Wen Ruqin hurriedly ordered someone to carry her into the soft sedan chair that had been waiting for her, covered her with a thick quilt, whispered a few words to Ye Ping, and hurried to the inner courtyard of the Princess Mansion.

A group of people walked away, and the two sons behind the rockery finally appeared.

One is red and the other is white, Song Jinyuan wears red official clothes, and Shen Ling wears white clothes. Song Jinyuan is known as the smiling devil, he is born with a smiling face, and he is harmless to humans and animals when he smiles.

As the male lead, Shen Ling's appearance is naturally good, he is really handsome and elegant, graceful in troubled times, his every move is full of noble and gentle people raised in the splendid family, he deserves to be the number one son of Yongchang City.

Song Jinyuan's smiling eyes kept paying attention to Ye Ping, seeing that Ye Ping looked at Shen Ling with nothing but admiration, so he raised his eyebrows with some interest.

"Today's matter, please bother Mr. Song and Mr. Shen. My daughter's status is low, and I know that there is a huge disparity in status between Mrs. Wen and Mrs. Wen. Fortunately, you have testified for my daughter, otherwise I would not be able to tell if my daughter had a hundred mouths." Ye Ping Salute.

"It's easy to say, easy to say. As an official of the imperial court, I am in charge of all kinds of miscellaneous affairs in Beijing. It is my duty to witness for the girl. If the Duke's government makes things difficult for the girl in the future, I will definitely make the decision for the girl."

"Master Song Gao Yi, Yongchang City can have such a good official as your lord. It's no wonder that in recent years, the people in the city have lived in peace and peace. Even if you don't close your doors at night, you can sleep peacefully. Your lord is loyal to the emperor and the people, it is really admirable."

Song Jinyuan seemed to be very useful, stroking his beard that didn't exist.

When this woman opens her mouth, she can really live and die.

"Miss Ye, meeting is fate. Miss and I hit it off right away. If you have any troubles in the future, you can send someone to the yamen to find me."

"Thank you, Master Song."

Song Jinyuan's eyes moved slightly, and he looked east of the Bajiao Pavilion.

Ye Ping felt something in her heart, and subconsciously looked over there. But he saw a man in deep purple standing under a tree towering into the clouds for an unknown how long.

She quickly bowed her head and stepped aside.

I thought that she should have confessed in front of Wen Yu, she was a bitch, and she took it off. The so-called dead pig is not afraid of boiling water, she seems to have nothing to hide.

Song Jinyuan had a weary expression, "A Yu."

Ye Ping: "..."

Sure enough, Song Jinyuan read her letter.

She thought she didn't write anything explicit, just a well-behaved love letter. But they don't know that in the eyes of the world, those words can be called shocking.

Looking at King Wen's face, he was as cold as ever.

"Ayu, we watched a good show just now, but it's a pity that you didn't have a good eye." Song Jinyuan winked, and poked Shen Ling beside him, "Shen Shizi, don't you think so?"

Shen Ling bit the bullet and hummed, he mustered all the courage to come to the door today. This Wenjun Prince is withdrawn, he wants to make friends but dare not.

"Your Majesty, I heard that there are many orphan copies hidden in the mansion, so I came here to open my eyes."

Wen Yu gave a "hmm" and signaled the guard next to him to take Shen Ling to Zangshu Pavilion.

Ye Ping thought that since the host family came to welcome the guests, Prince Wen and Master Song must have something important to discuss. She said goodbye wisely, and after walking a few steps, she heard someone calling herself.

"Miss Ye, wait."

It's Wen Ruqin.

Just as Wen Ruqin asked someone to change Wen Ruyu's clothes to drive away the cold, the doctor had already passed by. She chased after Ye Ping and stuffed something into Ye Ping's hand.

"This is my private order. If you come to me in the future, just come in."

The token is made of pure gold and has a very delicate shape.

Ye Ping took the token, as if everything around her became still. Countless words rushed towards her, cutting through the void and squeezing into her mind.

She suddenly opened her eyes wide, and her whole body seemed to be in a state of tranquility.

When they first met, she learned that she did not time travel, but a book, so she knew the first half of the book about herself. What squeezed into her brain this time was the second half of the plot.

So far, she has known everything in the book.

