Jin Gong stayed up all night, tossing and turning.

She knew that it was Wen Yu that Feng Qing had offended this time, and she also knew that if she stepped forward, Wen Yu would definitely give her face. There are only two people she values ​​most in her heart, the former master and the current young master. Feng Qing violated the taboo of the little master, and this taboo concerns her master, so she will not intercede for Feng Qing.

But that child Fengqing was brought up by her, so she can't ignore it.

Things have come to this point, no amount of training and responsibility will help. She looked at the time and estimated when the little master would be on duty. Therefore, when Wen Yu left the mansion on the front foot, she arrived at Wumingju on the back foot.

Ye Ping was not surprised, and politely asked her to sit down.

She directly explained her intentions and apologized for Feng Qing.

"That girl Fengqing has acted improperly and should not stay in the mansion anymore. I will arrange her to go to the shop and continue to do the work of keeping accounts. If there is a suitable family in the future, I will let her get rid of her slave status and marry someone."

This kind of arrangement is not careless, it is also the result of her night of deliberation.

Ye Ping didn't feel any sympathy in his heart. This man from Jin Gong spoke sincerely and acted frankly, making it difficult for people to speak ill of each other. And Fengqing is Fengqing, and Jingong people are Jingong people.

If others treat her honestly, she won't play tricks either.

"If you say that I'm not angry, you must not believe me. You are the adoptive mother of the county king, and you can also be regarded as my elder. I will not hide my words in front of you. Miss Feng Qing's thoughts, come to think of it. Not only I can see clearly, but people like you should also be able to see a thing or two. There are many men in the world who love sex, and three wives and four concubines are even more common. Although I am not of high birth, but influenced by my parents since I was a child, I deeply think that the most loving couple , there should be no other people in the middle."

Jin Gong raised his eyebrows, his words sounded familiar.

The eldest princess also said similar things when she was alive.

She looked at the woman in front of her, wearing a plain uniform without any embroidery on it. Simple and loose style, looks relaxed and casual. Even if only a hosta was used in the hair, it pulled out the black hair in a different style.

Extremely colorful and minimalist.

Contradictory yet comfortable.

Even though he is only a teenager, even if he came from a wealthy family, it is impossible for him to be so calm. Such a calmness is too different from his age.

"Isn't the princess of the county afraid of being called jealous?"

"If a woman loves a man, she will naturally not want to share it with others. But we women don't care about these things, but in fact it's all in the man's thoughts. If a man likes new colors, he must keep taking concubines. On the contrary, if he doesn't I like it, why should we women force others to be difficult? Others don’t know what kind of temperament the king of the county is, but don’t respectful people know? His master, I can’t do it. How much I like him, of course I can’t be so stupid as to pretend to be virtuous Dadu took the initiative to raise concubines and aunts for him."

"The prince of the county is indifferent, and he is really pure and ascetic when it comes to female sex."

Ye Ping believed this before, but now she doesn't believe it.

It's one thing to be light-tempered, but it has nothing to do with being pure-hearted and ascetic in bed. It is euphemism to say that it is siege and looting, it is simply a hungry wolf.

"Mr. Gong can understand that if the prince of the county has a little bit of care in the matter of men and women, I won't be able to take the position of princess of the county."

This is indeed the truth.

If Wen Yu had thought of marrying her before, His Majesty would have taken a fancy to one of the most noble daughters in Beijing early on, so it was her turn to get her, the daughter of a minor official with an obscure background.

Jin Gong admired her frankness, and felt that she was not as bad as the rumors outside.

"The princess of the county must not underestimate herself, you and the king of the county are married by His Majesty."

A marriage bestowed by His Majesty is enough to explain a lot.

Talking to smart people is peace of mind. Jin Gong can be regarded as Wen Yu's adoptive mother. Judging from the details, Wen Yu respects this adoptive mother very much. It is best not to offend such a person, and it would be even better if he could be drawn into his own camp.

What Ye Ping just said was the truth, and she didn't want to hide it. She has done things like confessing to Wen Yu in public before, and she doesn't mind letting others know how much she cares about Wen Yu, so much that she can't tolerate a third party between them.

Of course, only she knew the real reason.

"So I won't make myself unhappy. To put it bluntly, my heart is too small and I can't tolerate too many trivial things. I like it. I like it. I like it simple and clean. If there are some people who are intrusive, what would I prefer? Don’t, and don’t hate yourself.”

Jin Gong thought in his heart, these words became more and more familiar.

At that time, when the eldest princess learned about Wen Guogong and the Wang family, she said the same thing. The eldest princess said that there are two things in this world that cannot be shared with others, one is a man and the other is a toothbrush. No matter how much she likes it, if it is dirty, it is dirty. She would rather throw it away than use it again.

