As soon as Ye Ping returned home, the Duke's Mansion sent a gift over. The person who came was Mrs. Wen's mother-in-law, and the gift was a set of pure gold jewelry, which was said to be a makeup gift.

Even though the marriage was speculative, what kind of makeup gift was given, especially after she pushed Wen Ruyu into the water.

The lady of the country is either too polite or has ulterior motives. Compared with the former, Ye Ping believed in the latter more. No matter how the world praises Mrs. Wen for being talented, virtuous and virtuous, she doesn't believe it.

She took the things, and even smiled and personally delivered the gift to the giver. Others cursed her to be tortured to death by an old man, so why not charge some shock fee.

After putting away her things, she went to see her mother as if nothing had happened.

After being ill for a few days, Wang seemed to be in poor spirits. His face was haggard and his eyes were dull. After seeing his daughter coming in, there was a glimmer of vitality in his eyes.

Ye Ping helped her sit down, took the medicine from Er Fu and tested the temperature.

She pushed gently, "It doesn't matter if you don't drink."

"Mother, your body is important." Ye Ping persuaded.

Wang still refused to drink.

Ye Ping put down the medicine bowl and signaled Aunt Zhong and Er Fu to go out. In a very soft voice, she said that she had just returned from the Princess Mansion and had heard some news.

" went to the Princess Mansion?" Wang Shi was a little out of breath, "Are you looking for that Miss Wen?"

Ye Ping didn't answer, but talked about Mr. Xu. These official entanglements and inside stories, if someone hadn't stripped them open, a woman of Wang's background would not be able to see through them. So when she heard her daughter speak bluntly about the plans of the Wang family, she almost couldn't bear it.

The Wang family is her natal family, no matter how unfavored and disliked she was when she was in her natal family, she has always been proud of being a daughter of the Wang family these years.

"No... They won't be so cruel... Even if they want to do this, as long as your father and I don't agree, can they still force us?"

"Mother, did the Wang family ever care about you? They didn't even care about you, so how could they care about your children?"

"Pingniang...Mother will not let you marry that Mr. Zhao...Even if you risk your life, Mother will not agree."

"What if they threaten you with your brother's future?"

As if to confirm what Ye Ping said, there was a rush of footsteps outside the door, and then Aunt Zhong's anxious voice was heard asking who was coming.

"Sishun, why did you come back alone?"

Sishun is Ye Lian's book boy.

Surprised, Wang sat up propping herself up.

"Quick... let Sishun come in!"

Si Shun is ten years old this year, so he can't be considered a man yet.

As soon as he entered the door, he knelt on the ground, "Madam, eldest girl, something happened to the eldest son!"

The school Ye Lian attended was called Yuqing Academy, formerly known as Wang Clan Studies. Later, the Wang family invested in the establishment of an academy, not only for the children of the Wang family to study, but also for students with other surnames. The Ye family and the Wang family are related by marriage, and Ye Lian is the grandson of the Wang family, so with the approval of the Wang family, he entered the academy to study since he was a child.

It has been nearly 40 years since the academy was built. During this period, there have been two champions and one Tanhua, dozens of Jinshi, and they have long been famous. In recent years, not only has it recruited many talented people to teach, but it has also made an exception to accept many poor children.

Ye Ping didn't care about admiring the scenery of the academy, nor was she in the mood to feel the fragrance of books and ink here. On the way here, she had already found out from Sishun what happened to her eldest brother.

Sishun said that Ye Lian's essay disrespected the teacher, and Master Hu was so angry that he wanted to expel him from the academy.

The ancients valued reputation the most, especially scholars.

If he was expelled from the academy because of disrespect to the teacher, it would mean that Ye Lian's life was over, and there would be no other academy willing to accept such a student.

The academies are divided into Enlightenment, Education, and Enlightenment.

Ye Lian started Mengmeng at the age of four, and this year he was promoted to education. There are several classrooms in Yuye, and Ye Ping knows which one it is without asking, because there are many students of different ages around the door of that classroom.

"Excuse me, I'm Ye Lian's eldest sister."

Everyone heard the words and gave way.

Many people pointed at Ye Ping and whispered that this is the bold woman who preached Xinyue County King Wen, she was so beautiful, no wonder she dared to think that she should not have.

As soon as Ye Ping entered the classroom, she was extremely angry.

A circle of students of various ages surrounded the play, and a seven or eight-year-old boy knelt in the middle. The boy's forehead was bruised and purple, with faint blood oozing out. Obviously before this, I don't know how long I kowtowed and begged.

