Wen Yu and Ye Ping also saw him, Ye Ping didn't withdraw her hand, and Wen Yu didn't let her go either. The two still clasped their fingers together and approached leisurely.

Song Jinyuan's eyeballs were about to fall off, he could see with both eyes, the couple actually didn't shy away from it at all, they still kissed me brightly.

He used to think that Wen Chengtian would be what he is today, but when this scene appeared in front of his eyes, he found that the person who should be laughed at was not others, but himself.

The husband and wife are loving, but he is alone.

No, he felt very hurt.

He had a smiling face, and the resentful expression didn't suit him. His battered and pitiful appearance made people want to laugh for no reason.

Ye Ping couldn't help laughing, "I haven't come home so late, what's the matter, Mr. Song?"

"It's something." It was fine before, and I just wanted to talk to Wen Chengtian about the affairs of the Duke's Mansion. But now he's busy, he's got big stuff. But it's useless for him to ask Wen Chengtian for this matter, he has to look for his difficult sister-in-law. "I have something to discuss with the princess of the county."

"Find me?"

After Ye Ping was slightly surprised, she quickly understood.

Look, that's all it takes.

Tut tut.

At any rate, he is also the chief commander of the Jingwu Guard, a frightening smiling ghost, but like ordinary people, he wants to find a wife so much that he can't sleep.

"Master Song, it's okay to speak up if you have something to say."

"...It's like this. I live alone now, and there is no one to take care of the house. Not to mention the inconvenience of daily eating and living, even when I go home from duty every day, there is only one room deserted."

After finishing speaking, he showed a bitter expression.

Ye Ping wanted to laugh again.

"So you're thinking of getting married?"


"Shouldn't the matter of marriage be discussed between two surnames?"

"Master Ye said that this matter needs the consent of the princess of the county."

This was indeed what Ye Geng said, and it was also what Ye Ping meant.

There was a silence.

Ye Ping said: "It's too late today, let's talk about it another day."

She has to figure it out.

After finishing speaking, she lifted her foot and walked into the mansion.

Song Jinyuan grabbed Wen Yu who was following him, and lowered his voice. "Chengtian, you have to help me."

This kid has a wife and forgot about his brother, so he didn't say a word for him just now.


"I won't let it go. You kid is now a loving husband and wife, and you can't ignore your brother's life or death. Weren't you very powerful before? You won't tell me, are you afraid of your own guilt now?"

Ye Ping had already entered the door, and the two were still chattering outside the door.

Wen Yu snorted coldly, he was afraid of guilt?

How can it be!

He is old, just let the little girl.

Song Jinyuan said again: "I see that you and the county princess are very affectionate. Even if you are afraid of guilt, you will always blow the pillow wind. If you blow it in her ear, maybe she will let go. After the matter is done, we I will never forget this kindness.”

Wen Yu was still silent.

Song Jinyuan had an idea, and his voice was lowered. "Mountains don't turn around, we will be brother-in-law in the future, I can't get better, do you think you can take care of yourself? The princess of the county and Miss Ye Er are sisters, can you guarantee that you won't ask me in the future? Miss Ye Er She is kind and soft-hearted. When the time comes, I will sit next to her pillow with the wind blowing, and she will help you talk. You and I are two grasshoppers on the same rope. We should help each other, right? A Yu."

The last voice, A Yu, made Wen Yu look disgusted.

With such a flick of his sleeve, Song Jinyuan had to let go of him.

Seeing him enter the gate of the Princess Mansion, Song Jinyuan yelled resolutely, "Chengtian, if this fails, don't blame me for looking down on you in the future!"

When Ye Ping heard this, she turned her head subconsciously.

The door closed slowly, blocking Song Jinyuan's figure from the door.

What a cunning Song Jinyuan, Wen Yu was under pressure.

What will Wen Yu do?

Her eyes were full of gossip, but she resisted asking.

Freshen up, change clothes, go to bed, business as usual.

There are candlesticks around the inner room, which are as bright as day. When it was about to rest, three of the candlesticks were extinguished. There are six candles on one candlestick. If it is too bright, you can keep a few candles and switch them at will.

In the spirit of thrift, Ye Ping only asked people to keep one.

She sneaked glances at Wen Yu several times, but seeing that this man was still indifferent to everything, she forcibly swallowed the words that came to her lips.

