She recovered quickly and politely congratulated Ye Ping. Ye Ping acted shyly, and replied softly thank you. The pair of sisters-in-law can only maintain face.

Mrs. Wen is very satisfied, the family values ​​the character of the clan wife the most. The most important thing for the eldest grandson's daughter-in-law is to understand the general situation and support the dignity of the family's backyard. As for the second granddaughter-in-law, there is no need to be too overbearing, lest there will be quarrels between the sisters-in-law.

When she thought of her eldest grandson, she felt a little uncomfortable again.

After something like that happened, it would be a lie for her to say that she was not disappointed. She placed high hopes on her eldest grandson, and the marriage of her eldest grandson in these years can be said to be a thousand choices. She thought that her eldest grandson was worthy of all the noble girls in Beijing, but she didn't want to make a scandal.

Fortunately, the princess took care of the overall situation, otherwise I don't know how it will end.

Princess Qingyang came to Yixin Hall at this time to see Fang'er. She is so magnanimous and sensible, Mrs. Wen is more and more satisfied, naturally she praises her again and again. The dissatisfaction that had arisen earlier because of the young couple's lack of restraint on their wedding night also dissipated a lot, and they were thinking about how to get the eldest daughter-in-law to give up the middle-aged couple in the house.

Fang'er said that she lived in Yixintang, but it was not the case. It's just a girl, even if she is pregnant, she can't really live in the old lady's yard in the mansion.

Not far from Yixintang, there is a small courtyard where Fang'er is placed.

Not to mention whether Princess Qingyang is pretending to be virtuous by doing this, she is a majestic princess who can do this, and no one will say that she is magnanimous and tolerant.

There was a tinge of relief on Mrs. Wen's face, and when she turned her head to see the well-behaved second-granddaughter-in-law, she felt a little more satisfied. Although the two daughter-in-laws did not marry well, the two grand-daughter-in-laws look good now.

Although Ye's family background is lower, and his heart is more outspoken, but his heart is not bad, and he is quite filial to her. Now that she is pregnant again, she, as a grandparent, naturally needs to take care of her.

"You don't have any elders in your house. You have to be more careful in what you do in the future. The servants around you should be beaten. Don't let them be manipulated, so as not to raise their hearts. Your two girls don't need it." There are too many taboos, how can they catch Yuge'er's eyes with their looks, but the two next to Jin Gong are not good things to look at, you have to be more careful."

This is because she was afraid that Ye Ping would be ignorant, so she let the big-hearted girl climb onto the bed.

The old lady has a distasteful temperament, and she is not very comfortable in dealing with others, but Ye Ping will naturally think of her in her heart if she can say such heartfelt words.

Ye Ping responded one by one, and then whispered about Feng Qing, saying that he had been sent by Jin Gong people to take care of the accounts at the shop outside. Mrs. Wen snorted, and said that she was sensible.

This she refers to Jin Gong.

People in Jingong, who were the number one celebrity around An and Princess Chang, often passed messages between the two mansions, and never gave face to anyone in the Duke's mansion. It is reasonable that Mrs. Wen didn't like it.

"For the time being, you and that girl are in front of each other, you have to fight for grandma."

"Grandmother, my grandson-in-law dare not agree to this matter. Having a child is not another matter. It's time to give birth wherever it is said."

Mrs. Wen's face darkened, and she thought to herself that Mrs. Ye is really a real eye.

"You listen to what the elders say, where did all these crooks come from?"

"Grandmother taught me that." Ye Ping was educated, with a humble face. "The grandson's daughter-in-law has always thought that the eldest son, great grandson, and great grandson should be the best from the eldest house. Now that the princess has married in, maybe she will come from behind, and maybe she was born before us."

Old Mrs. Wen's sullen face became more and more ugly, and she felt an inexplicable "thud."

"What nonsense!"

"Where is the granddaughter-in-law talking nonsense? The granddaughter-in-law is looking forward to having a daughter from this birth. If Miss Fang'er gives birth to a girl, then shouldn't the eldest grandson of our Wen family still rely on the princess?"

The child didn't speak clearly, which made her think too much.

While Mrs. Wen blamed her, her mind was floating.

It's not bad if that's the case.

It's just that the great-eldest granddaughter of the Wen family is better off as a direct descendant. If Mrs. Ye is lucky, she will definitely be born in front of a girl. If she is unlucky...

It was late, and it seemed that it was almost time for lunch.

Mrs. Wen insisted on keeping the meal, saying that the kitchen just happened to stew ginseng squab today, which is the most nourishing for pregnant women. Ye Ping was not a person who didn't know what to do, so she responded generously, and even ordered two dishes very rudely. One of the two dishes was spicy and the other was sweet and sour, which confused Mrs. Wen.

It's spicy and sour. Is the second granddaughter-in-law pregnant with a boy or a girl?

Could it be twins!

"Did the doctor just say, are you pregnant with one or two?"


Ye Ping already knew this.

She has the gene to conceive twins, but she doesn't mean that she will definitely conceive twins.

Mrs. Wen seemed a little disappointed, but didn't say anything.

