“Hello, grandma.” Jian Yi greeted politely, took the lunch box from Su Zixuan’s hand, and put it on the table, “I don’t know your taste. This is a dish I made at random. I don’t know if you’ll like it or not.”

Tao Huihua looked at the virtuous Jian Yi who stood beside Su Zixuan with an obedient face. She was so capable and gave birth to two angel-like children in the Su family, which was really enviable.

“Okay.” She picked up Jian Yi’s hand and stroked it gently, “Zixuan is really blessed to have you as his wife.”

Su Zixuan looked at Jian Yi and smiled. He smiled a little stiffly, his eyes twitched desperately, signaling her not to reveal his secrets.

Jian Yi smiled, “I feel embarrassed if you praise me like that.”

She put the food on the table, “You taste it, if there is anything wrong, tell me. I will improve next time I make food for you.”

“Okay, okay,” Tao Huihua’s kind face was full of relief. It seemed that she had misunderstood her. The last time she saw her with Zheya, it should be a coincidence.

Seeing her eating happily with a good appetite, Jian Yi stood up, “You eat first, I’ll go down to see Zheya…”

Su Zixuan interrupted her, “Ah, yes, An Ran and An Qi should be looking for their mother, you should go back and have a look.” 

After saying that, he hurriedly gestured to her and pushed her out.

Tao Huihua put down her chopsticks, her face darkened, “Zixuan, what did she just say? Go down and see Zheya? Zheya is in the hospital?”

Jian Yi was stunned for a moment, and then she realized something. She lowered her head in annoyance. They didn’t tell her about it.

“He…” Su Zixuan hesitated for a moment, then said immediately, “You must have heard it wrong, Yi An is talking about An Ran and An Qi, right?”

Jian Yi looked at Tao Huihua, then at Su Zixuan, “Yes.”

“Zixuan, explain the matter to me clearly, what the he*ll is going on?” Tao Huihua said angrily. Her chest heaving violently, as if she couldn’t breathe.  She patted her chest.

Seeing that, Jian Yi immediately stepped forward and gently patted her back to make her feel comfortable.

Finally, Tao Huihua pointed to Jian Yi and said solemnly, “Yi’an, tell me, what the h*ll is going on?” Her heart was beating suddenly, and she had a bad premonition.

Jian Yi was stunned. She looked at Su Zixuan, who closed his eyes and nodded.

Jian Yi briefly explained what happened in general.

After Tao Huihua listened to her, she only felt that her eyes were completely dark. 

Why did her grandson suffer so much?

“Grandma!” Su Zixuan quickly supported her, “Are you alright? Yi’an, go ring the bell.”

“No, I’m fine, where is Zheya now?” Tao Huihua stopped him.

Half an hour later, Li Zheya was placed in Tao Huihua’s luxurious ward, and said flatteringly with a smile, “Grandma, don’t be angry anymore, you won’t be pretty if you are angry again. I didn’t mean to hide from you. I was afraid that you would worry. Besides, I’m fine, just after a little rest, I’ll be discharged from the hospital tomorrow. So don’t be mad at me.”

Tao Huihua was shaken by him for a long time. The corners of her lips curled up, and she immediately retracted, “I won’t get angry, but you have to promise me one thing.”

“You say it! Even if it is crossing a mountain of swords and a sea of ​​fire, I can do it!” Li Zheya said while patting his chest.

A smile appeared on Su Zixuan’s face. Grandma would definitely use it to coerce him to go on a blind date. Sure enough, Tao Huihua said, “I want you to meet the girl I arranged honestly.”

Li Zheya was stunned for a moment, showing an unhappy smile, “Grandma~”

She said with a stern face, “What? Isn’t it easier than going up a mountain of swords and crossing a sea of ​​fire?”

“But…” Li Zheya still wanted to struggle, but her face became stern, and the matter became a foregone conclusion.

“Look at Zixuan, he has a successful career, a loving wife, and children around him, what about you? You don’t even have a partner. I am not asking you to get married right away, but you have to go out and meet other girls. Zheya, my body won’t last long, even if I don’t see my great-grandson, I have to see my granddaughter-in-law, eh?”

Just as she was about to burst into tears, what Tao Huihua said was extremely desolate.

Li Zheya was helpless, and finally nodded, “I can say it in advance, I agree to go, but that doesn’t mean I have to find a wife among them.”

“You’re trying to piss me off! How can I have a grandson like you?” Tao Huihua slapped his head with a bang, making Jian Yi, who had always felt guilty, jump.

“Okay, I won’t make trouble with you. After you get discharged from the hospital, meet her right away,” Tao Huihua made a final decision.

Su Zixuan said gloatingly, “I also think grandma is right, Zheya, you are not too young. Look at me, Su Enran is five years old. If you don’t look for a girl, you won’t be able to catch up in the future.” 

He put his hand on Jian Yi’s shoulders to show off.

Li Zheya gritted his teeth and showed a fake smile, “Well, I also think you are right, I really need to find happiness. Grandma, don’t worry, I will work hard.” 

His eyes fell on Jian Yi.