Putting down the gauze curtain, it was another world in an instant.

Will Wen Yu intercede for Song Jinyuan?

She thought so, closing her eyes and snuggling up. The familiar breath no longer had the initial coldness, but only an indescribable sense of solidity.

"I passed by Jinyuan's new house a few days ago, and saw a lot of weeds growing under the walls. I think it's because I really don't have time to take care of the back house."

Is it that bad?

Ye Ping expressed doubts.

Song Jinyuan is the son of the general's mansion, and it is impossible for him to have servants to serve him. Weeds grew on the walls of that house, shouldn't the people around him be responsible?

Then he asked angrily, "Does he live alone?"

"Although there are a few servants following, they are all men except for the woman in the kitchen."


I see.

"There are not enough servants, he can return to the general to ask for someone."

Wen Yu's big palm pressed her into his arms, "He was afraid that he would be deeply involved with the general's mansion, even if he moved out and lived in another place, his fate would not be changed. They are already engaged, and you can delay it for a while, but not for a lifetime."

"Of course I know that."

Ye Ping couldn't say why, maybe it was because of fear.

"Song Jinyuan has more means than one person. How can my Tingniang be his opponent. Don't look at him pretending to be pitiful, but in fact he is a wolf with a big tail, and my Tingniang is a weak little white rabbit in front of him."

"It is true that you are a wolf-like creature, but your sister is not a weak rabbit. If it is a rabbit, she is also a rabbit that can be defeated by nine bulls on her own."

Ye Ping snorted softly, what's the matter with Lida, too much strength but less mind. How can it compare to Song Jinyuan, not only is he ruthless, but also full of heart, like a sieve.

So Song Jinyuan's threat was very effective, and the one surnamed Wen was also very loyal. After co-authoring, she is the only villain. She made a bold move and twisted Wen Yu's waist.

Wen Yu moved very quickly, grabbed her hand and held it tightly in his palm.

"If you're unhappy, why don't you use this to get some benefits for your sister?"

"Yeah, why didn't I think of that."

Ye Ping soon had an idea. Song Jinyuan had a good background and had been an official for several years, so he probably had some private property. Tingniang's dowry is doomed to be thin, so why doesn't she practice the method of wool growing on sheep.

The one surnamed Wen is quite sensible and knows who is the closest person.

She said a lot of things like this, and finally gave this task to the person who proposed it. In order to let Wen Yu complete the task better, she went into battle with sweet words and sugar-coated cannonballs, and kissed and hugged until Wen Yu agreed.

Wen Yu nodded, and the matter was done.

Song Jinyuan will soon know that it is possible for friends to really stab each other, and it will be the kind that sees blood.

What a jade-faced evil spirit, what a smiling evil spirit.

Just two treasures.

Rumors raged all night, and the hawkers who got up early started gossiping with each other while lighting a fire. The gossip was all about what happened on the wedding day of Duke Wen's mansion. The more people in the market, the more interested they are in the affairs of the aristocratic family. They chatted, and the topic slowly drifted away.

The sky is getting brighter and the sun is rising.

As the sun got higher, Ye Ping slowly opened her eyes. There was no one beside the bed, even if she couldn't see the outside scene through the covered gauze, she could feel that she must have gotten up late.

It's okay if it's on weekdays, anyway, she's the biggest in the inner house of the Princess Mansion. It's just that the new couple in the Duke's Mansion wanted to recognize relatives and offer tea today, so she, the cousin, should have gone there early.

Sanxi heard the movement and came to wait on her, saying that the king of the county had ordered her not to disturb her no matter what.

"The king of the county also said that if you don't want to pay attention to the affairs of the Duke's mansion, then you don't have to go there. If someone asks, you just say that he disagrees."

Wen Yu really doesn't value the Duke's Mansion, Ye Ping thought.

The matter has come to this point, it is useless to say more.

While dressing up, Sanxi mysteriously reported what happened at the Duke's Mansion last night. I heard that there was no movement in the new house in the first half of the night, and I asked for water three times in the second half of the night.

This ligature is used wonderfully, is it because the time is too short?

Ye Ping looked delicate, "Who told you?"

"It's Sister Yin'er in the old lady's yard."

The Yiner that Sanxi mentioned was a second-class girl in Yixintang.

"You can do that, when did you make friends with the people around the old lady?"

