Wrath of Heaven, as a rare equipment on the WPL stage, naturally attracted a lot of attention when Jiang Min started buying it.

In addition to the passionate commentary, the barrage was unusually lively compared to ordinary matches.

Originally the final deciding match of the BO5 in the Spring Tournament finals, reaching the late game where any small mistake from either side could lead to a complete loss, the audience’s emotions were extremely tense and high.

Overall, JW was at a disadvantage, and fans supporting JW were on edge.

【Is Sugar God really going to buy Wrath of Heaven? No way, right? No way, no way, no way】

【Wrath of Heaven slows down the team too much, JW is done for】

【JW’s current situation, the position one has very little output, if the position two doesn’t step up, they’re done】

【In my opinion, AFK is going to win, no doubt】

【Go AFK】

【Sugar God is awesome!!!】

The barrage swept through the live streaming rooms of various platforms simultaneously broadcasting the match.

Both the commentators and the audience noticed Jiang Min’s actions, and of course, AFK, as JW’s opponent, couldn’t ignore it.

“Min is going for Wrath of Heaven, which adds pure attack damage. Combined with his original armor penetration equipment, if he manages to complete it, our frontline won’t hold up,” Shu Lou communicated with the team via voice chat, “We must stop him.”

“Understood!” the AFK players responded promptly, deferring to their captain.

On the JW side, led by Yu Hao, the players were doing their best to create space for Jiang Min to farm.

“Sugar, fly to the bottom lane. We spotted them there, we’ll distract the minion waves, you go for the farm quickly,” Yu Hao remained composed despite the disadvantageous situation.

As the position four player and the captain, he had to control the overall situation and give the team the right instructions at critical moments.

Without hesitation, Jiang Min teleported to the bottom lane to farm minion waves and then quickly moved into the jungle.

Although he had only joined JW this season, through the Spring Tournament, he had developed a considerable level of trust with his teammates, especially with Yu Hao.

The match had passed the 50-minute mark, heading towards the one-hour mark. In such a late game scenario, with JW still at a disadvantage, their chances of a comeback were dwindling.

Getting Wrath of Heaven and winning a beautiful team fight might still offer them a chance.

However, in such a late stage of the BO5 series, with the final match being extremely challenging, the players’ energy and stamina were reaching their limits, increasing the likelihood of unwanted mistakes.

Therefore, the sooner they obtained Wrath of Heaven for a comeback, the better their chances. Delaying it further would only allow AFK to build upon their advantage. While Jiang Min roamed the lower jungle, the remaining JW players were fully engaged with AFK, who were trying to catch them.

Shu Lou quickly noticed the presence of the Temple Knight in the bottom lane eating minions. AFK, apart from leaving Ring to place wards, spectacularly lit up four Teleportation scrolls, preparing to teleport to the bottom lane to catch the Temple Knight.

At this point, the position one player of JW, Wei Ya Feng’s Star Sword, had very little damage output. As long as they shut down Jiang Min’s Temple Knight, JW’s decline would be irreversible.

In the late game, dying once resulted in extremely high resurrection costs, or respawn times exceeding 100 seconds, making any death a fatal blow to the opponent.

Shu Lou understood this very well, so he commanded the AFK players to focus on killing the Temple Knight.

Naturally, Yu Hao wouldn’t let them succeed easily.

On the JW side, four Teleportation scrolls were also activated.

Both teams’ four players teleported to the bottom lane, forming a five-on-four confrontation.

Ring reacted promptly, but with Teleportation on cooldown, they could only rely on their movement speed to come over.

Shu Lou didn’t expect JW to abandon the last lane high ground, which was about to be pushed, and instead collectively teleported to save Jiang Min. This unexpected encounter with JW was unforeseen.

Holding the front line, Han Qian Yi was supported by Yu Hao’s Curse Mage, while Wei Ya Feng’s Star Sword was ready to output damage. The Light Sacrifice behind provided mana for teammates while also providing crowd control.

As Jiang Min cleared the last minion wave, he finally had enough money.

“I bought it! The courier is on its way!” Jiang Min reported to his teammates, “But I’m all in now, I don’t have money left for resurrection.”

“Okay, no problem. This is the final battle. There’s no point in delaying further. Let’s make this move count! Mouse, are you ready to respawn and use Teleportation?” Yu Hao asked.

“I have enough for respawn, but Teleportation is still about ten seconds away!” Han Qian Yi replied.

“Let’s delay them a bit, don’t rush in all at once, pay attention to formation,” Yu Hao said, “Prepare for respawn and Teleportation. Ya Bo, did you note down their Teleportation and respawn timers?”

“I did, neither of their positions one or two has respawned!” Wei Ya Bo replied confidently.

“Good!” Yu Hao received the clear information, “Mouse, get ready to initiate. We’ll bait out their skills first, Sugar, don’t rush, wait until you get Wrath of Heaven to finish them off.”

“Got it.”

Han Qian Yi seized the opportunity, charging in with a precise Stomp, hitting three opponents. Wei Ya Feng’s Star Sword and the backline Curse Mage immediately followed up with damage output. Although the Star Sword was weak in the late game, it still had some damage output. Coupled with the long-range magical output from the Curse Mage, they dealt nearly half of the opponents’ health.

Shu Lou, who wasn’t controlled, reacted quickly and immediately unleashed his ultimate skill, Shadow Aggregation. This was an area-of-effect control skill that could immobilize enemy heroes within its circular range, pulling them towards the center.

On the JW side, Han Qian Yi and Wei Ya Feng at the front were immobilized, instantly becoming the focus of the opponent’s firepower.

