Wang Qiye lowered his head tremblingly, not daring to look at the man sitting in the room. The chilling aura lingered all over his body, and the powerful sense of oppression was pressing every step of the way, and his aura made people shudder even more.

Dressed in a golden crown, with a stern expression. Even if they are both men, Wang Qiye can't help but admire the extraordinary beauty of the county prince in his heart. However, people in the world fear his name like a tiger, how many people dare to look directly at this god-like face, and how many people dare to discuss this person's appearance. For him, the famous Prince Wen was too lofty. Like the moon in the sky, it is extremely cold and staring at all living beings.

He is the concubine of the royal family, and he has nothing to do on weekdays. Even among the concubines of the Wang family, he is the most insignificant and inconspicuous one.

Sanfang was in charge of the Wang family's property. At any rate, he took an errand at his father's time, which was to inspect several shops in central Beijing on a daily basis, keeping an eye out for fashionable things. It is said that inspections have no real power, but it is just a formality to show their face. Those shopkeepers were still respectful to him in person, but they didn't take him seriously when they turned around.

Such an errand is light and leisurely, which shows that he is not being watched. The brothers in the clan laughed at him as an idler, which sounds good but is useful, and bad sounds just waiting for others to raise him. Don't say that he is a famous person in Beijing, even the uncles and uncles in the family don't look at him directly.

He never thought that the county king would actually want to see him.

Half an hour ago, he was chatting with a group of friends in a teahouse. Suddenly the waiter in the teahouse said that someone was looking for him, but he didn't care much, thinking it was someone he knew well. I don't want that person not only to be unfamiliar, but also not to be an ordinary person. When the man showed a punishment token, he missed several heartbeats.

The Yamen of the Criminal Division is the most disgraceful place in Yongchang City. Anyone who enters that door is either treacherous or extremely evil, and most of them never return.

Along the way, he had prepared for the worst.

Although he didn't know what crime he had committed, he knew better than anyone else that some things were not justified. Maybe because of the family fighting, I may not know when I became someone else's scapegoat.

Who would have thought that the man did not take himself to the criminal office, but entered this private house. This house looks very ordinary, with an ordinary layout and simple layout, without any special place.

He was still puzzled at first, and even suspected that some friend might be playing tricks on him. When he saw the county prince appear, it was like seeing a ghost. He really couldn't think of anything for such an inconspicuous person like him to be worthy of the help of the county prince.

Although it was already summer, he felt as if he was in a snowstorm.

The name of the jade-faced evil **** is like thunder piercing ears.

He once heard people joke that there are only two kinds of people in this world who can see Prince Wen, one is the immortal and the other is the dying. The immortal refers to those who are under the protection of King Wen, while the dying refers to those who are about to be executed.

He is neither related nor related to Prince Wen, so naturally he cannot be his protector.

So will he die?

Suddenly he remembered something.

The only thing he can be considered to have crossed paths with this county king is that he helped the niece of the Ye family for a while a few months ago. When he thought of that niece of the Ye family, he first thought of that gorgeous face, and then the calmness on her body that didn't match her age.

I heard that the Ye family's niece has won the favor of the county prince since she married into the princess mansion. Many people in the market said it was because of that face and that bold infatuation. Every time he heard such words, he shook his head and smiled. That child is not simple, he is a person who relies on a face and a few feelings.

If it wasn't for the child who benefited from making a fuss, the three of them wouldn't be able to separate their homes. Although he was still within the prefecture, he somewhat had a chance to breathe.

After all, he and the child are mutually beneficial.

Several months have passed since the incident, and nothing has happened to the Wang family recently. Then the prince of the county came to him suddenly, could it be to inquire about this matter?

I don't know how long it took, but it was so long that his heart was in his throat, stuck there, unable to move up and down, feeling indescribably tormented and anxious.

When the county prince finally spoke, he suddenly raised his head.

Because Wen Yu asked him, "Do you want to avenge your biological mother?"

This sentence was also asked by the child at that time.

His heart was beating like a drum, and he almost lost his composure.

What kind of person is the prince of the county, how can he be a meddling person. What's more, for such an inconspicuous person like him, what is worthy of being asked by the county prince himself. So is it that kid? It's what she said or did in it, that's why today's show comes out.

The opportunity was right in front of him, and he knew how rare it was.

"If you go back to the prince of the county, the villain thinks about it, even dreams about it."

"very good."

Hearing these two words, Wang Qiye's heart that was stuck in his throat slowly fell back.

After another half an hour, he stepped out of the house with one foot deep and one foot shallow.

From the beginning to the end, he didn't dare to look back, and followed behind the guide with his head bowed. He didn't feel relieved until the noise of the street was not far away. Wiping the cold sweat from his forehead, it was like walking through hell, and suddenly he had the illusion of being reborn as a human.

There is another way out if you die first and then you are born again.

