Although she had other thoughts, he did not have the coldness she imagined. So she thought she had a high chance that she could succeed.

Su Zixuan was stunned for a moment, looked at Zhang Jiaqi, thought of what Jian Yi would say and frowned, “No, I have something to do today, you can find someone else.”

Zhang Jiaqi asked while biting her lower lip, showing a pitiful look, “But…”

“Zhou Qing, prepare the car, I have somewhere to go.” He glanced at his watch, picked up his jacket, and his office notebook, took two steps, turned around and shouted, “Ah, Jiaqi,” Zhang Jiaqi turned her head back happily, her face full of joy, but Su Zixuan said, “In order to avoid misunderstandings, you should call me President Su when you are in the company.”

Su Zixuan left the company in a hurry. He was going to pick up his son from school.

His voice was not loud, but it happened to be heard by the people at the door. In an instant, Zhang Jiaqi’s face flushed.

“Failed to climb the upper position? No, did the president have another new love?”

“Didn’t you see the hot search? President Su confessed to Jian Yi at the press conference! He was so cool!”

“It’s not easy to be a junior. She thought that President Su liked her. Haha, in the future, you can call me President Su in the company. It’s so funny.”

“Shh, stop talking, she’s here.”

Zhang Jiaqi’s eyes were red, and the anger in her chest was soaring into the sky, ‘Su Zixuan, everything you did today will be repaid in double!’ 

Thinking about it, she left with her head held high. Her high heels clucked as she stepped on the floor, like a battle song.


Jian Yi was just joking with An Ran, but she didn’t expect to really see Su Zixuan’s car outside the school gate.

Maybe the media knew about An Ran’s school. In addition to the parents of the children and the staff of the program group waiting at the school gate, Jian Yi also keenly noticed that there were sneaky people who were carrying cameras, wearing caps and masks. It looked like a legendary paparazzi.

Jian Yi remembered what Sister Tao said before. Since she had expressed her position in front of reporters, the label of loving couple would be temporarily attached to them, and she would pretend to be her until the end of the show.

So after seeing Su Zixuan’s car, she walked over with An Qi in her arms and gave a fake smile, “Husband.”

Su Zixuan was looking at the documents in the car, and when he heard Jian Yi’s voice and that title, his hand shook and almost wrote the signature wrongly. He looked at the car window and saw Jian Yi’s sweet smile.

How did she suddenly become so enthusiastic? After getting out of the car, Su Zixuan understood that the show crew was around.

But why did it sound so good? He looked at her wearing a sweet smile, not as usual, and thought of what Zhou Qing said. Women did not rely on brute force, but on wisdom, and a thought suddenly popped up in his mind. He stepped forward and put his arms around her shoulders and said intimately, “Wife.”

Jian Yi froze. Goosebumps arose, a current passed from her arms to her limbs, her heartbeat suddenly accelerated, and she began to hiccup.

An Qi turned to look at her curiously, and as her body twitched, she let out a suspicious huh. And Su Zixuan felt even more obvious, he asked with concern, “What’s wrong?”

When he gently patted her on the back, Jian Yi’s hiccuped morea, “I’m not, uh, I’m fine, uh.”

It didn’t look like she was okay at all. Su Zixuan was even more concerned, he put his arm around her shoulder intimately, “I’m just giving you a pat, don’t move.”

With so many cameras, Jian Yi didn’t dare to push him away, so she could only let him get close to her.

Su Zixuan found that as long as he was in front of the camera, Jian Yi would not reject him, so he began to liven up in his heart. Usually, she could avoid him, but now…

Jian Yi really did not dare to reject him in front of the camera. After all, it was about the survival of the original owner’s company and her reputation. Although she was very sure that she would not be engaged in acting again in the future. But since her reputation had begun to improve, it must always be maintained.