"Does the princess of the county know how the world will criticize if this word is spread?"

"They didn't say bad things about me before, but did they hurt me at all? They are just passers-by to me. If I really live for them, I would be really stupid."

Jin Gong was short of breath, and the eldest princess never stopped saying bad things in the world. If you don't have the ability to become a saint, don't expect to be liked by everyone. Since she is doomed not to be loved by everyone like gold and silver, she might as well live her own way and live happily.

The county princess and the eldest princess are so similar!

"Princess Princess... you, do you know what a toothbrush is?"

"It should be brushing your teeth."

Jin Gong's eyes widened. She also asked the eldest princess what a toothbrush was. The eldest princess said it was a toothbrush, and said that a toothbrush was a more appropriate name.

The eldest princess thinks more than ordinary people, and her tactics are not inferior to men. Once, the eldest princess joked that the reason why she had more knowledge than others was because she had been to the place where the gods lived in her dream and had been enlightened by the gods.

At that time, she thought that the eldest princess was joking, but the eldest princess told her seriously that there really is a place of immortals in this world, and maybe someday someone will have such an adventure.

"The concubine of the county is smart. When the eldest princess was alive, she once referred to brushing her teeth as a toothbrush, and said that this name is more appropriate."

Ye Ping smiled, "The eldest princess is different from ordinary women in the world, this toothbrush is really much easier than brushing your teeth."

Jin Gong also laughed, "Princess Princess also said that facial ointment should not be called facial ointment, but should be called..."

"Creams or skin care products?"

Now Jin Gong was really shocked, it turned out that what the master said was true.

There really is a so-called fairy land!

She realized instantly.

So the princess of the county is also someone who has adventures?

Did His Majesty also know about this, and that's why he was in a hurry to give the county king a marriage? She knew that His Majesty loves the king of the county and will never harm the king of the county.

If the master is still there, he should also like such a daughter-in-law.

She stood up and bowed deeply to Ye Ping. "If the concubine of the county has a mission in the future, I will never fail to obey."

Ye Ping hurried over and gave her a hand.

"Respectful people are serious, you and I are all for the county king. If the county king is good, then you are good to me, don't you think?"

"That's the reason."

The two reached a kind of tacit agreement.

Ye Ping was very satisfied with the result, although she knew that Jin Gong was very loyal, but that loyalty was only aimed at Wen Yu. She is willing to use Jin Gong, and she is willing to believe in the character of Jin Gong, but she is more willing to use someone who is also loyal to herself.

It was within her plan to subdue the Jin Gong people. But it was beyond her expectation that things could go so smoothly. I also have to thank Feng Qing for the assist, which logically added a general to her. She will not play tricks secretly, nor will she prevent Jin Gong from arranging Feng Qing's future. It is not difficult to understand that Fengqing has such thoughts. I hope that Fengqing can understand the painstaking efforts of Jin Gong people in the future.

Of course she knew that Jin Gong chose to be loyal to herself not because of her charisma, but because of Wen Yu and the eldest princess. If her guess is correct, the mother-in-law who has never met is a fetus. As a tire wearer, the eldest princess's name of wisdom has been revealed since she was a child. But since the eldest princess has revealed things such as toothbrushes and skin care products to the people around her, perhaps there are traces of later generations in her daily words and deeds.

So how did the eldest princess make sense of it?

It is impossible for the eldest princess to tell the people around her that she has passed through from later generations, so the general theory should be that she was dreaming in a fairyland or was enlightened by an expert. No matter which one it is, people in Jin Gong should regard her as the same person as the eldest princess now.

Not long after Jin Gong was sent away, someone from the Duke's Mansion came to spread the word that Mrs. Wen invited her to the mansion to discuss important matters. She frowned, wondering what kind of monster the old lady was going to do again.

After tidying up, he went out, and the carriage stopped outside the Duke's Mansion a quarter of an hour later. Just as she was about to enter the door, Wen Yu's sedan chair arrived. It seems that the old lady is really busy, otherwise she wouldn't call him back.

Wearing court clothes is even more majestic, and the aura is powerful and chilling.

Even if such a man is as handsome as the Son of God, no one would dare to look directly at his face, let alone imagine that he would be like an ordinary person, counting coins by candlelight.

The long-legged black boots came before her eyes in an instant, and she secretly swallowed.

These legs are really long!

Of course Wen Yu knew that she was looking at him, and his eyes became extremely soft.

Food and **** are also sexual, he never knew that women would be like this before. Sometimes he is very thankful that he has a good skin, otherwise the little girl would not have looked at him more.

