She didn't know how she left Wumingju, her legs didn't seem to be her own, although they were unbelievably soft, they ran with incomparable strength, as if there was death chasing after her.

That sentence kept replaying in my ears until my heart was cut to pieces.


He hated her so much.


She was born well, and it is not an exaggeration to call her a beauty. She is not a vulgar woman who can't read big characters, she is also proficient in arithmetic. She and Yun Dan have been by Gongren's side since childhood, and she remembers that when they first learned how to keep accounts, the county king even praised her. Although it is only the word Shang Ke, with the temperament of the county king, being able to say these two words is enough to show his appreciation for her.

Apart from being a little prettier than her, what else does the princess of the county have!

Her surname is Zhou, she was not born a slave, and her father was also the legitimate son of the scholarly family. If the Chen family had not been convicted, their Zhou family would not have been implicated. Before anything happened in the family, grandfather was already a sixth-rank official, two ranks higher than the official position of his father, Lord Ye, who was married into the princess mansion by the princess of the county.

Seeing her pale face like a ghost, Yun Dan was shocked.

"You... Didn't you go to deliver the account book to the princess of the county? How did you make it look like this?"

"I...I..." Feng Qing barely stood still with her strength. Until this moment, the fear and fear in my heart had all turned into grievance and sadness, and tears rolled down like threads.

Cloud is in a hurry.

"Are you going to say it soon? Could it be that the princess of the county made things difficult for you?"

"Good Yundan, don't ask, and don't tell Gongren. I won't go to Wumingju to deliver the account books in the future. The princess of the county said that she will send someone to pick up the account and reconcile it."

When she said this, Yun Dan obviously misunderstood.

The concubine of the county must be taboo about Fengqing, or in other words, respectful people. She didn't know that the people around the county princess would also check and reconcile accounts, and this was obviously an excuse.

Two days ago, Mrs. Gong also said to let them work hard, and said that as long as they work hard, the county king and princess will not treat them badly. Unexpectedly, in the blink of an eye, the concubine of the county came up with this move, clearly wanting to eradicate dissidents.

"Let's go, let's see Mr. Gong."

You can't hide this from Gongren.

Feng Qing held her firmly, "Good Yundan, don't go. After all, it's all my fault. If I didn't offend the princess, she wouldn't do this."

"It's true that she is the master, but there is no such thing as a master who bury people indiscriminately. She asked someone to recommend us. We are doing our duty in a proper manner. How can she be so contemptuous of you? What she did seems to slap you in the face, but in fact she didn't take Gong Ren seriously at all. It's a small matter for us to suffer some grievances, and we are afraid that she will make further gains after winning a move. What will Gong Ren do then?"

"Maybe she just doesn't like me..." Feng Qing felt guilty, but she thought she hid her thoughts well and didn't disrespect Ye Ping in words, even if she really confronted her, she wouldn't be wronged. But the fear of Wen Yu outweighs everything, wishing to pretend that nothing happened.

Yun Dan didn't know the fear in her heart, and she wholeheartedly complained about Jin Gong's grievances. With Gongren's rank, he can move out and set up his own family. If it wasn't for the king of the county, why should Gongren be thankless and angry.

"Then we have to make it even more clear. How can we be loyal to such a suspicious master?"

"It's so cloudy, just let me change my clothes. People will be worried if I look like this."

"What do you want to change? It's time for someone to show you the grievances you have suffered."

Yun Dan dragged her and brought her in front of Jin Gongren.

After listening to Yun Dan's narration, Jin Gong looked at Feng Qing.

"The princess of the county really said that there is no need to send the account in the future, and she will let the people in her yard come over to reconcile the account?"

"...Yes, that's what she said."

"Then did she say who she would send?"

"I didn't say that, I just said that she would teach people to keep accounts..."

"She taught?" Jin Gong was thoughtful, it seemed that she had guessed right, and the princess of the county would really see it. In this way, the king of the county really values ​​the princess of the county, but the princess of the county should also be a very smart person. Since the master is willing to take care of things, there should be no doubt about their current status.


If the princess of the county was really a smart person, she would definitely not have just said that she would continue to let her take care of things, and then backtracked in the blink of an eye.

She squinted her eyes, and was slightly surprised when she saw the clothes on Feng Qing, "When did you make such a suit?"

Feng Qing's heart skipped a beat, and she said: "It's been a while since I did it. Mr. Gong forgot that day, and you said with emotion that this color is refreshing and bright, so Qing'er wanted to make a dress like this to show Mrs. Gong."