To Ye Ping's surprise, Mrs. Wen's original lunch was not as light as last time. Instead, there are light and thick dishes, three dishes each with spicy taste and light taste.

It's no wonder that the old lady didn't go to the Duke's mansion for dinner anymore, and I don't know if the old lady stopped listening to Mrs. Wen, or Mrs. Wen gave in on her own. This shows that the relationship between the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law has cracked.

Old Mrs. Wen's face is full of color, isn't the second granddaughter-in-law dumbfounded?

"Give her soup, this soup is the most nourishing." She ordered the young mother.

The little mother quickly served Ye Ping a bowl of pigeon soup. The soup exuded a strong ginseng aroma, and the soup was clear and bright, with red goji berries floating in it.

Maybe pregnant women have a more sensitive sense of taste. Ye Ping smelled the strong ginseng smell and suddenly felt nauseous. She covered her mouth with a veil and pushed Tang aside.

"Can't you smell it?" Mrs. Wen asked.

Ye Ping nodded.

Since she was pregnant, she has never had such a situation. She was secretly glad that she didn't have morning sickness before, but now it seems that she may be too optimistic.

"Grandmother, you can drink it yourself, the granddaughter-in-law may not be lucky."

She couldn't smell the soup, so Mrs. Wen certainly wouldn't force her to drink it.

The grandparents and grandson had eaten several times, and the atmosphere was harmonious.

Although Mrs. Wen is old, she is in good health and has a good appetite. I drank a bowl of soup and a bowl of rice. If you don't take it easy, another bowl of rice will do.

After the meal, the old lady wanted to take a nap, so Ye Ping bid farewell.

Just after leaving Yixintang, she saw Fang'er with red and swollen eyes.

Fang'er was still in the same outfit as yesterday, looking a little pitiful. It seemed obvious that he wanted to go in to greet Mrs. Wen, but he dared not go forward because of his status.

Ye Ping didn't want to interfere with the big house.

She only glanced briefly, then looked away.

Not long after the general walked, he met Wen Tingzhi who was walking towards him. It's just that they haven't seen each other all night, the bridegroom officer who was still in great glory yesterday has a gloomy face, and his steps seem to be somewhat powerless.

Compared with the princess's rosy complexion, he seemed to be sucked dry. Three times in a row, it seems that I really tried my best. This is the first day of their wedding, how will they live the days to come.

The two are elder brother-in-law and younger siblings, the relationship that should be avoided most.

Ye Ping greeted Li politely and made way for him.

His face was gloomy, and his eyes were clouded with darkness. Maybe he wanted to pretend to be dignified, or maybe he didn't want others to see his innocence, but he just walked past Ye Ping without squinting.

Could it be that after seeing Princess Qingyang's ferocity, she began to be afraid to avoid women?

"Miss Fang'er knows how to choose the time, and now I can meet the prince." Sanxi said.

Ye Ping glanced at her, the eyes were quite meaningful. Whether she picks the time or catches the chance, I'm afraid only Fang'er knows.

A woman from a high-ranking family, even if she is a girl, is not a simple person. This old family with profound heritage, even though it seems to be calm for many years, who really believes that the inside is clean and clear.

Three women in one play, it depends on who is the protagonist and who is the cannon fodder at the end of the play.

Nothing happened, Ye Ping didn't rush back to the princess mansion, but went to Ye's house. The Ye family was greatly surprised, and Mother Ye even held onto her hand.

As usual, the man is not at home, and the family is full of women.

Mother Ye and Mrs. Ye were most concerned about her body. They knew that Ye Ping was pregnant after Ye Ting came back from the Princess Mansion last time. Because it is not appropriate to speak out in the first three months of pregnancy, they can only pretend not to know.

Several people surrounded her, asking her about her bosom and her appetite. When she learned that she had a good pregnancy and no morning sickness, Mother Ye said several times to the blessings of the Bodhisattva.

Ye Shi was even more emotional, saying that she is a blessed one. It was obviously a joyful sentence, but it made people hear something wrong. Ye Ping looked at her suspiciously, and she quickly explained that she was pregnant and vomited faintly, and suffered for several months.

Mother Ye said: "Your mother is happy that you don't have to suffer what she suffered back then."

Everyone in the world envies others to have two children in one child, but forgets that a woman's childbirth is like going to hell. One child is dangerous, let alone twins. Knowing that her daughter was pregnant with a single child, Mrs. Ye was more happy than anyone else. She was pregnant with twins for the first time. Not only did she have a bad pregnancy, but she also vomited badly. In the later stage, the belly was as big as a basket, and walking was inconvenient. She was close to death during childbirth and almost didn't survive.

Knowing this, Ye Ping still felt something was wrong. She noticed just now that her mother's complexion seemed a little pale, and she was also a little thinner than before.

She suddenly remembered something, and asked: "If I remember correctly, it should be the death day of my aunt and grandmother a few days ago, mother, did you go to worship again?"

The aunt and grandmother she was talking about was actually Ye's biological mother, aunt Wen.