Wen Ruqin didn't like the fact that the original owner was true, but he never thought of putting him to death. When the news of the original owner's death came out, she was very sad and guilty for several days, and secretly burned the paper money several times.

Later, the original owner's family met bandits outside Beijing and died cleanly, and she felt even more sympathetic. With the help of the male lead, she arranged for someone to collect the Ye family's body, but she didn't want to inadvertently learn that there was something else going on about the death of the Ye family. After repeated investigations, she finally found out that the one who killed the Ye family was not some poor bandit, but a privately raised dead soldier of the Wang family, and the instigator was Wen Ruyu.

If she hadn't exposed Wen Ruyu's true face, the cause of death of the original owner's family would not have been revealed to the world. Even after she heard that Ye Mu and Ye Ting drowned in a boat on the way to the place where the Ye family accident happened, she secretly asked people to collect their bodies, and transported the Ye family back to Qingzhou for burial together.

"Miss Ye, you... what's wrong with you?"

"Second Miss, I want to hug you." Ye Ping suddenly hugged the girl in front of her tightly.

She blushed, but did not push Ye Ping away.

"Then I... I will call you Pingniang from now on."


"Pingniang, my nickname is Xueniang. My aunt gave me this nickname because I was born in a snowy day. You can call me Xueniang in the future."

"Xue Niang, I really like you. I often think, how can there be a girl like you in the world, who looks like a fairy, but is beautiful and kind-hearted. You are a fairy from the sky, and you deserve all the best things in this world."

Ye Ping thought, maybe it was because Wen Ruqin completely regarded her as a true friend, so she was able to know the plot in the second half of the book. Their Ye family owes too much to the heroine.

"I...I'm not as good as what you said, Pingniang." Wen Ruqin's heart was sweet and warm, and she felt that God was fair. Before that, she had no one to make friends with, that's because God left the best one to her. With a friend like Pingniang, she no longer cares about others. "I...I also like Pingniang."

"I like you, always a little more than you like me."

Wen Ruqin was too ashamed to raise her head, her beautiful eyes were foggy.

Ye Ping let her go and rubbed her hair, "I'm leaving, I'll come see you sometime."

The voice is light and soft, like a whisper between lovers.

Wen Ruqin watched Ye Ping leave, only to find that the three men hadn't left when she turned around. She was so ashamed in her heart that she covered her face and ran away.

Song Jinyuan touched his chin and murmured: "This Miss Ye is too good at teasing."

They are simply compared to these men. If it were him, he would not be able to stand up. Could this be the reason why he has never had girls admire him?

He looked at Shen Ling sympathetically, "Shen Shizi, you should learn more."

Shen Ling was shocked just now, and because of her tender face, she was somewhat uncomfortable. He secretly looked at the direction where Wen Ruqin left, feeling lost in his heart. See you today, I don't know when we will see you again in the future, maybe he should learn from Miss Ye?

He saluted again, and went to Zangshu Pavilion with the guard.

Seeing him and the guards disappear, Song Jinyuan's upright body suddenly bent slightly, and looked Wen Yu up and down with a novel posture and strange eyes.

Wen Chengtian really looks like a dog, but he's not bad either. In terms of bad reputation, they are each other. Compared to this guy who looks like someone owes him money all day long, he is simply kind and approachable. Why didn't he meet such an interesting woman as Miss Ye?

Miss Ye is really good at it, and her methods are beyond expectation.

His good friend is probably in danger.

"Ayu, are you really not interested in Miss Ye at all?"

Wen Yu turned around and left.

Song Jinyuan hurried to catch up and followed into the house.

As soon as he entered the room, he heard left and right, and his eyes lit up.

"Ayu, are you hiding someone in the house, smelling like a daughter."

Wen Yu suddenly changed his face, quickly pushed Song Jinyuan out, and closed the door with a big hand.

Song Jinyuan was puzzled, slapped the door and shouted, "Wen Chengtian, tell me honestly, are you hiding a woman in the house? I'll tell you that there is no man who doesn't steal, and you have one thing on the outside and one behind the back. Liugen is quiet, but in private, it is the golden house. Open the door... open the door quickly!"

His ears were pressed against the door, and there was no movement inside the door.

That kid Wen Chengtian really hid a woman?


At this time, Wen Yu was standing where Ye Ping undressed before.

Those gloomy eyes became more and more unfathomable.