Finally, three auspicious days were negotiated, one in the middle of the next month and two at the end of the next month. At that time, they will go to discuss with the palace and choose one of the good days.

Mrs. Wen looked at her talented grandson with joy in her eyes.

"When Tingzhi was born, he was less than five catties, and he was thin and small. I kept thinking about it. Fortunately, he is a blessed one. He became fat and fat in less than a hundred days." Her eyes were full of nostalgia and distress, She really values ​​her eldest grandson the most.

Back then, in order to deceive others, Wang deliberately ate less. Originally, it could be born at full term, but it will be said that it will be premature in August. Unexpectedly, Mrs. Wang fell down and gave birth to Ting Ge'er one month ahead of schedule. The reason why Wang fell down was because he came to pay her respects in the rain. At that time, she regarded him as her own daughter, and she didn't have any words of complaint except distressed.

At that time, the eldest princess was about to give birth. If Brother Ting waited until the full-term birth, the position of eldest grandson would belong to someone else. So at that time, apart from her distress, she was actually a little lucky.

She glanced at Wen Yu's side in a strange way. This second grandson should have been the eldest grandson. But this is fate, and there is no one to control it.

If she had known that the eldest princess was so short-lived, she shouldn't have been in a hurry.

First the eldest son, then the younger son.

No matter how respected that woman was, she couldn't like it. What's wrong with her partiality to Brother Ting? The child I look at every day, so what if she hurts?

Brother Yu has been in the palace since he was a child, and has been cared and protected by His Majesty. Who wouldn't envy such grace? He has everything he wants, and he is bigger than others since he was born.

Eight catties.

So big, three catties heavier than her Ting Geer.

"Brother Yu was born weighing eight catties..."

Halfway through her speech, she was startled by a slip of the tongue.

The room was silent, everyone looked at her.

She had an old face, feeling inexplicably guilty.

Ye Ping stood up with a "huh", "Grandmother, you mean that the eldest brother was born thin and small, so my county king should not grow up well in the mother's womb, right?"

Mrs. Wen's mind was punctured, and her old face was flushed.

This is not stingy!

"What are you talking about! How could I have such an intention?"

"You clearly think so!" Ye Ping acted extremely annoyed, the old lady was too biased. Wen Tingzhi was obviously not premature at all, why was he so young? I also know that Mrs. Wen has done enough drama and deliberately raised the fetus to be as thin as a premature baby.

Although Wen Yu was considered premature, she should have been born at full term, and everyone knew this well. However, because of the noble status of the eldest princess and His Majesty's extreme protectiveness, no one in Beijing dared to discuss it.

The two were born one before the other, one weighed less than five catties, and the other weighed eight catties. As my own grandson, this is also a comparison, do you also feel unfair?

For some reason, Ye Ping suddenly felt a little distressed. The reason why I feel sorry for Wen Yu's temper may be because of lack of love when I was a child.

"In the past, the granddaughter-in-law was only a grandmother and loved the younger generation the most. The county prince was also cold-tempered and didn't like to get close to others, so you should treat the county prince lightly. I didn't expect you to be so partial. You really let the granddaughter-in-law down."

"You unfilial person, why did you talk to me? I didn't mean that when I said it, I just feel sorry for your elder brother..."

"You feel sorry for the elder brother and not the king of the county. The king of the county is also your grandson. He grew up strong when he was born. You should be happy. He lost his mother since he was a child. Shouldn't you love him more? You are still a relative As for grandma, my granddaughter-in-law has never heard of a grandmother who is so eccentric!"

Mrs. Wen was panting with anger, what kind of nonsense is this **** talking about! She doesn't admit that she has such selfish intentions, but she really hopes that her grandson will be better.

Wen Guogong frowned and looked at Ye Ping with displeasure.

After all, they are just uncle and niece and daughter-in-law, so he can't say anything. He turned his head and glanced at Wen Yu, seeing that Wen Yu was looking at that Ye Shi calmly, his brows frowned even tighter.

Mrs. Wen seemed taken aback and couldn't say a word.

Wen Tingzhi's eyes were slightly sinister, and there was some dissatisfaction and contempt hidden in his expression. This Mrs. Ye doesn't know how to be polite, how can a granddaughter-in-law dare to yell at her grandmother, she really doesn't know the rules.

Except for one face that can be seen, the others are really despised.

Suddenly there was a cold on his back, as if a cold knife was pressed against his back.

Without looking back, he also knew who was looking at him.

This cousin always overwhelmed him, the world only knew that Erlang of the Wen family was well-known, and how many people knew that he was the real heir of the Wen family.

