to act rowdy and make noise. 

However, a little while later, they also suddenly quieted down. Noticing this, Jin Siming quickly put away her phone, thinking that perhaps the teacher had come over to inspect them, and raised her head. 

Instead, however, she spotted Yao Jin weakly walking over to her. Wearing a thick coat, Yao Jin’s head was slightly lowered as she sat down in the empty seat behind her. 

Jin Siming was originally leaning against the empty desk behind her, but when Yao Jin sat there, she immediately straightened up with an uncomfortable expression. 

Even Su Xiaohang, who was annoying Bean Sprout again, stopped talking and secretly glanced back at Yao Jin whose head was lying on the desk behind them. 

Not many people usually visit their little corner, but today an “outsider” Suddenly came over and that outsider was Yao Jin. In an instant, attention came from all four directions and suddenly they found themselves the center of attention. 

A melon-eating classmate in front of them kept looking back at Yao Jin and then her, causing Jin Siming to frown. 

What is Yao Jin up to now? 

“The desk is usually empty so Ming-bao and I would put some of our things on it. I’ll clean it up for you now, so you can sit however you like~” 

Seeing Yao Jin lying on the edge of the desk in order to avoid toppling their things, Su Xiaohang quickly put away all the small objects scattered on the desk to make room for Yao Jin.

Hearing the soft and quiet “Thank You” behind her, Jin Siming raised an eyebrow and glanced back at Yao Jin. 

Yao Jin was silently watching Su Xiaohang pack up their things. There was still a little red under her eyes, her completion was slightly pale, and her always rosy lips no longer looked as delicate as before. There was no energy in her eyes, and she looked very much like a sick cat. 

Just looking at her physical appearance made one’s heart ache. 

Just as she was about to look away, Yao Jin raised her head and their gazes met one another’s. 

Two sets of eyes stared at each other, but Jin Siming immediately looked away and turned back around. 

“The AC is a little cold today and my desk is right under the air vents, so I’ll be sitting here for a little while.” 

Recently, the weather has gradually warmed up, and the classrooms have gradually begun to use air conditioning. Building B, the building where their classroom is located, is a relatively old building. Their classroom still uses those old-fashioned vertical air conditioners, with one in the front and one in the back. However, the distribution of cool air wasn’t very efficient and Yao Jin’s seat that was near the front just happened to be diagonally in front of the air conditioner and the feeling of air blowing at full-force was quite uncomfortable. So she came here to avoid it. 

Yao Jin laid on the desk with her arms outstretched and her chin resting on the back of her hands as she stared at Jin Siming’s back. 

Her mood lifted quite a bit just by sitting here. 

Seeing that Jin Siming didn’t reply to her explanation, she pursed her lips and an aggrieved feeling she didn’t even notice sprouted in her heart. She raised a finger to poke the other party’s back. 

Jin Siming abruptly straightened up again, hesitating, before she said awkwardly: “You….sit there all you one, no one sits in that seat anyway.” 

Perhaps it was because she had seen Yao Jin crying just now, because her tone had softened a bit and was no longer as fierce as before. 

The corners of Yao Jin’s mouth raised upwards. 

The people sitting in the back row only quietened a bit, and now they became noisy again due to Yao Jin’s presence. Li Yong changed seats with a classmate sitting in the aisle across from Yao Jin and ran over to talk to her. 

“Jin-Jin, what’s the matter? Are you feeling unwell?” 

“Why did you cry just now? Did someone bully you?” 

“If there’s anything you need, just tell us! And whoever dares to bully you will have to go through us!” 

“Yeah, that’s right!” 

As he started talking, a few strong and burly boys gathered behind him. Yao Jin was feeling so sleepy that she didn’t want to talk, but she still responded to them by giving them some vague answers. 

About 5-6 minutes later, Jin Siming, who was getting a little annoyed by the noise, took out her earphones and turned her head to glare at them coldly. 

“What’s with all this noise? Can’t you all be a little more quiet!” 

Li Yong and the others immediately fell silent. They all gaped at her in surprise, and then returned to their senses before looking at her with the expression of someone seeing a ghost. 

Jin Siming doesn’t usually talk to others. But even though she is a little cold, they’ve never seen her lose her temper before. Today, she had suddenly given them such a cold glare, so Li Yong and the others couldn’t help but be shocked. 

As the back row froze in shock, the entire class fell silent. 

The sudden silence again set the spotlight on their little corner and the atmosphere inside the class instantly grew a little weird. 