In fact, when Jin Gongren sighed that day, his voice was extremely low, and he also said later that the eldest princess liked it the most when she was alive. At that time, Feng Qing was very close, so he overheard it unintentionally.

These words were answered frankly, and Jin Gong's doubts disappeared for a while.

"This dress will be taken off later, don't wear it again in the future."


Yun Dan heard the clue, and wisely chose not to ask. She worriedly said: "Mr. Gong, if the people around Princess Jun really learn how to settle accounts, what will we do in the future?"

She is very fortunate to have brought Feng Qing over now, otherwise she would not have known that the princess of the county would teach the people around her to learn how to keep accounts. This is their ability to settle down and live. If they are really useless, they will become useless people. If the respectful people are there, they can still protect them a little bit. If Ren Gong is gone, how should she and Feng Qing deal with themselves?

Jin Gong frowned. She raised these two children and taught them the ability to read and write. She hoped that they would have someone to rely on in the future.

The princess of the county had previously said that she would use them, why did she change her mind?

Just thinking about it, Mrs. Zeng came.

Mrs. Zeng saluted and said respectfully: "Miss Fengqing went to deliver the account book just now, and the county king happened to come back. When the county king saw Miss Fengqing, he suddenly became furious and said that he would peel her skin. My county princess does not know why , Worried that Miss Fengqing will be frightened, I specially ordered my servants to bring some snacks to calm down Miss Fengqing."

When Jin Gongren heard this, his eyes changed.

She looked at Feng Qing with sharp eyes.

Yun Dan also heard something strange, and suddenly felt a sudden change in his heart.

Could it be that there is another mystery behind Feng Qing's clothes?

Mrs. Zeng put the snacks down, and said: "My concubine of the county asked the servants to tell Miss Fengqing that the king of the county is the most person who can't tolerate sand in his eyes. Miss Fengqing is afraid that she violated the taboo of the king of the county, if she knew it Forget it, don't be confused again in the future. If you don't know what to do and don't know where to start, then you will be in real trouble. To avoid angering the county king again, Miss Feng Qing must be more careful."

Feng Qing's face turned pale and red, and she had never been so embarrassed in her life. Although she is a servant, but because she is a respectful person, and her upbringing is not inferior to the girls of ordinary families, it is inevitable that she is a little arrogant. Now being taught by a mother-in-law, how can she not make her feel ashamed and annoyed.

This old woman came to send a message to the princess of the county, and she clearly deliberately made her unable to step down.

She pinched her palm and bit her lip tightly.

"It's because I can't discipline well, so I asked my mother to go back and tell the princess of the county. I will definitely teach her well when I am old, and I will never let her offend the prince again."

This will not let her get close to the county king again.

Fengqing thought bitterly, the king of the county...why can't he see her well? They had known each other for many years, and the king of the county had also been kind to her, why did he become so heartless?

Mrs. Zeng responded respectfully, saying that she would tell the truth. Then she put down the snacks, took her leave and left.

Before leaving, he seemed to think of something, and said to Feng Qing: "Miss Feng Qing, my county princess also said that literacy and bookkeeping are not a big talent, but anyone with a flexible mind can learn it. The most important thing for us today The most important thing is loyalty, followed by ability. A loyal person, even if he is a little stupid, it doesn’t matter. If you only have ability but have a crooked mind, then you must not use it. What’s more, some people’s so-called ability is only half The bucket of water is swaying around, but I don’t know that I can be replaced by others at any time.”

These words not only changed Feng Qing's expression, but Yun Dan's expression was also a little ugly.

It turns out that what they have learned all their lives can be replaced by others at any time?

As soon as Mrs. Zeng left, Jin Gong's expression sank.

"You don't have to tell the truth!"

Feng Qing was so frightened that he knelt on the ground, "Mr. Gong, Qing'er, Qing'er doesn't know why the county king is angry? The county princess said that people should learn to keep accounts first..."

"You tell me in detail what happened after you went in, including what you said and did, what the princess said and did, don't miss a single word!"

How could Feng Qing dare to hide it now, so he had to speak in detail.

Although it sounds like she didn't do anything, but Jin Gongren is an old man who has accompanied the eldest princess to fight in the palace for many years, so how could he not be able to hear the clues. Looking at her attire today, I knew it in my heart.

"How did I teach you before?"

Yun Dan quickly knelt down too.