The aristocratic family disdained to take the imperial examination, so he didn't get any honors. Originally, with his identity, he could find a decent job in his shadow. It's impossible to think that his father has been out of the world for many years, and the errands that the Wang family and himself can find are not ideal. So he has been idle all the time, saying to the outside world that he is imitating his father and focusing on studying, but in fact he doesn't want to succumb to those bad errands and lose his dignity.

Since childhood, he has always lived under the halo of this cousin. So when the decree of marriage came down, and he learned that the one who married his cousin was the beautiful girl from the Ye family, he wanted to laugh out loud.

Ye's background cannot be compared with Princess Qingyang at all, so what if he is inferior to his cousin in every way, in the matter of marrying a wife, even if the cousin is bestowed by His Majesty, after all, he has won by more than a little bit.

Look at this Mrs. Ye, how can she be as reserved and dignified as a lady.

It's funny that the cousin is still protecting him.

Ye Ping suddenly changed his face and wiped away his tears.

"Grandmother, you are so partial, and the granddaughter-in-law doesn't follow her. The granddaughter-in-law only cares about the king of my family. If the king is good, the granddaughter-in-law is good. The granddaughter-in-law pleases her grandmother and respects her grandmother because you are the real grandmother of the king. If you If you don’t like the county king, and despise the county king everywhere, then the grandson-in-law should not treat you well, nor should she be filial to you!”

Mrs. Wen was stuck in her heart, she was really going to be **** off by this bastard. The son and two grandsons are still there, how dare this bastard!

She pointed at Ye Ping with trembling fingers, unable to say a word for a long time.

Ye Ping cried and stepped forward to relieve her.

"Grandmother, you can do me a favor and love the king as much as you can. If you love the king a little, the granddaughter-in-law will treat you twice. The more you love the king, the more filial the grandson-in-law will be to you in the future."

Mrs. Wen couldn't push her away, so she could only let her go. She had a good technique, and she let Mrs. Wen pass her breath in a few strokes. The anger is smooth, but the fire in my heart has not dissipated. Mrs. Wen secretly scolded how Ye's family raised their children, and Ye's bastard's temperament followed whoever he wanted.

"You're still picking on me as co-author!"

"Granddaughter-in-law is not picking on you, but she can't understand your partiality. You used to favor younger sister Ruyu and looked down on Xueniang, so there is another argument. After all, Xueniang is a concubine. But the county king is not only a descendant, but also the son of the eldest princess. , the nephew of His Majesty's direct relatives. The granddaughter-in-law doesn't understand, the county king is a leader in both appearance, ability and noble blood, why don't you like him?"

"When did I say I didn't like him?" Mrs. Wen almost yelled this. She was really going to be **** off by this Mrs. Ye.

Ye Ping made a gesture of great joy when she heard the words.

"It turns out that grandma likes the county king, that's really great."

Mrs. Wen hummed, her face was not her face and her nose was not her nose.

Wen Yu looked at the coaxing little girl, his eyes were dark with a tenderness that no one else could detect. He never needed the love of his grandmother, let alone care about these insignificant things. But someone will fight for him for his injustice, such a feeling has never been felt before.

Too many lies are told, and the lies are also true.

Did she also believe what the little liar said?

Ye Ping felt something in her heart and met his gaze.

Why does this man look at her like this?

Why did she feel a little shy for no reason.

A man who is as handsome as jade, even if his momentum is as sharp as a knife, is still so handsome that he is not like ordinary people. Sure enough, a good-looking person is good-looking no matter how you look at it, even if you know that you are a god-like character, you can't hide the innate elegance.

She turned her face away, her heart beating a little hard.

This **** heartbeat really didn't come at the right time.


Is she right with Wen Yu?

No way.

The person surnamed Wen is not only good-looking, but also rich and powerful...

Can't think anymore.


At this time, Wen Guogong's brows were already twisted into a "Chuan", and no one knew what he was thinking.

Wen Tingzhi's eyes became more and more disdainful, and Ye Shi didn't feel ashamed in front of so many people if he made such a fuss. It doesn't matter that Wen Yu was born noble, he is not fascinated by beauty just like ordinary people.

He remembered what kind of virtue this Ye Shi used to have, and he looked down on a woman who had once shown off her beauty in front of him. If his mother hadn't repeatedly warned him not to ruin the marriage because of a woman of humble background, he could have reluctantly accepted this Ye family in the past.

Who would have imagined that such a guy would be regarded as a treasure by his cousin, and he was really dazzled by beauty.

However, I don't know if this Ye family has a lot more charm than before because of his marriage. It seems that the beautiful flowers are soaked in dew, and it makes the mouth dry.

That chest, that waist...

Suddenly he felt chills all over his body again, and immediately straightened his back.

