Seeing An Ran’s sad expression, Li Bingrui couldn’t help but ask, “Are you worried that you won’t be able to eat candies in the future?”

Su Enran nodded. His mother once said that if his teeth got worse, she would not give him any more candies. Although his mother had a good temper, she usually did what she said.

“Don’t worry, Uncle will check it for you later. If it’s not serious, you can still eat a little properly.”

Su Enran lay on the mat, looked up at him, and suddenly realized that the uncle wasn’t that annoying.

The inspection was a little longer than the previous time. Jian Yi was sitting in the lounge with An Qi in her arms and waiting. She was a little bored. She let An Qi stand on her lap. Jian Yi grabbed her hand and shook it. When she couldn’t open her eyes from laughter, she stopped and kissed her, “Oh, why is my baby so cute?”

Seeing the two new teeth she had just grown, Jian Yi asked her to sit down and pried open her chin with her fingertips. Two of her lower teeth grew, so she wanted to bite something recently, and she kept drooling.

Jian Yi just opened it and looked at it for a few seconds, but her palm was full of An Qi’s saliva. She wiped it with a tissue, tapped the tip of her nose, and said with a smile, “Oh, your saliva is like a waterfall.”

An Qi licked her saliva, “Brother?”

“Brother went to check, he will come out later, does An Qi miss him?” 

An Qi nodded ignorantly.

She grabbed Jian Yi’s hand and wanted to stand up. After standing up straight, she didn’t know what to think. Holding Jian Yi’s hand, she often walked on the ground.

Jian Yi bent over and put her on the ground, grabbed her hand, and asked her to walk. Because she always remembered what Li Bingrui said, she couldn’t leave too far, she just walked a few steps in the lounge and spared a few laps.

But An Qi kept wanting to go outside.

Jian Yi picked her up, “No, we still have to wait for your brother here. Look, he is inside.”

The window in the examination room was transparent, and they could see the people inside from the outside. Jian Yi hugged An Qi and approached the window, pointed to it and said, “Look, brother is inside, wait for him to come out and play outside, okay?”

An Qi was lying on the window, her big eyes twinkling at An Ran, her little finger pointed inside, and softly shouted, “Brother?”

Hearing no response, An Qi slapped the window hard, “Brother!”

The window was slammed, and Jian Yi quickly grabbed her hand and took two steps back, “Let’s wait, your brother will come out, don’t worry.”

Picking up her little pig from the ground and putting it in her arms, An Qi glanced at it, then threw it away, and wanted to slip down from Jian Yi’s arms and walk to the door.

“Okay, just wait a little longer, we can go out after a while,” Jian Yi didn’t let her down, and changed her posture again, almost holding her on her shoulders.

An Qi stopped making trouble, but she turned around and pointed to the door, looking at Jian Yi expectantly, “Go, go.”

“We’ll go later.” 

When An Qi was quiet, one could leave her alone, but when she was noisy, it was really too much.

She was quiet for less than a minute, and then the commotion started again.

Jian Yi carried her to the window and watched where they had checked. She glanced in and met Li Bingrui’s eyes. She smiled politely and nodded.

Li Bingrui only heard the thumping of his heart, from the mouth of the heart to the periosteum and back to the heart, with a throbbing feeling.

In fact, she didn’t do anything, just a smile, but it was able to throb, what was the reason for that?

Su Enran just heard Li Bingrui say that the session was over, so he was quite happy, and didn’t notice the doctor’s movements. He opened his eyes in doubt, and saw the man staring at the window in a daze.

Just as he was about to ask what was going on, he saw that doctor regained his senses with a complicated expression. He blinked, and the strange feeling disappeared.

What was the use of throbbing? It was just his own wishful thinking. She was married and had children. No matter how much he fantasized, he could only see her on the screen. They were only destined to have no intersection.

But the kind of feeling really made him know the taste. Even in the second half of the night when he couldn’t sleep, just thinking about her smile would make him happy for a long time, fall into a sound sleep, and only hope to have her in his beautiful dream but unfortunately he hadn’t seen her even in his dreams.

On the contrary, Li Suran occasionally came in the dream. It was not a good thing, thinking of it gave him a headache. He didn’t know why she suddenly changed her temper and said she wanted to pursue him. It was different from what she said at the beginning, it was just an excuse to deal with him. Now she ran to the hospital whenever she was free.

It made everyone think that she was his girlfriend. He had already clarified, but no one believed it.

A few minutes later, Li Bingrui came out with An Ran, and Jian Yi quickly diverted An Qi’s attention. She held her with both hands and came to An Ran’s side, “Look, your brother is out, will Qiqi play with him?”