Su Zixuan looked at him with both relief and pride. His son was not only handsome, but also so capable. He really deserved to be his son.

After putting all the clothes in, Su Enran clapped his hands in satisfaction, “Okay, let’s go and rest.” 

Then he naturally took Su Zixuan’s big palm.

Su Zixuan looked at the small hand nestled in his big palm, and grabbed it gently. His small hand was completely in his palm, as if his world was completely wrapped in his world.

Jian Yi coaxed An Qi to sleep. If she didn’t sleep, she would start making trouble again in the afternoon.

Hearing footsteps, she saw Su Zixuan and Su Enran walking in holding hands. Her mouth twitched. This Su Zixuan changed quite quickly, and his ability to adapt was really strong. The two were still unfamiliar with each other until a day before, but at the moment they walked together hand in hand.

During the afternoon nap, the two of them were like little lovers in love, Su Enran grabbed Su Zixuan’s hand and snuggled into his arms.

Jian Yi could not admit that she was jealous, so she didn’t like the picture. Since contact with An Ran, not to mention sleeping with her in her arms, even when sleeping, he had mentioned that men and women should sleep separately.

But that was fine. Once Su Zixuan focused his attention on An Ran, he would be less interested in her. Thinking about it that way, it was not bad.

In the afternoon, Su Zixuan received a call from Zhou Qing and left at around two o’clock. When Su Enran woke up without seeing Su Zixuan, he was in melancholy. He felt that what happened was a dream, and when he woke up from his dream, his illusion shattered.

At the meeting with the program group, Jian Yi found that Su Enran didn’t seem to be as happy as before, “What’s the matter? Do you not want to go to school?”

Su Enran shook his head and murmured, “If only my father was here.”

Jian Yi rubbed his head in jealousy, “Isn’t it enough to have a mother? Dad has gone to work and is very busy. You have to be considerate of Dad. Didn’t he come to the orphanage to pick us up today? Maybe he’ll come to pick you up from school. Well, come in, the other kids are getting in.”

Su Enran grabbed the backpack, greeted Jian Yi and walked in.

“An Qi, say goodbye to brother,” Jian Yi grabbed An Qi’s hand and waved to An Ran. An Qi stared at Su Enran with round eyes and looked at him ignorantly. When she heard the voice, she turned around and waved her hand. An Qi stood excitedly between Jian Yi’s arm and jumped up forcefully, “Brother.”

“Ouch,” Jian Yi was trampled in pain and couldn’t help but speak out, looking at the excited An Qi, “Qiqi, you hurt your mother, what should I do?”

An Qi was stunned and looked at her ignorantly, “Pain?”

“Yes, your mother is in pain, what should I do?” Jian Yi showed a painful expression. An Qi tilted her head and thought for a while. She bent down and picked up Jian Yi’s hand and blew on it..

The action was still relatively difficult for her, so it looked like she was spitting at Jian Yi’s hand.

Jian Yi couldn’t help laughing, “Okay, Qiqi be good. I am not in pain anymore.” 

This little angel, why was she so good?


Su Zixuan originally wanted to take a nap with them at noon, but he didn’t expect to receive a call from Zhou Qing in the middle of his sleep. When he left work early, he had already accumulated a lot of things, so he had to call him.

When he came to the company, Zhou Qing found that Su Zixuan had a sullen face. Although he was usually expressionless, his emotions seemed to be more clear that day.

Zhou Qing couldn’t help but think of his strange behavior in the past two days. The man stared at him from time to time, and even asked him some questions about the relationship between men and women, and even got off work early! It seemed that it was exactly as he thought. He really found love, and that person should be Jian Yi.

How did he know about that? Hehe, he was hiding in the office to watch ‘Mother’ show. No one knew, but he could see it clearly.

“Mr. Su, this is the report sent by the managers of various departments today,” Zhou Qing put a stack of documents on the table and piled them dozens of centimeters high.

Su Zixuan looked at these folders and quickly flipped through them. The employees of Su Group found that the vice president seemed to have taken a stimulant. The time given for each department to report in was very short, and if they were not concise, they would be criticized.

When she was about to get off work, Zhang Jiaqi saw that no one had went to Su Zixuan’s office, so she knocked on the door, went in, and asked shyly, “Brother Su, there is a reception in Nancheng tonight, do you want to go with us?”

She watched the press conference, but because she understood, she didn’t believe what he said at all. She only thought that he was so kind, even if he didn’t love her, he would protect her.