“You…” Li Zheya looked at the camera behind her, pursed his lips and said nothing. If he could really reconcile with Su Zixuan, maybe it would be good.

He didn’t want to give up, but he didn’t want her to be embarrassed, “Why did Sister-in-law come to the hospital? What happened to An Ran?”

Jian Yi let go of Su Enran for a moment, her hand was a little sore, and she changed her hand, “We came to see An Ran’s dentist, how about you? Why…”

When Li Zheya saw An Qi happily reaching out to him and wanted to hug, Li Zheya’s depressed mood was comforted a little, he hugged her, “Does An Qi want to hug me?”

An Qi looked at his face and shouted happily, “Dad!”

Jian Yi hurriedly supported her forehead. Didn’t she correct An Qi already? Why did she like to call Li Zheya ‘Dad’ so much? 

“Haha, if Zixuan knew that An Qi called me Dad, he would definitely be jealous.” Li Zheya hugged her for a while, then returned An Qi to her and explained, “My grandma is in the hospital.”

Jian Yi was surprised. When she saw her a few days ago, wasn’t she still fine? 

“What’s wrong with her? Is it serious?”

“Old age always brings such problems. It’s not very serious. It’s good to observe for two days. I’ll go up to see her first…” 

Suddenly, his pupils shrank as he saw a car driving behind Jian Yi. The car rushed over without slowing down. The car seemed to have malfunctioned, and it rushed straight toward the side.

Li Zheya didn’t have time to think too much, so he stepped forward and hugged Jian Yi to the side with Su Enran standing beside him.

Li Zheya used his body to make a meat pad under them. Jian Yi was not injured, but An Qi was so frightened that she started crying, and Su Enran fell into the flower bushes with a stunned face.

The car slammed into the pillar, the wheels were still spinning, the driver was knocked on the head and passed out.

Jian Yi stood up first, comforted An Qi and asked, “Are you all right?”

A group of people gathered around, “What happened?”

“I don’t know, my God, such a strong smell of alcohol, is the driver drunk?”

“He passed out.”

“Is this the show crew?”

“Isn’t that An Ran? God, it looks like his face was scratched.”

Jian Yi heard the chatter around, and looked at An Ran’s little face. There was indeed a bloodstain, and quickly pulled him out of the flower bushes, “An Ran, are you alright?”

Turning her eyes, her sight landed on Li Zheya, who was lying in the flower bushes, groaning in discomfort. He was covering his chest with his hands, as if he was being crushed by her.

“Everyone help, help him up.”

Just in the hospital, the nurse and doctor quickly came out with the pusher, and carefully put Li Zheya on the bed, “Zheya, are you alright?”

Li Zheya opened his eyes uncomfortably and showed a brave smile, “I… I’m fine, don’t worry, look after An Ran, he seemed to be injured too.”

Jian Yi was moved to tears, she nodded, and subconsciously took his hand, “You go for check up first, I’ll check on An Ran.”

At the same time, Su Zixuan followed Zhou Qing to the hospital gate. He heard someone say that Jian Yi was hit by a car during the filming of the show. And Jian Yi was looking at Li Zheya and her hand was still tightly grasped!

Su Zixuan’s eyes were splitting. He strode forward, and called out angrily, “Jian Yi!” He was worried about her and ran all the way, but he saw such a picture when he arrived? Shouldn’t that be the uncle Su Enran was talking about?

Reason told him that it couldn’t be Li Zheya, but Su Zixuan, who was hit by anger at the moment, didn’t think much about it. He stepped forward and grabbed Jian Yi and pulled her out with force. She was pulled out by a force, went staggering two steps, and almost fell. She let go as she had held Li Zheya’s hand and he got pulled. He bared his teeth in pain. Seeing Su Zixuan’s angry expression, he showed a provocative smile that only the two of them knew.

“Zixuan?” His tone was calm but seemed to carry a trace of doubt, Su Zixuan saw it, and gritted his teeth.

As soon as Jian Yi looked back, she saw Su Zixuan with an angry face, and was shocked, “Why are you here?”

Su Enran felt reassured and came over to hug his thigh, acting aggrieved, “Dad…”

Su Zixuan lowered his head and embraced An Ran. Seeing the blood stains on his face, he asked in a deep voice, “What’s going on?”

Jian Yi didn’t understand where his anger came from. She turned around and explained to Li Zheya before saying to An Ran, “An Ran, let’s go for a check up and see if there is any injury.”

Then Su Zixuan realized that something was wrong. He only saw her holding Li Zheya’s hand. Now that he woke up and saw signs of falling and a car that was upside down not far away, he understood.

“Are you all right?” Su Zixuan asked with concern. He wanted to go forward and grab Jian Yi’s arm to observe, but she hugged An Qi and walked around him and took Su Enran directly. He put down his hand in embarrassment, a little confused.

“Is that person Jian Yi’s husband? He seemed to care about her, didn’t they say that the two of them are not in a good relationship?”

“Oh, let’s go, don’t pay attention to that kind of gossip.”

“It’s really disgusting for people who drink and drive. Fortunately, no one had a major incident.”

Su Zixuan listened to the whispers around, and probably understood the whole story. The anger disappeared, and all that was left was the embarrassment and confusion. He was so fierce, so she wouldn’t misunderstand anything, right?

“President Su, we…” Zhou Qing pointed to Li Zheya’s pusher and reminded him.

Su Zixuan suddenly realized, he hurried up, “Zheya, are you alright?”

Zhou Qing sighed helplessly, Boss Su was so stupid that he didn’t look like the decisive Boss Su in the shopping mall. Love made people lose their IQ, and this applied to both men and women.

Fortunately, Su Enran was not injured much. When the car hit him, Li Zheya took the three of them and rushed into flower bushes. The momentum of several people was partially reduced, and An Ran was fine, but was caught by a branch, it was no big deal.

An Qi was locked in Jian Yi’s arms and was not injured. After applying the ointment, Jian Yi led them to the operating room in a hurry, and saw Su Zixuan sitting outside the operating room.

Su Zixuan heard the footsteps, thought it was Jian Yi, looked up in surprise, and saw her five meters away, with a tall man wearing a white coat. He looked extremely handsome from the side. When the man spoke, the man seemed to sense that he was looking at him, and also looked over.

The two stared at each other in the dark night.