Su Xiaohang, who was sitting next to her, also had her mouth open in surprise for a long time. After a little while, the phone in her pocket started to wildly wildly. She took it out and saw that the class group chat had exploded.

【Eating Melon #1: Omg, omg, is this jealousy, is this jealousy? 】 

【Melon #2: She’s anxious, she’s panicking! Of course she’s jealous, jealous I say! 】 

【Eating Melon #3: I-Is this protecting her wife?】 

【The First Shipper #1: kdlkdl, don;t you think they’re a good match? I declare that I am the first fan of the JinYao ship! 】 (*T/N: slang for: I just “saw / heard / read something that proves how in-love my ship is”) 

【No I’m the First one: What dream are you having, dear commenter above me? When neither of them had differentiated and when they didn’t like each other, I was the one who first shipped them, okay?】 

【Beauty Yao’s fan: The two shippers upstairs, please buzz off! Yao Yao is mine!】 

【Jin-Jin is So Cute: Agreed, Jin-Jin is mine!】 

【Gao Mei: Can all of you stop speculating such weird things? There’s nothing going on between them.】 

【Eating Melong #1: Upstairs, are you the real Gao Mei or a fake Gao Mei?】 

【Passerby: Ofc she’s fake, didn’t you read the group chat rules? You can’t use your real name as your username.】 

Su Xiaohang read the group chat and found it all quite interesting. The corners of her mouth were raised to the point that they almost reached her ears. 

Jin Siming heard the quiet “hehehe” coming from beside her and saw Su Haohang looking down at her phone. She frowned and leaned over, “What are you looking at?” 

Su Xiaohang immediately hid her phone and stammered, “N-Nothing.” 



Her previous experience told her that if Jin Siming saw the conversation in the group chat, she’d definitely get angry again so Su Xiaohang decided not to let Jin Siming know anything about it for the time being. 

So during the next half of class, Jin Siming only saw Su Xiaohang staring intently at her phone and covering her mouth from time to time to let out fart-like suffocated laughter. 

Finally, class was over. Jin Siming had endured Su Xiaohang’s “Pfffft-” laughter, the class’s word atmosphere, and the anxiety of having Yao Jin, that sly fox, sitting behind her,  for a whole class period. Now it was time for dinner, and so she stood up to leave. 

“Ai, where are you going? Aren’t you going to eat?” 

Su Xiaohang tightly grabbed her arm. 

“I’m going for a run on the track field. I don’t have any appetite to eat, so you can eat by yourself.” 

“That won’t do! If you don’t eat and instead exercise, you will definitely be so hungry later that you’ll cry for your parents during the evening self-study period.” (*T/N: reminder that most schools in China don’t finish till like 5 pm and even then will go on till 7-9 pm in the name of “self-study”)

Jin Siming hesitated. Last time she didn’t eat dinner she was so dizzy due to hunger during the evening self-study period. In the end, she was able to barely survive due to Su Xiaohang’s stored snacks. 

Su Xiaohang pulled her back and sat down, taking out her phone, “Let’s order takeout for tonight, what do you want?” 

Jin SIming thought about it for a while, “I really don’t have much of an appetite tonight. Let’s just get something simple, say some rice balls from that restaurant.” 

“Alright, let me also order some cups of milk tea…” 

Su Xiaohang thought about it and then turned to look at Yao Jin behind her, “Jin-Jin, we’re ordering takeout for dinner, do you want to join?” 

At this moment, Yao Jin was hugging the pillow Gao Mei just gave her. Hearing these words, she glanced at the back of Jin Siming’s head and then agreed with a smile, “Ok~” 

Gao Mei, who was standing next to her, was surprised. Didn’t Jin-Jin say she didn’t want to eat anything tonight! 

Hearing Su Xiaohang call out so affectionately to invite Yao Jin to order dinner together, Jin Siming stiffly turned her head to look at Su Xiaohang click by click. With her eyes wide open, as if they were always stuck that way, three words were written across her face: “Are you crazy.” 

However, her good deskmate ignored her and handed her phone to Yao JIn, “You can order first. This restaurant’s rice balls are super celsius, you should give it a try.” 

Yao Jin looked at the food on her phone and bit her bottom lip, “I haven’t ordered from this palace before, how about you order two first. I’ll just have whatever she’s having.” 

Having said that, she raised her chin to point in Jin SIming’s direction. 