"The maidservant is now the maid of the princess of the county. Hong Sang said that it is not easy to be a maid in a big family. You have to worry about things that the master can think of, and you have to worry about things that the master has not thought of."

Hongsang's original words were as follows: "Sanxi, my girl is so close to your county concubine, so I won't go around with some things. There are few masters in the princess mansion, and there are few dirty things. But no matter how quiet the mansion is, some things You also have to be careful. How many pairs of eyes are staring at this side of the Duke's Mansion, you can no longer just know what to eat like before. You must know what the masters want, and you must pay attention to what the masters did not expect .”

San Xi and Hong Sang had some signs of estrangement before, but after Hong Sang followed Wen Ruqin to the Xuanping Hou Mansion, the two of them got along much better, and they were able to talk heart-to-heart together.

She wants Hongsang to know that she definitely doesn't just know how to eat.

Ye Ping is of course happy when the people around her know how to make progress. Not only did she reward three happy and two taels of silver, but she also ordered the kitchen to cook a chicken for her alone today. With money to take and chicken to eat, Sanxi smiled until her eyes narrowed.

When everything was packed, the sun was already high.

At this time, the couple in the Duke's Mansion had already finished offering tea.

When Ye Ping left, everyone had already gone back to their respective houses. She went directly to the Yixin Hall. When Mrs. Wen saw her, she immediately pulled her face away and snorted coldly to look away.

Those who come from a small family are poorly educated. Princess Qingyang recognizes her relatives today, so it's fine if Brother Yu doesn't come, but the Ye family dare not come. I'm still too tolerant on weekdays, so I shouldn't give her a good face.

"Grandmother, granddaughter-in-law got up late today, she really shouldn't."

"What time is it now? How can you wake up late, you obviously went to bed too early!"

The old lady spoke quite humorously.

Ye Ping didn't care about Mrs. Wen's ugly face, and approached her affectionately. When he saw that there was still a plate of snacks on the table, his big flexible eyes rolled around.

"Grandma, what does this snack smell like? It makes me want to vomit."

"The sweet-scented osmanthus cake that I just made this morning, you don't have to look for trouble."

"Osmanthus cake? Why do I smell the smell of rotten leaves?" Ye Ping pretended to be very puzzled, picked up the cake and smelled it. After smelling it, her face paled even more. "Grandmother, you lied to me! This snack is clearly broken, please take it away!"

Old Mrs. Wen was sullen, and was about to reprimand her when she saw the little nun playing riddles. The little mother winked and aimed at Ye Ping's stomach.

Ye Ping covered her mouth, as if about to vomit.

"You... Don't you have it?" Mrs. Wen finally came to her senses.

"What's the matter?" Ye Ping was amused in her heart, but she was still pretending to be confused.

It's drowsiness again, and I can't smell the snacks, it's not nausea, it's what it is!

Mrs. Wen has been troubled since yesterday. She thought that her eldest grandson would get married anyway, and Princess Qingyang is a magnanimous person. How could she expect to see her eldest grandson this morning? She felt distressed and angry.

Not to mention the blue color in Ting Ge'er's eyes, his complexion is also extremely ugly. Not only that, but he almost stumbled when he stepped over the threshold, which was due to his frivolous steps.

No matter how old you are, you don't know how to take it easy when you become a relative.

Princess Qingyang is the same, men are greedy for novelty and can't hold back, she is a woman who doesn't know how to refuse one or two. I heard that I had to ask for water three times in the middle of the night, Ting Geer's body couldn't bear it. What made her even more unhappy was that her eldest grandson looked hollowed out, but Princess Qingyang had a ruddy complexion.

After all, it was the matter of the grandson's boudoir, and she, a grandmother, couldn't intervene. But the old lady loves her eldest grandson, and the knot in her heart is finally settled.

When she thought that there was still a pregnant girl living in Yixintang, she felt even more unhappy. The eldest son and grandson are all descendants of the descendant, and it is the turn of the great-eldest grandson, is there going to be a concubine?

"Quick, hurry up and call the doctor."

She ordered repeatedly, and the young mother hurried down to make arrangements.

Ye Ping asked anxiously, "Grandmother, is there something wrong with you?"

"It's not me, it's you." Mrs. Wen now only hopes that her second grandson's daughter-in-law is really pregnant.

"I'm not sick." Ye Ping was still pretending to be ignorant.

