Men always understood each other. No matter how slow Su Zixuan was, he could see that the handsome man in white looked at Jian Yi in the wrong way. He stared at Li Bingrui closely. Li Bingrui was aware of it. That was her husband, right?

With such vigilant eyes, he seemed to care about her. Li Bingrui raised his hand and patted Jian Yi’s shoulder lightly. When he looked at Su Zixuan out of the corner of his eye, he saw him standing up anxiously as if he wanted to come over. For some reason, he smiled.

“Your friend will be fine, don’t worry, remember to call me if you need anything, I may be able to help.” After Li Bingrui finished speaking, he looked down at An Ran, “An Ran, don’t wash your face with water for now, understand?”

Su Enran was a little dazed. He nodded confusedly, his little hand relied on Jian Yi’s sleeves, and timidly looked at Li Bingrui. The doctor uncle and Li Zheya uncle seemed not so annoying that day.

Su Zixuan counted in his heart, ten seconds passed, twenty seconds passed, thirty seconds passed, and they were still talking?! Unable to hold back, he strode toward them.

He felt that the man was making fun of him. Su Zixuan put his arms on Jian Yi’s shoulders.

When Su Enran heard his voice, he hurried to his side, called out ‘dad’ excitedly, and held onto his hand.

Jian Yi didn’t expect him to come over. She was stunned for a moment, and quickly introduced, “This is An Ran’s dentist, Dr. Li Bingrui, and this is my husband, Su Zixuan.”

Li Bingrui stretched out his hand, his expression was as usual. Su Zixuan had to put down the hand on Jian Yi’s shoulder and hold Li Bingrui’s hand, “Hello.”

Li Bingrui nodded, “Hello.” 

After two seconds, they let go, their eyes met, and sparks flew everywhere. The two handsome men stood together, attracting the attention of many people, not to mention the presence of so many cameras, and people passing by were whispering in secret.

After letting go, Li Bingrui looked at the time and said to Jian Yi, “You guys talk, I have to go ahead.”

“Okay, go do your work,” Jian Yi nodded.

After the people left, Su Zixuan was sullen, but in public, it was difficult to show up, not to mention the cameras were still there, so he turned his head and said, “Just now… are you alright?”

“I’m fine, how is Zheya?” 

If Li Zheya hadn’t stepped forward, maybe she and An Qi would be lying on the bed.

“He’s rough, how could something happen…” Su Zixuan muttered.

“What did you say?” Jian Yi didn’t hear clearly, turned around and asked.

Su Zixuan said quickly, “It’s okay, I have already asked Zhou Qing to go through the hospitalization procedures, but why was Zheya in the hospital?” He probed carefully. Could it be that they openly made an appointment?

Jian Yi didn’t want to think about the various accusations in his tone at all. She carried An Qi, who was so frightened and was about to fall asleep, to sit down on the lounge chair in the corridor, “His grandma is in the hospital, so we just met up.”

“Grandma Li is sick?” Su Zixuan sitting next to Jian Yi asked in surprise. When he hadn’t gotten angry with Zheya some time ago, he had seen Grandma Li. At that time, she was quite strong. Why did she get sick? ?

“When people get old, they will always have this or that kind of disease. When Zheya wakes up, I will visit again.”

“I’ll go, I haven’t seen Grandma Li for a long time.” 

He called Zhou Qing and asked him to buy some gifts later so that he could visit, and then sat quietly beside Jian Yi.

An Qi was already sleeping. Her little head was drooping, her long eyelashes were curled up, her little face was red, round and super cute.

Jian Yi couldn’t help but kiss her gently, who was sleeping soundly in her arms.

“An Ran, why don’t you go back with Mom first?” Looking at Su Enran who had a pale and tired face, Su Zixuan opened his mouth to break the silence.

Jian Yi looked at the operating room and couldn’t be relieved. After all, Zheya was injured because of them, so how could she leave before he woke up?

“I have to wait for him to wake up and take a look at the situation before I can relax.” Jian Yi looked at An Ran, “An Ran, do you want to go back first? If you want to, I can ask the driver to take you back first.”

Su Enran shook his head. His little hand tightly held Su Zixuan’s hand, “I want to stay here with you.”

After waiting for a while, the door of the operating room was opened, and Jian Yi hurriedly stood up, “Doctor, is my friend okay?”

The doctor shook his head, “It’s not a big deal, he hit his head and fainted by accident, with a little skin trauma.”

“Then why was he inside for so long?” Jian Yi asked worriedly.

“I’m not sure if he’s injured, so the examination took a while. He’ll wake up later, don’t worry,” the doctor left after saying that.