Su Xiaohang’s fingers trembled with excitement when she heard this. She suppressed the excitement in her heart and took back her phone. She glanced over to see Jin Siming still frozen as if she was no longer on the same plane of existence. Thus she decided to simply order based on Jin Siming’s previous history, “Ming-bao orders this one every time, and it’s the same today. So I’ll just add an extra order…” 

Along the way, Gao Mei was also added into their group and the four of them happily ordered their meals for dinner. Well, to be more precise, there were only two happy people. Since the dumbfounded Jin Siming was still trying to figure out Su Xiaogang’s confusing behavior and Gao Mei was still looking at them in surprise with her jaw still open this entire time. 

By the time they finished ordering, a commotion started near the back door. 

A few tall Alphas who didn’t look to be second-years entered through the back row and stood in two rows to form an aisle. As if they were welcoming a guest into a hotel, they stood to the sides as a tall female Alpha with round glasses approached them. 

The female Alpha glanced into the classroom first, and then walked straight to Yao Jin. She stopped in front of her, bending down at the waist as she said softly, “Jin-Jin, we meet again~ Ah-Qin is waiting for you downstairs. Please come with us to meet her?” 

Yao Jin pursed her lips, her mood sinking to the bottom again as she lowered her head with an aura full of gloom. 

It was dinner time so there were a lot of students milling around in the hallway. The large movements near the back door of the classroom attracted many people’s attention and the rest of the students still in the classroom also turned to look over at them curiously. 

Seeing that Yao Jin still hadn’t moved after a long time, the female Alpha stood up with a sigh, “If Jin-Jin won’t go, then we can only stand here forever it seems. Please be obedient. She just wants to see you, and doesn’t want any misunderstandings.” 

As soon as the other party finished speaking, Yao Jin stood up. She hit the chair with her legs, the sound of the chair rubbing against the floor making a harsh sound. 

With a lowered head, she didn’t say anything as she passed everyone and disappeared outside the door. 

After Yao Jin left, the group at the door dispersed, and all the spectators left. Soon the classroom returned to its calm state. 

Jin Siming, who had watched the entire thing, frowned. If she guessed correctly, the person that the female Alpha spoke of just now should be Qin Ziqing. However, no matter who it was, Yao Jin was obviously unwilling to see her and using this method to invite others was just too forceful. 

However, she wasn’t clear on what Yao Jin and Qin Ziqing’s relationship is so she couldn’t say anything. 

Sitting in her seat, Jin Siming held her chin in thought when she felt a piercing gaze land on her. 

The one glaring at her right now is Li Yong who was yelled at by her earlier. He had also witnessed everything just now and judging from Yao Jin’s expression she was being bullied just now. However, Yao Jin seemed to know the other party so Li Yong could only stand by and worry. 

Seeing Jin Siming, who seems to be in some sort of relationship with Jin-Jin recently, stay calm and unperturbed, he could only get angry. What happened to Jin Siming that glared at him earlier? How could she just watch Jin-Jin forcibly get taken away and still act like nothing had happened. 

What a scumbag woman! 

Yao Jin still didn’t return even when Su Xiaohang and the others got their takeout. 

Jin Siming swallowed the last bite of the rice ball,  and then looked back at Yao Jin’s portion on the desk behind her. She prodded it with her hand. The rice ball is almost completely cold by now. 

“Ah, this isn’t good! Beauty Yao has been blocked in the little forest behind the library!” 

At this moment, a person suddenly rushed into the classroom and shouted loudly.” 

“What?” Li Yong stood up abruptly, “Who told you this? Is this information accurate?” 

“Gao Mei was the one who told me so it must be true! She asked me to come back and bring over a few people!” 

“Damn it! How can our princess be bullied by others? Those who are strong enough, charge with me!” 

After one of the boys said that, the burly Alphas in the back row immediately stood up and rolled up their sleeves as they walked out the door. 

Li Yong had already reached the door when he suddenly recalled something. Looking back, he saw Jin Siming sitting there indifferent with a cup of milk tea in her hand. 

He gritted his teeth as he angrily stomped in front of Jin Siming, “Are you going to keep sitting here and drinking your milk tea?” 

Jin Sming looked at the angry Li Yong with slight confusion on her face. 

“Isn’t Yao Jin your girlfriend? Didn’t you hear that someone’s making her life difficult?” 


The milk tea in Jin Siming’s mouth was spout out, almost spraying over Bean Sprout sitting in front of her.