Just then, Yu Hao’s Curse Mage leaped out with a Blink Dagger.

AFK’s position two wanted to use a basic attack to directly take down the Temple Knight with his health at rock bottom, but never expected Jiang Min to suddenly turn around. The Temple Knight drew out his slender sword and slashed at the jungle monster.

His passive activated, instantly lifestealing.

The Temple Knight’s health was restored!

At this moment, the Curse Mage actually held a previously copied hero skill in his hand.

【Shadow Aggregation】.

It was the hero skill that Shu Lou had just released not long ago.

Yu Hao immediately restrained the four AFK players.

Wei Ya Feng seized the opportunity to unleash a frenzy of strikes on AFK’s frontline.

Wei Ya Bo replenished Jiang Min’s mana.

The Temple Knight activated his ultimate skill for damage output.

Originally, the panel values were already astonishing under the bonus of Wrath of Heaven, but coupled with the blessing of the ultimate skill, basic attacks turned into splash AoE, and all splash damage inherited pure true damage.

As soon as 【Shadow Aggregation】 ended, Wei Ya Feng quickly followed up with control.

The Temple Knight paid no heed to anything but outputting damage.

Double Kill!

Another sword strike.

Triple Kill!

The last AFK player wanted to quickly Teleport back to their high ground.

The Curse Mage surged with a spell, lifting them up.

The Temple Knight caught up, another basic attack, taking them down.

Quadra Kill!

In the final match of the Spring Tournament finals, Jiang Min achieved a quadra kill.

“Oops, it’s a pity that one of them can’t be resurrected, otherwise, Sugar God would have gotten a pentakill!” Han Qian Yi seemed to have focused on the wrong point.

“Push the high ground, push the high ground! This is our chance!” Yu Hao could hardly contain his excitement.

Although the JW team’s condition wasn’t great.

But this opportunity was rare.

If AFK’s players weren’t either waiting for their resurrection cooldowns or lacked the money for resurrection.

Then when else should they make their move?

So, the JW demolition team went online in an instant.

Amidst the cheers of the on-site audience, led by Jiang Min, JW demolished AFK’s central base.

“Did… did we win?” Han Qian Yi stared at the screen displaying “Victory” with disbelief.

We actually won such a disadvantageous game?

“We won, we won!” Wei Ya Feng was the first to take off his headphones and jump up. “Damn! JW’s first national championship!”

Wei Ya Bo also stared blankly at the screen, not knowing what to do.

“Well done, Sugar!” Yu Hao took off his headphones and hugged Jiang Min’s shoulder. “That last move, sucking blood from the jungle monster, was so clever!”

When attacking enemy heroes, due to equipment and skill offsets, you may not be able to lifesteal much.

But it’s different when attacking jungle monsters, that’s how you use them as a tool.

Yu Hao couldn’t help but give Jiang Min a thumbs up for his clever choice in a critical situation.

Jiang Min took off his headphones, rubbing his right forearm, saying nothing.

“Sugar, what’s wrong?” Yu Hao noticed his unease.

“Uh… my right hand seems a bit cramped and twitchy…” Jiang Min was very embarrassed.

As a player who had been active for more than four years, it was really embarrassing to get nervous to the point of cramping on the battlefield.

Jiang Min didn’t expect that his words would later be broadcasted in the game audio, leading to many netizens teasing him for cramping his hand.

After the five JW players hugged and celebrated each other, they remembered, with the reminder from the onsite staff, that they still had to shake hands.

So, they lined up obediently and went to AFK’s battle room to shake hands.

“This game was really well played, A Min.” Shu Lou’s mentality was very calm. “Congratulations to you guys.”

“Lou ge, you guys played well too.” Jiang Min was sincere.

“Then we’ll see you in the global ranking matches later. I hope we can all get enough points to enter the global finals this year.”

“We will.”

The six JW players came to the center of the stage.

There, lay the silver trophy representing the highest honor in the country.

After coach Bai Yin joined them on stage, the six of them glanced at each other.

“One, two, three!” Yu Hao shouted the slogan.

The six of them lifted the trophy together.

Golden streamers rained down, under the spotlight, the boys took a step closer to their dreams.

The onsite photographer also captured this moment.

After a five-game battle, JW finally defeated the strong enemy AFK and won the championship of the Z country WPL Spring Tournament.


The post-championship interviews were quite different from usual.

All five players, including the coach, had to be on stage to accept the host’s interview.

The initial questions were routine, but the later ones were purely bizarre questions posed to liven up the atmosphere.

“I’ve heard that JW is quite rich. After winning the championship this time, has the boss promised any rewards for the players?” WPL’s beautiful host Yun Ning said with a smile.

“Not really, haven’t discussed with Brother Yan yet.” Han Qian Yi took the microphone, “Ah, but another team building vacation or a salary increase reward would be great! We’re open to anything!”

“Okay, got it. JW’s boss, Mr. Ji, will definitely see what Player Q.One said. Now, the next question goes to our captain. Captain Yu, what are your plans and expectations for the upcoming stage of the global ranking matches?”

“Not much planning, just do it.” Yu Hao was extremely confident. Yun Ning maintained her smile, “Then the last question, I heard that before the game, JW players made a championship agreement with their fans in the live broadcast room. Here, on behalf of the fans and followers, I would like to ask, does the agreement still stand?”

Upon hearing this, the JW players instantly froze.

Damn! Just got blinded by the joy of victory.