The eyes of the two met, and there was an unexplainable emotion circulating.

"The prince is so beautiful." She leaned closer and whispered.

Hearing this, Wen Yu winked at her.

Her heart skipped a beat and she jumped happily.

This... This man has learned badly!

Because she was pregnant, their nighttime life became pure chatting under the quilt. But in such a pure day-to-day life, she would be teased by this man to make her blush and her heart beat from time to time.

The seductress was finally teased by others, and she was hooked as soon as she was very unpromising.

Losing is not losing, she glanced back.


Who is afraid of whom.

The lintel of the Guogong Mansion is high and luxurious, and the heritage that has become more and more heavy after the wind and rain is everywhere. The former glory does not seem to be far away, but it has dimmed a lot. Those riches and honors exchanged for gold and iron horses have already become extravagance that has changed taste.

When they stepped up the steps, the gloomy courtyard seemed to brighten up instantly. Even the door that has not changed for a hundred years seems to be coated with a layer of golden light.

The couple walked towards the Yixin Hall and saw Wen Guogong waiting in the corridor on the way.

Wen Guogong seemed to have something to say to Wen Yu, but Ye Ping took a step forward wisely.

The little sister stood outside the door and looked around, and hurried up to Ye Ping after seeing Ye Ping. When he led the man in, he whispered that his wife was also inside.

Ye Ping understood, and stepped over the threshold carefully.

Mrs. Wen was sitting on the teacher's chair, her face looked good, and she seemed to be smiling a little. The moment she saw Ye Ping, the smile on her face disappeared immediately, and she put on a look of indifference to Mrs. Wen.

It seems that Mrs. Wen has been flattering the old lady a lot these days, and the old lady seems to have been coaxed away a little more.

"Pingniang is here." Mrs. Wen showed no grudges, she was still gentle and dignified. "Your grandmother and I were talking about you just now. When the princess gets married, you two should get along well. She is the sister-in-law, and she will definitely let you go. If you don't understand anything, feel free Ask her for advice."

Ye Ping didn't want to get used to Mrs. Wen's habit of wanting to overwhelm others before they got married.

"The ancients said, choose the good ones and follow them, and change the bad ones. Of course, the niece and daughter-in-law of the princess should learn from the good place, but it is not easy for the niece and daughter-in-law to imitate the bad place."

Mrs. Wen is still so gentle, her eyes have the helplessness of the younger generation who are ignorant of the elders. "What kind of words do you say, the princess can still have bad things."

"My uncle's words are wrong. It is said that no one is perfect. How many people in the world dare to say that they are perfect? ​​If so, those literati and sages will definitely make her speechless."

Mrs. Wen's face remained unchanged, and she said to Mrs. Wen with some emotion: "Mother, listen to Pingniang's words, it seems that there is something wrong with the princess. If it spreads, others will still think that our Wen family is against the palace. What dissatisfaction with the princess."

Mrs. Wen glanced at Ye Ping with concern, "You monkey, you should be more careful when you speak."

Ye Ping approached her intimately, and naturally put her shoulders on Mrs. Wen's shoulders, "Grandmother, it's not that you don't know your granddaughter-in-law's temperament. My granddaughter-in-law is always outspoken. As soon as my aunt came up, she said that the princess is my sister-in-law. I felt very uneasy when I heard it." Tight. From the side of the Duke’s Mansion, the granddaughter-in-law should indeed call her sister-in-law. But from the Tian’s side, she has to call me cousin. Do you think it’s our Duke’s mansion or the Tian’s family? What does His Majesty think if you really recognize her as your sister-in-law?"

Didn't Mrs. Wen want the princess to overwhelm her? She just didn't let people get what they wanted.

Whether the Tian family is big or the Duke's mansion is big, there is no need to think about this question, any fool will know who is big. Mrs. Wen's complexion was gloomy, she didn't know who to suspect.

Ye Ping was still adding fuel to the fire, "Auntie, what do you want to say about this title?"

Originally, she didn't care about these names, but the more Mrs. Wen was like this, the more she wanted to clarify. If you want her to call Princess Qingyang as sister-in-law, then Princess Qingyang should call her cousin first.

Everyone is a sister-in-law, and no one is lower than anyone else.

"I forgot about this." Mrs. Wen didn't argue with her, because there was no way she could win this matter. The king is the sky, and the sky is respected. It is impossible for Mrs. Wen to find trouble for herself.

Ye Ping didn't intend to let her go easily, and said, "Auntie, this is your fault. How can you forget such a taboo? If it is true according to what you said, then His Majesty will blame you and blame him. The entire Duke's Palace."