Jin Gong's eyes were full of pain, "I told you, don't go astray. No matter how lowly we women are, we can still live on our own ability. Being a concubine is the most unacceptable thing, even entering the palace as a concubine. This I didn't say it, it was said by the eldest princess before she was alive. Feng Qing, you really let me down."

Feng Qing really regretted it at this time, she regretted that she was too impatient. "Congratulations, I... what should I do now?"

Jin Gong couldn't bear the fact that it was the child he had watched grow up. She sighed for a long time, and said: "You don't want to go anywhere for the time being, wait until I go to find out what the princess of the county has to say."

"Mr. Gong, won't the princess of the county take her anger out on you?" Yun Dan asked.

Jin Gong shook his head, "I don't know. What you should worry about now is not what will happen to the princess, but what will happen to the king."

Fengqing was on the verge of falling, and she remembered the words the county king said.

It is said that the king of the county is best at torture prisoners, and the most cruel method is skinning and cramping. She doesn't want to die, let alone be skinned and thrown out of the princess mansion.

"Congratulations, save me!"

Jin Gongren looked at her and sighed again.

Ye Ping is so clever, as early as Wen Yu said that sentence to Feng Qing, she guessed that the color of the clothes Feng Qing wore today violated a taboo. Wen Yu didn't have Bai Yueguang, so the person who violated the color taboo could only be the late Princess Anhe.

She didn't ask anything, and went back to the house with a smile after going out to explain.

Men are willing to sweep their own peach blossoms, why don't women be happy to get acquainted.

Looking at Wen Yu's gaze, she couldn't help but smile.

This man is too scary.

"Is the king thirsty?"

Hearing this, Wen Yu dissipated the cold air.

He really wanted to kill him just now, even a lowly servant dared to use his mother's name to approach him, he was looking for death!

Ye Ping didn't hear his answer, her smile stiffened slightly. She looked at the copper coins that hadn't been counted, and she couldn't count one of the four boxes of copper coins, and there were as many as three boxes left.

"Thank you for the copper coins prepared by the king of the county. It can be regarded as a solution to my boredom."

Wen Yu looked at her, noncommittal. This little girl does one thing to the face and the other behind the back. She could hear clearly what she had just told her servants.

When he didn't reply, Ye Ping became suspicious again.

So these copper coins were not specially prepared by Wen Yu, so why does he put a few boxes of copper coins under the bed as a majestic county king, is it to ward off evil spirits?

It doesn't take so many copper coins to ward off evil spirits, right?

An old man who may have lived for two lifetimes may have some eccentricities. The less you know about some things, the better. Curiosity killed the cat, so it's better for her to ask less.

The pile of copper coins was right in front of her eyes, she grabbed a handful in her hands naturally, and then recovered after holding the string, and cursed herself secretly as a money fanatic.

When she was about to put it away, Wen Yu had already arrived.

The big hands with well-defined bones grabbed the copper coins and strung them on the string one by one, the movements seemed familiar. What is obviously a petty thing for a philistine, but he does it with exceptional elegance.

This kind of him is different from him at any time. He is noble, indifferent, cruel, or as fierce as a wolf devouring.

But at this time, he was inexplicably cute.



Ye Ping never thought that one day she would use this word to describe a man like a god, especially when this man was just threatening to skin someone else.

The person in front of him is of jade quality and golden appearance, unparalleled in style, beautiful and indifferent but not real, just like the picture scroll hanging high, whether it looks good or it is fake. I don't know when the beautiful scenery in the picture scroll began to become vivid and vivid, and it suddenly appeared in front of my eyes. This kind of beauty is really too shocking, and everywhere it goes is full of sinking, making people unable to extricate themselves.

Some kind of inexplicable emotion surged in her chest, like the shock when the grass buried deep in the ground emerged from the ice layer after the harsh winter, and like the lingering sense of loss after the autumn rain.

My heart beat faster and faster, as if it was about to rush out. She pressed her heart without any trace, and told herself in her heart: Everyone is yours, can you be a little bit promising?

Not only the people are hers, but the money is also hers.

So she is the winner in life.

For fear that she would be too inflated in the brain supplement, she quickly changed the subject. "I've looked at the accounts for the past few months. Have all the meat and vegetables in our East Hospital been purchased from outside?"

Wen Yu kept moving his hands and let out a "hmm".

Ye Ping asked again: "I think that many things in the West Courtyard are sent by Zhuangzi. There is no need to buy sheep, chickens, and rabbits from outside."