"You child, why are you so ignorant." Old Mrs. Wen was like a withered flower in water, she regained her energy in an instant, and her voice became much louder. "There is no elder at the Princess Mansion, so it's no wonder you are a young couple. This may be a good thing, and we will know when the doctor comes."

The doctor came quickly, and within a short time he diagnosed the Xi pulse.

Mrs. Wen's depression eased up a bit, and after the doctor left, she looked Ye Ping from side to side, up and down, until Ye Ping looked a little embarrassed.

"Okay, okay, a lucky one."

"Thanks to grandma's carefulness. Granddaughter-in-law thought she had overslept today, how could she have guessed that it was..." Ye Ping pretended to be shy, and put her hand gently on her abdomen.

It should be a good time to announce her pregnancy at this time.

Mrs. Wen looked at her, and suddenly said, "This man, everything is fate."

Good luck, everything goes well.

Fate is bad, and troubles are everywhere.

Who would have thought that a woman from a small family would not only marry into a noble family, but also have such smooth success in terms of offspring. If it is said that this is not fate, Mrs. Wen will not believe it.

"You are a healthy person now, and you must be cautious in what you do in the future, especially what you eat must not be eaten indiscriminately. If you don't understand anything, just ask me."

"Granddaughter-in-law can save it. With elders like grandmother, no one would say that granddaughter-in-law is lucky."

"Second brother and sister are saying that it is indeed a blessing for our juniors to have an elder like grandmother." As soon as the words fell, Princess Qingyang walked in with a smile.

Bejeweled, extremely dazzling.

Mrs. Wen really wanted to give her a good face, but when she thought of her grandson's appearance this morning, she couldn't make a smile.

"Your mother-in-law didn't tell you that you don't need to be called by seniority between you and Brother Yu's daughter-in-law. You call her Princess Princess, and she calls you Princess, so you don't have to worry about it."

Princess Qingyang was slightly stunned, what else could happen?

The mother-in-law didn't say, did she forget?

Furthermore, they obviously have seniority, so why not care about it?

"Grandmother, is it too much to be called the princess of the county?"

"It's better to be born than to be in trouble. You call her the second younger sibling, what do you think? What does your majesty think? No matter how senior our Duke's mansion is, we can still surpass your royal family!"

"Grandmother said that it was the granddaughter-in-law who didn't think well."

Everyone in the world knows how much His Majesty loves Wen Yu.

Princess Qingyang no matter how proud she is, she also knows that in His Majesty's heart, no one can be more gentle than Yu Yu. Since His Majesty was involved in this matter, she certainly didn't dare to force it.

She raised her chin and looked at Ye Ping, "Why didn't you see the county king? I thought I would see you when I met my relatives this morning."

"I'm really sorry, the county king is on duty, I got up late."

A high value, a late rise.

Did they still pay attention to Zhang Wang's Mansion and Duke Guo's Mansion?

The Ye family was born in a small family, so he certainly didn't have the guts to do so. So everything was ordered by the king of the county, and the king of the county made it clear that he didn't want to give face to King Zhang's mansion.

"It turns out that I got up late. There are no elders in this mansion to take care of me. Grandma, don't you think so?"

Mrs. Wen was a little angry, "There's a reason for her to get up late, and she's no wonder. You've been tired all night, why don't you rest in the room?"

On the second day of the wedding, she was still so energetic, but her grandson was so pitiful. The more the old lady thought about it, the more irritable she became. If it wasn't for her status as Princess Qingyang, she would have to give a good reprimand.

Princess Qingyang was secretly surprised, didn't it mean that the Wen family didn't like Mrs. Ye? Why is this old lady protecting Mrs. Ye so much? Could it be that he was bribed by Mrs. Ye?

"It turned out that I misunderstood, the princess of the county got up late because of something."

There is nothing wrong with getting up late, Zuo just went to bed late. The mistress of a big family, even if she has not slept all night, those who should get up early still have to get up early.

This Ye family's rules are still a bit off.

Ye Ping was a little surprised that Mrs. Wen would defend herself, but she is not a soft persimmon, how can Princess Qingyang want to be round and flat as soon as she comes up.

"...It's not a big deal, it's just that I'm pregnant. I didn't know it myself. I slept until the sun was up today. If grandma didn't care, I'm afraid I'd be confused for a while."

Princess Qingyang's expression changed slightly upon hearing this.