How could they forget about the cross-dressing agreement after winning the championship!


After finishing the game, the JW players had a celebratory banquet at the most expensive restaurant in S City before returning to their base.

In previous years, by this time, the team would have been ready for vacation.

But this year, the JW players were very competitive. Not only did they make it to the finals, but they also won the championship.

This was, of course, a major boon for the team.

But for the players, their holiday was about to be ruined.

Because after a short rest, the next stage would be the global ranking matches in R country’s T city.

But fortunately, as long as JW performed well in the upcoming matches and earned enough points, they could still get a break between the stages.

However, after the Spring Finals, they wouldn’t have any vacation.

So, after the celebration banquet, everyone obediently returned to the base.

Unexpectedly, as soon as they entered the base gate, they saw the official Weibo lady Ah Xin leading a few girls from the operations department, holding some strange equipment in their hands, looking at the entering players with evil smiles.

“What… what are you guys up to?” Han Qian Yi had a bad feeling.

“Don’t you guys remember your championship agreement?” Ah Xin smiled “kindly.”

Those who had just pretended not to know about the championship agreement after winning the championship, after being asked about it for the second time during the interview today, were no longer calm.

“….Uh, no, why are we doing the championship agreement now?” Wei Ya Feng suddenly felt a headache. “Sis, put down the skirts and wigs in your hands first, let’s talk properly!”

Ah Xin sighed, “It’s not me forcing you, just take a look at Weibo yourselves.”

Han Qian Yi, upon hearing this, took out his phone.

Everyone crowded around to take a look.

The number one trending topic on Weibo was “JW Cross-dressing Agreement.”

The topic was filled with netizens urging to see the JW players cross-dressing, as if they would disband JW if they didn’t get to see it.

The comments section under the latest Weibo celebrating the championship had also been flooded.

No wonder, Ah Xin rushed back in the middle of dinner, it turned out they came back to prepare for this.

“…” Han Qian Yi was speechless, “These netizens, do they have nothing better to do? Why are they pushing this topic to the top trending list?”

“This isn’t the point! The point is, if you guys don’t do a cross-dressing livestream tonight, I’m worried someone will come knocking on the base tomorrow!” Ah Xin had a look of “forced helplessness”.

In reality, she was also very excited.

She and the operations department racked their brains every day on how to hype up the club. Unexpectedly, these kids not only won the championship of the Spring Tournament, but also made such a magical agreement. Netizens even spontaneously pushed the topic to the top trending list, making the topic explode in popularity.

Today was truly JW’s lucky day!

For the club, such good popularity naturally couldn’t be missed.

But for the players, it was a day of suffering.

The five couldn’t help but start to question life.

Why did they make such a championship agreement in the first place?

“Hehehe, just accept it, kids!” Ah Xin rubbed her hands together, “Believe in us, we have great skills! Plus, with the beauty camera, you’ll all be stunningly beautiful!”

“…I don’t want to be stunningly beautiful, I want to die!” Han Qian Yi lay down.

Jiang Min covered his face.

How could he and his teammates have agreed to such a shameful thing in the first place?

Yu Hao, on the other hand, seemed indifferent.

Cross-dressing is just cross-dressing, it’s just embarrassing once.

Compared to his own embarrassment, what he cared more about was how Jiang Min would look in women’s clothing.


At 11 p.m.

The JW official Weibo posted a new post.

“JW’s new female anchor seeks attention, will start broadcasting on the JJ live platform at 12 o’clock sharp, the link to the five-person broadcast room is in the comments, please pay attention~ hearts!”

The Weibo exploded.

Not only did ordinary netizens pay attention, but many big shots in the esports circle also came down to the comments to join in the fun.

[“New female anchor? Is she pretty? Dog head.JPG] Uncle Yuan commented under the official Weibo with his Weibo account.

[JW formed a female team? Dog head.JPG] Lack also commented.

[JW is really proactive, looking forward to it. Dog head.JPG] Famous anchor Wan Guo commented.

[Why don’t we have a JW beauty pageant? Dog head.JPG] Similarly, famous anchor Ying Ge commented.

In addition, many official Weibos of other teams also joined in the fun.

Tonight was destined to be JW’s night.

Approaching 12 o’clock.

The JW players sat nervously in their training room seats.

Except for Jiang Min, the other four were all dressed up.

These guys, usually carefree, went crazy asking the staff from the operations and technical departments for help to adjust their cameras, eager to turn on the beauty mode to an outrageous level.

Among them, only Yu Hao remained relatively calm.

Having not live-streamed for a long time, he didn’t really care what the viewers would say.

After all, wasn’t it just being memed with screenshots?

“Hmm? Oh, by the way, where’s Sugar?” Yu Hao pretended to casually ask the operations department girl helping him adjust the camera.

“Oh, Sister Ah Xin said Sugar is definitely the center of attention tonight, so we need to dress her up carefully.” The girl replied.

“So, does that mean we’re just going to wing it?” Han Qian Yi, upon hearing this, was exasperated, with a head full of doll curls, his hair standing on end, “We have no dignity! Ugh… although I’m also quite looking forward to seeing Sugar cross-dress.”

As soon as he finished speaking, Jiang Min appeared at the door of the training room, looking quite embarrassed.

1TL: YSIAD “You can support me if you like my translations by leaving a comment below, or by sending me a Ko-fi. Thank you and Enjoy reading ️”