“Okay, then during the summer vacation, Mom will take you to practice martial arts. You have to study hard then, and come back to protect everyone after you finish your studies,” Jian Yi wiped the remaining tears on his face. He must have been really scared.

However, the incident also told her that Su Enran had too little communication with the outside world, and when he encountered such a thing, he would panic. She didn’t teach her children about safety, what to do when they encounter bad people, and what to pay attention to when they go out.

She hadn’t told Su Enran a lot of things. In her subconscious, he was a smart child. Although he was still young, he could understand some things without saying it.

But how could anyone in the world understand it by nature? If no one taught, people would know nothing.

“An Ran, if you encounter this kind of thing again in the future, first of all calm down. If it’s really a bad person, ask the people around you for help. Someone will come out to help. When you go out, try not to talk to strangers. If you want to ask for directions, try to ask the uncle of the security booth, someone who is similar to the uncle of the security guard in our community, or the uncle and aunt of the cleaning staff. If a stranger gives you candy or other things, don’t take it, okay?”

Jian Yi touched An Ran’s forehead and found that the hair stuck to it was wet with sweat. It seemed he was really frightened.

Su Enran listened attentively, nodded, a little scared, but said proudly, “Someone gave me candy just now, but I didn’t take it.”

Jian Yi kissed him and praised, “Good boy.”

It had been a long time since they were out. She just talked with Dr. Li halfway through. If he was still free, it was better to have a good talk. Jian Yi hugged An Qi and said,, “Let’s go, let’s go back to the dentistry and talk to Dr. Li, take the digestion medicine on the way, and then go back.”

Su Enran paused for a while, go back? Dad hadn’t come yet, so he touched his pocket with his little hand. Should he call him again? But… if he went to the bathroom again, what if his mother really thought he had indigestion and gave him medicine?

After hesitating for a while, Su Enran took his hand back. Maybe his dad would come later?

Li Bingrui waited for a while in the office, and Jian Yi came back with Su Enran and An Qi. Seeing that An Ran’s eyes were a little red, as if he had been crying, he asked casually, “What happened to An Ran?”

Jian Yi explained it with a smile, and finally said with a wry smile, “It’s all my fault for not looking after them.”

“Children always have to grow up. If you don’t let go, they will never be able to fly higher,” Li Bingrui comforted her.

Jian Yi smiled, “I understand the truth, but when it comes to myself, it’s not like that. You will understand after you have children.”

When Jian Yi saw Li Bingrui’s stunned eyes, she realized that she was talking too personally, so she changed the subject and said, “Doctor Li, tell me more about An Ran’s teeth.”

The two chatted for about 20 more minutes, and finally Jian Yi said, “Okay, I will tell him, Dr. Li, thank you for the hard work today.” She turned to An Ran, “An Ran, did you hear that? Brush your teeth well after you go back. The amount of candy is halved, you can’t eat that much.”

Su Enran said gloomily, “I heard it.”

Jian Yi: “Okay, let’s go back, say goodbye to uncle, An Qi, say goodbye to uncle.”

An Qi waved at Li Bingrui, but Su Enran waved reluctantly.

Since she was already in the hospital, she decided better go to the pediatrician and ask the doctor to take a look at her son and prescribe some medicine for indigestion.

The pediatrics department was opposite the dental department. In the past, she had to pass through the inpatient building and the operation building. Jian Yi asked Su Enran to hold her tightly, “I see that your frequency of going to the toilet is not very regular recently. Should there be a problem with digestion? Let’s go for a check up, follow Mom, don’t fall behind.”

Passing through the gate of the inpatient building was the hospital lobby, and just ahead was the pediatrics department.

As soon as she walked to the front door of the inpatient building, Jian Yi heard Li Zheya’s voice. He was talking to someone angrily. Following the principle of seeing no evil or listening to evil, Jian Yi wanted to wait for him to leave or take a detour. She didn’t expect the two to meet suddenly.

Li Zheya was stunned. He didn’t expect to meet Jian Yi in the hospital. He saw the news a few days ago and saw Su Zixuan defend him like that. Moreover, she had been staying at the Su Mansion and never returned to the villa. He estimated that the relationship between the two had changed. Well, what was more, too many things had happened recently, so he didn’t have the time to fall in love.