Seeing this, Yu Hao didn’t hesitate: “Fall back, retreat! Mouse and Ya Feng, get ready to respawn! Sugar, has your Wrath of Heaven arrived?”

A white bird flew from the base to the battlefield, delivering a package to the Temple Knight hiding in the woods.

“I got it,” Jiang Min said, gripping his mouse tightly.

“Good! Retreat a bit, Sugar, stay where you are,” Yu Hao said, “Let’s lure them over here. It’s narrow terrain here. Mouse, when you respawn, use Teleportation to break their formation!”

“Okay!” Han Qian Yi and Wei Ya Feng both initiated the respawn process.

Jiang Min looked at the attack power value on the panel of his Temple Knight, which had reached a terrifying level due to the Wrath of Heaven’s bonus. He took a deep breath.

This was the closest he had been to a national championship trophy since winning with CC last time.

It could be said that the outcome of the upcoming team fight would determine the outcome of the game.

“Don’t be nervous, Sugar,” Yu Hao heard Jiang Min’s audible breath and smiled, “If we lose, I’ll take the blame.”

“We won’t lose,” Jiang Min said firmly.

As the pivotal figure in this team fight, hearing him say this was like a balm to the nerves of the other players.

“It’s up to you, Sugar God!” Han Qian Yi said lightly, but in reality, the sweat on his hands was about to soak the surface of his mouse.

After all, being young, it was normal for Han Qian Yi to be nervous.

JW had set up their ambush.

AFK, on the other hand, seemed poised to capitalize on their advantage.

“Slow down, slow down, they might have a countermove!” Shu Lou keenly sensed something.

“Don’t be too cautious, Captain. With such a huge economic difference between us and them, even if Sugar God really completes Wrath of Heaven, we’ll still crush them!” one of the players seemed a bit arrogant.

“…” Shu Lou, also a seasoned player who had experienced many years on the battlefield, had his own understanding of the situation.

Indeed, as the player said, even if they had Wrath of Heaven, the economic gap in other positions was too large. JW had just used two resurrections, and even if they had set up an ambush, AFK should still be able to overpower them.

However, something felt off…

Before Shu Lou could think it through, the players had already taken action on their own.

With no instructions from the captain, they chased down the remaining JW players according to their own ideas.

In their field of vision, they didn’t see any JW players resurrecting and teleporting over, so they boldly pursued.

Little did they know, Yu Hao had already placed a very cunning ward in a spot where Han Qian Yi and Wei Ya Bo would teleport down. Without AFK’s knowledge, the five JW players had already set up a trap, waiting for AFK to take the bait.

“Let’s kill C first when the time comes. They haven’t resurrected,” Yu Hao said.

“Got it!” JW was already prepared for the upcoming team fight.

From the God’s-eye view of the commentators and the audience, the remaining two JW players pretended to retreat while the two who had resurrected and Jiang Min, who had already obtained Wrath of Heaven, lay in ambush in the woods.

Despite not being in great condition, the five AFK players continued to chase.

“AFK doesn’t seem to have noticed JW’s movements!” Lack said.

Ruby added, “Gotta admit, Yu’s ward placement was perfect, avoiding AFK’s ward line, which could be called a trap.”

“But even if JW has set up an ambush tactic, with the economic gap between them and AFK, they may not necessarily be able to handle AFK, who is now,” Circle said. “The only chance for a comeback seems to lie with Sugar God.”

“Can Sugar God withstand the immense pressure that determines the outcome of the game?” Lack asked.

“AFK has entered JW’s attack range!” Circle exclaimed while watching the commentary screen, excitedly.

Although it was already the fifth match they were commenting on, all three commentators were somewhat exhausted, but witnessing such an exciting game still stirred their hearts.

“JW’s player Q.ONE from position 3 has acted! Centaur with a leap! Controls two people!” Lack burst out, “JW’s player Cypress instantly follows up with control. AFK’s two players are firmly controlled! Maple’s Star Sword player follows up with damage output. Oh! Here it comes, Sugar God’s Temple Knight with Wrath of Heaven! Explosive damage! Instantly takes down AFK’s two frontlines!”

“But AFK’s remaining three players begin to focus fire, the damage output from position 1 cannot be underestimated, JW’s front line simply can’t hold up, Centaur falls! No resurrection!” Ruby continued.

“Cypress is also taken down by AFK’s double carry, squishy position 5 is easily taken down in the late game!” Circle said. “AFK resurrects and teleports, but Q.one hasn’t resurrected, and Cypress is also rushing over here!”

“AFK’s double carry begins to focus fire on Sugar God, the Temple Knight retreats to the lower jungle! Sugar God must not fall. If he does, JW is truly finished!” Lack continued to commentate.

Under the focused fire from AFK’s double carries, the Temple Knight’s health quickly plummeted. But the attack power under the influence of Wrath of Heaven’s bonus was not to be underestimated. As AFK’s double carries chased too deeply and became separated from their teammates, the Temple Knight, under the terrifying output with the bonus of Wrath of Heaven, took down AFK’s position 1, who was left with only a sliver of health.

At this moment, seeing his teammates fall, the determination of AFK’s position 2 was to not let the Temple Knight, who was left with only a sliver of health, escape.

At this point, the rest of AFK, including those who had resurrected, arrived. With four of them surrounding him, Jiang Min’s Temple Knight seemed to have nowhere to escape.

Author’s Note: I’m Back.

The front line was a bit long, so I came back late. Sorry…

There have been some things that happened before, which made it a bit hard to keep up with the mindset…

But anyway, I’ll finish this story properly.

Really, I won’t procrastinate anymore!

1TL: YSIAD “You can support me if you like my translations by leaving a comment below, or by sending me a Ko-fi. Thank you and Enjoy reading ️”