The Wen family is not the main wife, nor is it Ye Geng's mother-in-law in terms of etiquette, nor is it the grandmother of the Ye family siblings. So every year to pay homage to the Wen family, it is the Ye family who goes there alone.

The concubines of the Wang family were all buried in Jishan Garden after death. The so-called Jishan Garden is actually a small hill outside Beijing. The hilltop and the fields next to it are all the property of the Wang family, and there are large and small tombs all over it, burying the concubines who have raised children in the Wang family for a hundred years.

The Wen family was a concubine with children and was buried in Jishan Garden according to the rules of the Wang family.

Ye didn't want her daughter to ask about it, so she couldn't hide the panic on her face.

Ye Ping saw the clue and asked, "What happened?"

"It's just some trivial matters, don't ask me." Ye's eyes were slightly red, avoiding her daughter's eyes.

"If you don't tell me, I can find out."

Mother Ye sighed, "There's no way to talk about it, we're also afraid of embarrassing you."

On the day of Wen's death, Ye still went to pay his respects as usual. Unexpectedly, when she got to the place and took a look, she was so shocked that she almost fainted. Wen's grave has been dug up, rotten coffins are scattered all over the place, and the remains are even missing.

After she regained her composure, she asked the people in Zhuangzi with silver coins, but those people hesitated and refused to speak. Later, someone still secretly told her that the third room of the Wang family had sent a steward over the past two months, and the steward said that Wen's grave had ruined the Feng Shui of the Wang family. Someone dug the grave and threw the corpse into the mountain.

It's so big in the mountains, it's impossible to find it.

She came back crying. After coming back, she was sick for several days, and she recovered only the day before yesterday. If Ye Ping hadn't come back suddenly today, they wouldn't have said anything about it.

The Wen family is just a concubine. To put it bluntly, even if the Wen family is still alive, he is just a servant of the Wang family. When the Wang family disposes of their servants, how dare others say anything. Not to mention the abandonment of the bones, or the killing of the living, who can say anything about them if they are charged with the crime of the master.

It is precisely because of this that Mrs. Ye does not want her daughter to know.

She is a concubine, entrusted in the belly of a concubine. This status already made her daughter inferior to others, if this matter really got out, it would probably make her even more ashamed.

After hearing this, Ye Ping's face became icy cold.

There is really no lower limit for digging graves and throwing corpses.

Such a century-old noble, how can it not make people's teeth cold. However, in terms of etiquette, although the Wang family's actions were inappropriate, it was not a big deal, let alone a crime. You can't come to ask about this matter, because it's unreasonable. But it's really stuck in the throat, making people feel so aggrieved that they want to curse.

"Pingniang, don't be angry. My aunt is pretty good, at least she has been stable underground for decades. Some concubines are nothing more than a straw mat after death, and they can be thrown away at any place." Ye's sons and daughters are serious, and they are most afraid of causing trouble to them, and even more afraid of becoming a drag on them.

"Mom, I can save it."

The Wang family knew that such a thing could not be said in the open, so they dared to be so unscrupulous. They are disgusting, and others can also be disgusting.

Ye Ping came in the afternoon and left in less than an hour.

The Ye family members were naturally reluctant, and their eyes were red. For a married girl, even if she is married in the same city, it is not so easy to meet her.

Come in a hurry, go Yiyi.

The relationship between people is the most complicated, even if she has occupied other people's bodies, and she has only been with these people for a few months, but the constant family affection has deeply fettered her.

She was supposed to be a spectator in this world, but she didn't want to be a resident of this world. The noise from the market, the heavy sound of the wheels of the carriage pressing against the bluestone slab. A voice different from the past brought her into it unknowingly.

The sun is gradually sinking to the west, and the sun is no longer warm. Layers of golden light sprinkled on the roof of the mansion of the aristocratic family, giving birth to a glass-like color.

Outside the gate of the Princess Mansion, there is a tall man standing tall.

Dressed in a deep purple official uniform, he looked cold, dignified and inviolable. If Ye Ping hadn't seen his old house on fire, he would really have regarded him as a heartless and unloving person who didn't know the world of mortals.

Ye Ping walked towards him, as if being guided by something.

Just as she was about to say something, she felt his gaze fall on her cuff. The secret channel is worthy of being engaged in criminal affairs, and his nose is sharper than that of a dog. She generously took out the things in her sleeves and handed them to him.

A pure white handkerchief with a peach blossom embroidered on the corner. There were two pieces of sweet-scented osmanthus cake wrapped in the handkerchief, and one piece was missing, as if it had been bitten by someone.


She has the habit of hiding snacks, she thought it was because of her younger brother, but later it was because she had something to pad her stomach from time to time. Under her surprised gaze, Wen Yu picked up the bitten osmanthus cake and put it into his mouth gracefully.

"Is it tasty?"


"The king of the county has eaten my snack, should he do something for me?" She was obviously smiling, but her eyes had a cold light. The Wang family has such a short memory, it seems that the lessons they have received are not enough. Did they forget what kind of person she was, and who she married.

That being the case, it's time for them to reacquaint themselves.