Su Enran came to hold her, squatted down, hugged her waist, and wanted to pick her up. But Jian Yi quickly stopped him when she saw it, “An Ran, you can’t hold her now, can you hold her when you grow up?” 

The floor was so hard here, it was no joke to fall.

Su Enran put down An Qi unhappily, and An Qi took his finger and pointed to the door, “Play, play.”

He glanced at Jian Yi, saw that she was chatting with Li Bingrui, hesitated for a moment, but An Qi made a fuss to go out again. He thought about it, went out for a while, and came back soon.

He went out in the direction pointed by An Qi, not forgetting to open the door wide.

There were not many patients coming to the dental office. Compared with other departments, it was deserted, and there were more staff coming and going than patients.

Just as Su Enran led An Qi to the door, he was questioned by a young lady in a nurse uniform, “An Ran? Where is your mother? Why did you come out with your sister?”

An Qi’s unruly soul had been activated, she took An Ran’s hand and walked forward, not allowing him to stay. Su Enran quickly answered the nurse’s words, “Mom is chatting with Uncle Doctor.” 

He was pulled away.

The nurse looked inside the door and saw that Jian Yi and Dr. Li talking, and there were several cameramen with cameras standing beside them. Looking in the direction of An Ran’s departure, they were also followed by staff. Anyway, someone was with them, so nothing should happen.

Jian Yi was wondering why the office was so quiet. So when she turned around, she found that Su Enran and An Qi were not there!

Frightened, she hurriedly said to Li Bingrui, “Doctor Li, I don’t know where An Ran took An Qi to. I’ll find them first, wait a moment—”

“Otherwise,” Li Bingrui interrupted Jian Yi, and took out his phone from the drawer, “Let’s add WeChat. If you have any questions, you can ask, which would facilitate communication.”

Jian Yi thought about it. If there was anything, she could ask directly on WeChat, “Okay.”

After adding WeChat quickly, she ran out with her bag. In the hospital she couldn’t make any noise, and couldn’t shout, so she could only look for them while walking.

Suddenly, Jian Yi saw many people gathered in front. Could it be Su Enran and the others? Thinking about it, she hurried up, sure enough, because Su Enran took An Qi to the inpatient department, they were surrounded by some patients who came out for a walk.

Hospitalization was the most boring thing. There was usually a TV in the ward. It was a short TV series for parents or cute baby programs. It aimed to regulate the mood of the patients and make them relax. 

Jian Yi was walking forward, when she suddenly heard An Ran’s roaring voice, she was anxious. Could something happen? She ran over quickly.

Su Enran grabbed An Qi’s hand and wanted to go back. As soon as he turned around, he was knocked down by a wall of flesh. He looked up tremblingly, and an uncle in a blue hospital suit looked at him with a savage face. His eyes were squeezed so hard that he could barely see, and when he looked up from the bottom, he could only see terrifying nostrils.

Su Enran jumped, his heart beat faster, thinking about how to get out of danger. What if the person wanted to kidnap him? He had his sister by his side. What about the cameraman? As long as he was there, they should be safe, right?

Su Enran swallowed his saliva, and saw the cameraman through the gap between the crowds. Then he walked around the wall of flesh while holding the staggering An Qi. Suddenly, he was caught by the shoulders. He dared not move, and his body went stiff and he felt goosebumps all up.

Only An Qi wanted to go out. There were too many people there and she was not happy.

“Little girl…” The voice shouted angrily, and then Su Enran felt that he was being turned around and An Qi was picked up by a big sister, “An Qi, she really looks so cute!”

Su Enran saw the uncle give him a wicked smile, and then stretched out his hand to hug him. An Qi’s struggling voice came from behind him. He gritted his teeth and felt ruthless. He lifted his little foot and kicked the uncle’s calf directly, and shouted angrily at the big sister, “Bad! Quickly put my sister down!”

The uncle was stunned. The fierce flesh on his face trembled, seeing An Ran’s frightened expression, and then looking at An Qi’s struggle when she was picked up. He immediately understood something, quickly waved his hand and said, “Little friend, you misunderstood, uncle is not a bad person…”

Su Enran looked at him waving his hands with a wicked smile on his face, and hurriedly made a defensive gesture. He glared at him fiercely, would a villain call himself a villain? He looked like a bad guy!

An Qi was hugged by someone she didn’t know. She was very uncomfortable, cried and wanted to come down, “Brother, brother.”

Su Enran looked at the uncle vigilantly, turned around cautiously, waved a small fist, and said fiercely to the big sister; “Let her go, let go of my sister! My mom will be here later!”

The uncle took two steps back and shouted at the big sister, “Comrade, you should put down his sister, let’s see what they are afraid of.”

The big sister hesitated for a while, put An Qi carefully on the ground, and said with a smile, “An Ran, we are not bad people. You see we are wearing hospital clothes, so don’t be afraid.”