He never expected that such a sudden move would bring him such a great opportunity. With the support of the county king behind him, what he wants to do will definitely come true.

Shen Meng's grievances for many years will finally see the light of day.

As he thought about it, he mixed into the rolling crowd.

Two days later, the four concubines of the Wang family, headed by Wang Qiye, beat the Dengwen drum of the Gyeonggi Yamen together.

Soon, word spread throughout Hejing. Most of the aunts and aunts of the Wang family who died over the years were in vain. Some were poisoned to death, some were strangled to death, and some were starved to death. The tombs in Jishanyuan were dug up one by one, and as the skeletons were examined one after another, the appalling cause of death continued to spread.

The bones don't speak, but the evidence is solid.

It is an indisputable fact that so many aunts died unexpectedly. When they died, they were still the aunts of the Wang family, and most of the causes of death were the same. They either died of dystocia or died of long-term illness.

Immediately afterwards, Wang Qiye and others filed a pleading paper, accusing the old lady of the third bedroom of the Wang family as the real culprit who murdered all the aunts. Even if some people have been dead for decades, it is not easy to track down. But there are also concubines who just died two years ago, and all the witnesses and physical evidence have not been erased.

The case shocked the entire Yongchang City, and was finally handed over to the Criminal Division for trial. As soon as the criminal division made a move, the descendants of the third family of the Wang family were immediately defeated. In the end, Master Wang San righteously killed his relatives and pushed Zhu's family out. Zhu was quickly sent to prison, and confessed to his crime after torture.

Not long after Mrs. Zhu was convicted, the third room was divided by the eldest room and the second room. But Wang Qiye and others asked themselves to be expelled from the family, and have since left the Wang family.

Several families have settled down in the east of the city, and the places where they live are not far away.

In the eyes of the world, the death of their aunt was the work of the Zhu family, and the Zhu family had already been convicted. As descendants of the royal family, how could they sever their ties with the family because of a moment of anger. With a family like the Wang family, others couldn't squeeze in even if they squeezed their heads. It's better for them to break off the relationship if they say so. They tried their best, but they also hurt their children and grandchildren. In the future, without a family to rely on, it will be difficult to get ahead.

There are too many people talking, and the three families inevitably feel a little regretful. They don't regret the complaint, what they regret is that they broke the relationship with the Wang family because of their will.

They beat the drums together under Wang Qiye's persuasion, and then left the Wang family with him, as if they had already regarded him as the backbone. Several families came to look for him, and happened to meet him outside the door.

Seeing their expressions, Wang Qiye knew what they were thinking.

"I've said everything I need to say, and you've thought it through. The third room has been separated from the Wang family, and it's already considered a side branch of the Wang family. If you go back to the third room at this time, I'm afraid the situation will be even worse than before."

This is the case, but the people in the few rooms are unavoidably uneasy. No matter how bad the third house is, it is still their family. No matter how despised the third bedroom by the second bedroom, they would definitely not ignore it if something happened.

"We are floating outside now, if something happens..."

"We used to have something, did anyone take care of it?"

Wang Qiye's words silenced them for a while.

In the past, they were not taken seriously in the Wang family, even if a small incident happened, all they got was reprimand and punishment from the elders. So there is actually not much difference between whether to leave or not, the difference is the confidence in the heart.

"That's true, but we have no one to rely on now, will others fall into trouble?"

"If someone really fell into trouble, it would not be an outsider."

Wang Qiye's words made them speechless again.

Wang Qiye's son Wang Yu said: "If the uncles have no idea, why not let my cousins ​​go to school with me?"

Although the imperial examination is difficult, it is the most fair path anyway.

There are not many children of aristocratic families who rely on fame and fame to get ahead. It is false that the Wang family is a scholarly family, but studying for the imperial examinations these years is a matter for the second wife. Their third house is in charge of the business in the mansion, and there are very few people who study. What's more, it is not easy to study for the imperial examination, and there are not many outstanding people in Dafang Erfang in recent years. Even if the family still has Yuqing Academy as a reliance, it can't change the decline of the descendants of the Wang family.

"Ten years of hardship, it is not easy to rely on this road to get ahead."

"Yeah, Brother Yu is good at studying, but my family's two are not good enough, it's not that material at all."

A few people talked to each other, and they felt that it was not a wise move to leave the family. Although it was not taken seriously in the past, Sanfang was in charge of the Wang family's business, and there was still plenty of money. The concubine's sons eat meat, and their concubine's sons can also get a few cups of soup. Now that everything depends on themselves, they really have no idea.

Suddenly Wang Qiye changed his face and walked towards a carriage parked near his house at some point. The carriage is large and heavy, and the decorations are very unremarkable.

Everyone looked at it together, but they didn't care.

"The prince of the county."

The voice of the county prince shocked everyone.

The curtain of the carriage lifted a corner, and they only saw the perfect jaw hidden behind the curtain.