Wen Yu, Wen Yu, it doesn't matter how powerful you are, if you marry such a woman, you are destined to be inferior.

"If you dare to look at her again, I'll dig out your eyeballs."

The cold voice pierced people's hearts, but he was the only one who could hear it.

He didn't dare to turn his head, and was in a cold sweat for an instant.

How dare this evil spirit...

Ye Ping had withdrawn her thoughts, and was pouring tea for Mrs. Wen pretending to be happy, with an extremely attentive attitude. "Granddaughter-in-law knows that grandma is the best grandmother in the world, and grandson-in-law will be filial to you in the future. The better you treat the county king, the more filial grandson-in-law will be to you."

Mrs. Wen said that who cares about your filial piety, but she is very useful to please her.

As soon as everyone left, the old lady began to dislike things again, complaining about Ye Ping's **** with the young mother, counting her disrespectful and direct words.

"This Mrs. Ye just can't give her a good face. Look at her just now, how does she look like the mistress of a rich family? She really doesn't see it. Fortunately, she met a grandmother like me. If someone else would punish her Kneel at the ancestral hall."

The little mother naturally picked a nice way to say, "The old lady loves the younger generation, so the princess of the county dares to say those words. What the princess of the county said in front of the old lady should be because she regards the old lady as her own grandmother in her heart. "

Mrs. Wen thought so too.

If it is someone else, it must be installed. Ye Shi didn't even pretend, and spoke bluntly without any shyness, clearly treating herself as her own grandmother.

Thinking about it this way, I feel that Mrs. Ye is much more pleasing to the eye.

"Hmph, if she had those thoughts, she wouldn't have done such a thing. Forget it, it's not a bad thing to be straightforward, at least she doesn't have any evil intentions."

It's better than some people who pretend to be gentle and virtuous, but are actually so scheming...

Thinking of this, her face darkened.

Don't look at her willingness to give Wang a good face, it's all for Ting Ge'er's face. When Princess Qingyang enters the door, she must seize the power of the Wang family and hand it over to the princess.

Wen Guogong's family of three and Ye Ping and Wen Yu almost came out of the Yixintang, and soon the family was divided into two groups, Wen Guogong's group, Mrs. Wen and Wen Ting's group.

Ye Ping and Wen Yu walked out of the mansion, and the two groups gradually drifted away.

When turning the corner, Ye Ping looked over there.

An attendant led the way with a lantern in front, and Wen Guogong walked behind with his hands behind his back. The back figure was extremely thin, even though it was unreal in the hazy night, one could still feel the other party's stubbornness.

"Don't you hate him?" she asked suddenly.

This he refers to Wen Guogong.

Wen Yu's expression remained unchanged, and he glanced at her.

"How did you guess that?"

"Although I have never met the eldest princess, I know that she is definitely not a person who treats feelings as a trifle. Otherwise, she would not have been in love with Wen Guogong for more than ten years, so there is only one answer: she married her father for the sake of you."

"Long-distance running in love?"

"It's just that we only talk about love and don't talk about marriage. It's very common in our place. And I guess Mrs. Wen should have done something about the issue of age. Otherwise, you should have been born before Wen Ting."

Mrs. Wen was able to turn black and white, and switch Wen Ruyu and Wen Ruqin's elder and younger positions, so she naturally had a reason to initiate the birth earlier, and fight for the title of eldest grandson for her son.

"It's just a false name, no one cares."

Mother didn't care, and neither did he.

He is not indifferent to the name of the eldest grandson of the Wen family.

"That being said, life is nothing more than fame and wealth for some people. Fortunately, you were taken to the palace by His Majesty since you were young, otherwise if you were raised in front of a partial old lady, you would either be raised or disabled No matter what, I have to serve as a foil for Wen Tingzhi. That Wen Tingzhi is as fake as his mother, he is all pretending to be modest and courteous."

In Ye Ping's memory, she saw Wen Tingzhi beating and scolding the servant more than once, and she also knew that the girl named Fang'er in Wen Tingzhi's room was a roommate.

The original owner seemed to have shown his face in front of Wen Tingzhi, and the other party seemed to be able to hook up easily. If the original owner didn't like Shen Ling more in his heart, I'm afraid something would have happened.

"Princess Qingyang is not a good stubble, I really want to know the life after they get married."

What kind of sparks will collide between the seemingly gentle mother-in-law who has a strong desire for control and deep scheming, and the daughter-in-law who is noble but restless?

I'm looking forward to it.

"Want to watch the fun so much?"

"That's right." Ye Ping's watery eyes turned into crescent moons, "It would be great if there would be excitement to watch on the wedding day."

When Wen Yu heard this, a dark light flashed across his eyes.