Wen Yu glanced at her, and said: "It used to be the same in the East Courtyard, but later the two Zhuangzi outside Beijing became your dowry."

So the reason why they want to buy outside is because this man has no Zhuang Zi in his hands.

Ye Ping smiled obsequiously, she actually guessed this point.

"I have been to the two villages you gave me. The closer ones are not as big as the farther ones, and the fields are not as fertile as the farther ones. When I went there, the sheep and chickens had just started to be raised. After a few days, I will have a Send it over in batches. The king of the county will not give me all his private property, I am really touched."

In fact, she still has selfishness, which can also be said to be the thinking of the poor. Thinking that those things were all her own, and she could sell them for money if she couldn't finish them, so she didn't plan to treat those things as the public property of the mansion at first.

Now that I think about it, I feel ashamed. In order to give her a long face, Wen Yu has been generous. She has a villain's heart, she obviously took other people's pot, and she still doesn't give them food.

It really shouldn't be.

Wen Yu felt her guilt, and there was joy in his eyes.

This little liar is really easy to deceive.

"Not all. There is also a big Zhuangzi near Beijing, but all the production of that Zhuangzi belongs to others."

This other person is actually from the Chen family.

Back then when the Chen family was ransacked and beheaded by the late emperor, almost no one from the first branch survived, but a few people from the side branches survived and did not dare to show up until after Emperor Jing Qing ascended the throne.

Although Emperor Jing Qing was the Son of Heaven, the Chen family was the family that was convicted by the late Emperor himself, no matter how much he was the ruler of a country, he could not reverse the case for the Chen family, otherwise he would be extremely unfilial.

Furthermore, the people who survived were all insignificant offshoots. Princess An and the eldest princess once said that it was meaningless for the Chen family to overturn the case, but the living still had to be appeased. Therefore, Princess An and the eldest princess handed over the largest and most productive Zhuangzi under their own name to those people to take care of it, and all the products should be owned by those people.

This handed over, until today.

It turned out to be like this.

Ye Ping understood, so it was impossible to have objections.

"Zhuangzi gave it to you, it is your dowry, you don't need to subsidize the public." Wen Yu said.

"I am one with the county king and his wife, and Zhuangzi is originally the county king's. It is really hard for the county king to support his family alone, and I am willing to subsidize it." Ye Ping's words are half true and half false.

"Need not."

"Is it really not necessary?"


Very good.

Ye Ping made a look of embarrassment, "That's right. People like the king of the county must not want to be said to be a man who lives on his wife's dowry. Otherwise, I will sell all the production and save money for emergencies." Yes. If the county king has difficulties in the future, please don't be polite to me. We are already a husband and wife, and we will have a long time in the future, so we should support each other."

The words were so emotional that she herself was a little moved.

Half-lifting his eyelids to peek at the other party's reaction, unexpectedly, he happened to bump into a teasing gaze hidden in the dark.

That **** surnamed Wen is actually laughing at her!

"If the county king doesn't believe me, he can take all those things back."



Really pay ah.

"Then I will take the land deed and house deed to the county king now."

Ye Ping stood up slowly, eyes full of confusion.

Let her be mean.

Wanguan's private property, are you going to return it all before it's warmed up?

Wen Yu was amused in his heart, and his brows were stained with a smile.

"Don't worry, put the things in your place first. Didn't you say that the husband and wife are one, and it's the same if you put them away."

"That's right, we are husband and wife, we should share the blessings together." Ye Ping let out a long sigh of relief, not to mention how intimate the tone was. "If the county king needs it, just let me know."

She knew that, although the man's property was not conspicuous on the surface, it was not. Because it was mentioned in the book that King Wen's personal wealth was as high as half of the national treasury due to the prosperity of his favor.

What is a golden thigh, this is it.

It would be a fool not to take the golden thighs that I hugged with my own ability. As she thought about it, she stuffed the stringed copper coins into the opponent's hand.

"Give this to the county king, representing my one hundred sincerity."

Copper-colored money, red rope, yellow and red.

Wen Yu looked at the string of copper coins in his palm, and then at the pile of copper coins that had been stringed together.

Ye Ping's heart skipped a beat, this person is quite greedy, one hundred sincerity is not enough. She moved the pile of copper coins in front of the other party, "All these are for you, representing my thousand sincerity and ten thousand sincerity."

Wen Yu: "..."

This little liar is getting better at deceiving people.