Mrs. Wen gave Mrs. Wen a sideways glance. Mrs. Wang has kept her low profile these days, and she doesn't want to really tear her face for the sake of her son and grandson.

How could Mrs. Wen not feel her accusing eyes, and immediately admit her mistake.

"This is because my daughter-in-law didn't think carefully."

"Uncle, others say how virtuous you are, but I didn't expect you to be careless. When you married sister Ruyu, you were confused. My county king is named Yu, you put so many words No, I have to name sister Ruyu Ruyu. This is Ruyu Ruyu, it sounds like it was chosen after the name of my county king. If His Majesty doesn't say it, he must be unhappy in his heart, otherwise these things Every year, our Duke's Mansion will not be worse than every year."

It is a fact that Wen Guogong's mansion is getting worse year by year, but of course this is not the reason.

Ye Ping made up nonsense, but Mrs. Wen may not have intentionally named her daughter.

Mrs. Wen looked suspiciously at Mrs. Wen, and the blame in her eyes was a little more.

Speaking of which, His Majesty valued Rong'er very much back then, if he hadn't married the Wang family, Rong'er would not be depressed, and His Majesty would not be alienated from Rong'er.

So this daughter-in-law did not marry well.

She won't review her own mistakes, and she's all about letting Wang take the blame. Thinking of Wang's knowing that Rong'er and the eldest princess were in love at that time, and using various names to curry favor with her, she felt even more uncomfortable. She set up a trap, and if Wang didn't post it, she wouldn't be able to count on Wang. What's more, with Wang's background, it would be Gao Pan to marry into the Duke's mansion, and he might be secretly happy in his heart.

Some people are often like this. Once they don't like someone, they must find all the reasons to dislike this person from the clues of the past.

Mrs. Wen hurriedly argued for herself, "Mother, you forgot, you chose this name. You said that Sister Yu is the jewel of the Wen family, and only this name is worthy of it."

In fact, several characters were sent to Mrs. Wen at that time, but Mrs. Wen hinted at the side, and finally Mrs. Wen chose the jade character.

Old Mrs. Wen's face became even more ugly, and she gave Ye Ping a displeased look.

Why are there so many things!

Ye Ping looked innocent, "My daughter-in-law just casually said that there is a Wen Yu in front of me, why should I have Wen Ruyu, I am not the only one who thinks so."

"Different words have completely different meanings. If you hadn't mentioned it today, Pingniang, I'm afraid I would never have thought of this in my life." Madam Wen said.

"It turns out that my aunt is so sloppy, it's really surprising."

What to pretend, I can't think of it in my life.

"Grandmother, forget about the name. Shouldn't you make up your mind about the address between the granddaughter-in-law and the princess?"

Mrs. Wen hummed, very upset.

"Otherwise, you call her sister-in-law in the Duke's Mansion, and she calls you Cousin-in-law in the Princess Mansion."

"It's called back and forth, granddaughter-in-law is afraid of being confused. Otherwise, it's better to use the honorific title. She calls me the princess of the county, and I call her the princess of the princess. We are of the same generation, and the ranks are also the same. It should be the most appropriate to call me like this." suitable."

A county princess, a princess, no one wants to take advantage of anyone.

After thinking about it, Mrs. Wen felt her head hurt.

"Let's leave it at that."

Ye Ping smiled and said, "Grandmother is wise."

"You monkey."

"The granddaughter-in-law will be scolded for boasting that her grandmother is wise. The granddaughter-in-law is really miserable. The grandmother will not have a new granddaughter-in-law, so forget about the old granddaughter-in-law. If that is the case, the granddaughter-in-law will be sad. Granddaughter-in-law No matter, even if the princess comes in, grandma will still love me."

As she spoke, her hands kept moving.

Mrs. Wen was pinched extremely comfortably, squinting her eyes and said: "I love you, love you, even grandma."

Mrs. Wen watched them come and go with a twinkle in her eyes.

At this time, Wen Guogong and Wen Yu came in, followed by Wen Tingzhi.

Now that everyone has arrived, it is natural to talk about business.

Mrs. Wen invited all the people to discuss the marriage between Wen Tingzhi and Princess Qingyang.

"Brother Ting'er is older than Brother Yu, so it's not appropriate to delay the marriage. Both the left and right sides are engaged. I mean to advance the wedding date, so there's no need to wait a few more months."

Ye Ping lowered her eyes, she had heard that the palace was unwilling to marry in a hurry. Why did the marriage be brought forward temporarily? Could it be that Princess Qingyang couldn't wait?

Now it's interesting!