This boy is her younger brother Ye Lian.

And the person who was begged was a teacher in his fifties, sitting on a chair indifferently, unmoved by Ye Lian's entreaties, and even ordered a few students to drag Ye Lian out.

"Sir, please don't drive the students away..."

"It's not that this old man didn't give you a chance, it's because you're too arrogant and disrespectful. Forgive me, you're not material for studying. If you return home early to learn a craft, you can still support your wife and children in the future, so that you don't waste your time here and affect other people. student."

Ye Ping's eyes were full of anger, "May I ask if you are Master Hu?"

Seeing that it was a beautiful girl asking the question, the master's eyes lit up first, then he stroked his beard and pretended to be deep, "It's the old man."

Ye Lian raised his head in embarrassment, seeing that it was his eldest sister, his eyes dimmed a lot.

Of course, Ye Ping saw the disappointment in his younger brother's eyes. Ye Lian was a very responsible little man despite his young age. At a young age, he was determined to support the Ye family and take care of his mother, sister and brother.

She didn't help her younger brother up immediately, but looked at Mrs. Hu coldly, "Hi Mrs. Hu, I am Ye Lian's eldest sister. May I ask what happened to my Ye Lian?"

When Mr. Hu heard that she was Ye Lian's eldest sister, he seemed to have remembered the rumors in Beijing, and his eyes clearly showed contempt. But he still pretended to take out an article and handed it over arrogantly.

Ye Ping glanced at ten lines, suppressing his anger, "Dare to ask Mr. Hu, what's wrong with this article?"

Mr. Hu guessed that this woman could not read a few words, so his expression became more and more contemptuous. "It's a matter of nature for a gentleman to respect his teachers. Look at what was written in that article. It even said that choosing a teacher and learning should not be careless. It is clearly dissatisfied with the old man and disrespectful!"


Ye Ping slapped the article on the table.

Everyone was shocked, and there was a moment of silence.

Mrs. Hu was startled at first, and then furious, "It's an insult to the gentleman, it's really an insult to the gentleman! Where is Yuqing Academy, how can you allow a girl like you to be presumptuous!"

"Mr., although my daughter is not talented, she has read a few books. The ancients learned the Tao, and it was difficult for the teacher to be strict. Why? Because the teacher is strict and then the Tao is respected. You can be respected and teach others only by accumulating your own career. My brother Ye Lian’s article said that you must not be careless in choosing a teacher and a study, which is exactly the truth.”

"" Mrs. Hu obviously didn't expect that Ye Ping had really read the book, and quickly calmed down after panicking. How could he be questioned by a woman, his dignified master. "Disrespecting the teacher is called arrogance, and not restraining one's words is called madness. I can't teach such arrogant students!"

He is a teacher, he said that a student does not respect the teacher, no one will doubt what he said. What's more, he is the favorite wife of the Wang family, what kind of thing is the little Ye family. This Miss Ye probably doesn't know that their Ye family is already an abandoned son of the Wang family.

Ye Ping laughed back angrily, "It's good that I can't teach you! Even if you still have self-knowledge. The saint said that three people must have my teacher. Choose the good ones and follow them, and the bad ones and change them. If you want others to respect you, you should Strict self-discipline, possessing both talent and virtue. For thirty years, you have always been in every situation, but now you are only a human body. It can be seen that your talents are mediocre, and you can’t use them. Not mistaken, we should know that talents are different, and we must guide them with the principle of Taoism and not being strong, instead of bullying and humiliating them in the name of teachers, and judging people's future lightly. Cutting off a person's future is the same as cutting off the way of life. How can such behavior Are you virtuous? You have no talent or virtue, how can you be worthy of being a teacher!"

She stepped forward to pull Ye Lian up, and said: "Such a mediocre and immoral person, it doesn't matter if you don't teach him."

Ye Lian didn't dare to get up, and tried not to cry. Ye Ping pulled a few times but did not pull, she simply put up two hands and lifted her brother up from the ground.

"Elder Sister, Eldest Sister." Ye Lian was terrified, clutching his little hands tightly.

"Don't be afraid, the eldest sister is here." Ye Ping comforted him, protecting him behind her.

At this time, besides the students of the college, there were also many masters surrounding the outside. It is impossible for masters and sons to have no discord, and since ancient times, literati have looked down upon each other. Many people have long been disgusted with people like Master Hu who rely on the royal family to show off his might in the academy.

Therefore, amidst the discussion, someone actually called out "Hello".