Everyone did not dare to approach, and bowed in fear.

A voice without temperature resounded, like ice and jade hitting each other. "Your biological mother and aunt have the same experience as the biological mother and aunt of the king's mother-in-law of this county. Now that you have escaped from your family, it is indeed admirable courage. The king of this county admires you very much."

Everyone didn't dare to talk, they were both happy and surprised. The prince of the county is delighted to recognize them, and he is surprised that people like them can be praised by the prince of the county.

Wang Qiye didn't dare to look around, and thanked him repeatedly.

Wen Yu said again: "I heard that you have a son with extraordinary talents. If you cultivate it well in the future, you will be able to accomplish a lot."

Wang Qiye was overjoyed, and thanked him on his knees with his son.

Until the carriage went away, the father and son still didn't get up.

A few people gathered around, and the expressions of shock and joy could not be concealed on their faces. You asked questions one by one, almost tearing Wang Qiye in half.

"Seventh brother, is it true that the county prince said he admired us? In this way, we did the right thing."

"What the prince of the county said in person can still be false. It must have approved our actions, so it must be right for us to do so."

"Brother Seven, what does the sentence after the Prince of the County mean? Is he going to reuse Brother Yu in the future?"

"If Brother Yu can stand out, Brother Seven, don't forget about us."

"Seventh Brother..."

Surrounded by them, Wang Qiye promised one by one.

The excitement in his heart is beyond words, and so is his son Wang Yu. They knew that Prince Wen was definitely not a casual talker, let alone just talking casually.

Therefore, as long as Wang Yu earnestly studies and obtains fame, he will have a bright future in the future. Their family, and even the people in these families, may one day replace the original Wang family.

"Father, my son will definitely study harder in the future, and will never disappoint the expectations of the county prince and you."

"Okay, good son."

Wang Qiye patted his son on the back, changed from his usual idle appearance of eating, drinking and having fun, and became extremely serious, his eyes full of hope.

He looked at the direction in which the carriage was going away, feeling unable to calm down for a long time.

It turns out that life is a long road, and it will really change because of a small thing. At that time, it was only a momentary fascination, and I regretted it afterwards, but I didn't expect it to be a turning point in my life.

That kid should have been in the carriage just now.

He remembered the situation of that day and suddenly smiled.

Only such a girl can be worthy of the county prince.

At this time, Ye Ping was also recalling what happened that day.

"At that time, I thought Wang Qiye was an interesting person, and now it proves that I am quite accurate in judging people."

A **** who eats, drinks and has fun all day and doesn't do business, who would know that he has been pretending all along. She was sure that after Wang Qiye left the Wang family, everyone would be impressed.

The carriage didn't stop all the time, from the east of the city to the north of the city, and then passed by the gate of Wang's house. The gate of Wang's house was closed tightly, and the pair of couplets seemed to be corroded, and there was no more brilliance to speak of.

She lifted a corner of the curtain and looked out.

A noble and noble family is full of heaven and earth.

The universe in this noble family is really shameless.

"The tree has big roots and deep roots, and a single hair can move the whole body. They think that if they cut off a few dead branches, they will be safe, and they will be able to flourish in the coming year. It is ridiculous. This Wang family is either selfish or vicious. Spicy, I am really ashamed of this couplet."

"It's easy to cut off branches, but difficult to renew them. They will regret it."

What Wen Yu didn't say was that later on, Sun Pufan, the second house of the Wang family's first house, was the only one who stood out from the third house, Wang Yu, the son of Wang Qiye, who forcibly supported the Wang family with his own efforts.

If it weren't for the fact that the Wang family couldn't afford to make big waves at that time, and Wang Yu was quite useful, he wouldn't have allowed them to gain a foothold in Beijing at all.

To live a new life, he was originally laissez-faire to everything. After all, although Wang Yu is talented, he can't be called a pillar of talent, so he let the rotten trees rot and perish by themselves.

Unexpectedly, there would be such a variable, which completely overturned his two lives.

That being the case, some things cannot be let go.

Ye Ping lowered the car curtain, her eyes were already icy cold. At that moment, she thought about the ending of the book, and the difficulty of going through the beginning. A family that is rotten to the root has already gone down an evil path, and a person with a dark heart will not regret what he has done even if he dies.

"Maybe they won't regret it until they die."

"Yes, I will make them regret it."

Wen Yu's words gradually melted the coldness in Ye Ping's eyes.

This man is a demon, how could she doubt what he said. He said that it would make the Wang family regret, and the Wang family would definitely pay the price for what they did.

"I believe in the king of the county. The king of the county said that he would make them regret it, and I just wait to see how they cry."

She is now the woman of the evil god, so why be afraid of these ghosts and monsters. She subconsciously took a sneak peek at the man beside her. Such a steep demeanor and such an incomparable face were truly unique in the world.

Fiendish woman.

She likes this title.