To Su Zixuan, he showed a look of fight.

Tao Huihua didn’t see the turbulent waves between them, and nodded with relief, “My good grandson, don’t worry, what grandma found for you must be a girl with excellent character, you will definitely like her then.”

Jian Yi only felt that Li Zheya looked at her with a strange look, then quickly moved away, looking at Su Zixuan with fiery eyes.

She jumped in her heart, shouldn’t these two…

She shook her head, throwing away such a mess of thoughts. It was absurd.

“Yi’an, what’s wrong with you?” Tao Huihua was in a much better mood after receiving Li Zheya’s affirmation. Seeing Jian Yi shaking her head, she couldn’t help asking.

The eyes of the three fell on her. She was inexplicably nervous and swallowed, “It’s okay, I just have a sore neck.”

Tao Huihua: “It must be because you got tired after cooking today, you’ve worked so hard.”

Jian Yi waved her hands, “This is what I should do. If it weren’t for me, Zheya wouldn’t be hurt. It’s him who really worked hard.”

After chatting for a while, Jian Yi and Su Zixuan left.

Tao Huihua looked at the lost Li Zheya, “Zheya, are you…” Still thinking about her?

“Is it what?” Li Zheya smiled slightly, didn’t answer, was silent for a few seconds, and then said, “Grandma, I want to pursue my own happiness, no matter whether the road is right or not, I want to walk again, otherwise I myself would regret.”

Tao Huihua understood the bitterness on his face, “It is immoral, if you do that, you might…”

“Don’t worry, I won’t fool around, don’t you believe me?”

“I don’t care, these days, you have to go on a blind date honestly and talk to other girls, you can then forget her.” 

Jian Yi was indeed good, kind, virtuous, and good-natured, but she was someone’s wife.

Outside the door, as soon as Jian Yi came out, she immediately patted his hand off her shoulder and strode forward.

Su Zixuan looked at his palm in despair. She was so close, but why couldn’t he always touch her?

He chased after her reluctantly and shouted, “Yi’an, I…” He really liked her. He was not joking, not taking advantage, but sincerely.

Jian Yi paused for a while, and continued to walk forward, rubbing her lunch box with her skirt, making a slight noise.

If it was said that she cared about the past, then——

Su Zixuan quickly chased after her, grabbed her hand, pulled her to the stairwell, put his hands on her sides, and looked directly into her pupils, “Yi’an, let’s start over.”

“What?” Jian Yi was in shock.

“Let’s put aside everything before and start anew. I will pursue you again, and you can accept me again. If there is anything wrong about me, you can tell me, beat me and scold me, but my only request is just don’t ignore me.”

“You move first.” 

His breath lingered on the tip of her nose, and Jian Yi felt a little uncomfortable. She pushed his strong chest, and the tips of her ears were reddish.

“Yi’an, I’m serious,” Su Zixuan stood up a little symbolically, but his posture remained the same, and he held Jian Yi in his arms tightly. His feet were slightly apart, blocking her way.

Jian Yi avoided his face and wanted to squat down and get out from below, but found that he also tightly locked her by his long legs, and the two were so close that they could feel each other’s body temperature.

Jian Yi: “You move first.”

Su Zixuan said, “I won’t let go. As soon as I let go, you fly away like a kite, fall into the hands of others, and if you hide again, I will never be able to find you.”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about, you…” Jian Yi turned her face to the side, the tip of her nose rubbed against his cheek, her face flushed instantly. She didn’t dare to move. If she moved again, the two would get closer .

Su Zixuan didn’t want to either, but there was Li Zheya in front of him, a doctor he didn’t know in the back, and her own attitude was unpredictable, so he got very impatient. 

“Let’s start again, let’s get to know each other again, let go of the past, let’s start again,” Su Zixuan said seriously. It was also one of the tricks Zhou Qing gave him. Since the obstacles between the two were of the past, then if they let it go, what would be the result?

“Start again??” Jian YiIan repeated the sentence loudly. Throwing away the past? Abandon  the original owner?

Seeing her intentional move, Su Zixuan nodded quickly, “Yes, let’s get to know each other again. Forget what happened before and start over.”

Li Zheya would be a very strong opponent. In terms of appearance and personality, the two were similar, but in other respects, he was better.

“I don’t know how to explain it, I only fell in love with you after so many years of our marriage, but that’s it. It’s amazing. Since you changed, my eyes always fell on you involuntarily, you seem to have countless brilliance that it is impossible to ignore,”

He paused and continued, “But I’m pretty sure of my heart, I like you, I need you, Yi’an, I really want to spend my life with you in the future.”

Jian Yi looked at him. The deep affection in his eyes naturally revealed, without the slightest hint of deception. And it was the only time he had confessed like that since he was a child.

He just said that he fell in love with her only after she changed, so…

“After I changed, what do you mean?” Jian Yi asked cautiously. She had obstacles in her heart. Su Zixuan was the man of the original owner, so she felt disgusted in her heart.

But what if… the person he liked was her?

Thinking like that, a wall in the heart began to crack, and the wind blew a little bit louder, and it could blow slowly, slowly, until it rolled over.

“After you participated in the show, I paid attention to you involuntarily. I shouldn’t have ignored you like before, I…” Su Zixuan didn’t know how to go on, “Let’s start over, okay? “