Jian Yi stared at him blankly, seeing the light in his eyes, her heart was beating faster. Her body went limp, a shocking, electric sense of touch spread all over her body instantly.


Su Zixuan looked at her stunned appearance. Thinking she was going to refuse, he grabbed her shoulders tightly with both hands, and said sincerely, “I’m serious, Yi’an, give me a chance.”

Jian Yi didn’t know how to answer him. He liked her, not the original owner. 

She was despicably happy, but then there was a strong sense of guilt that filled her. No matter what, he was the husband of the original owner. He didn’t know that she was not the original owner, and naturally she couldn’t tell him.

Suffering inwardly, Jian Yi suddenly pushed Su Zixuan’s chest away and ran two steps forward.

He followed closely, “Yian!”

Jian Yi stopped, her head was down, and her hair was slightly scattered. She said in a low voice, “…I will think about it.”

After that, she ran out. Su Zixuan was very happy and stunned. When he came out, there was a lot of traffic, but he didn’t see Jian Yi’s shadow.

But her words reverberated in his ears. Looking at the crowd of cars, he showed a long-lost happiness. She said that she would consider it. It must be because she also had him in her heart, right? She ran out, she should be shy. He guessed she went home.

Su Zixuan didn’t think much, and walked to the inpatient building. Grandma Li wanted him to take care of Li Zheya. He would definitely guard him at all times, and make sure he would not have the slightest chance to get close to Yi’an.

Jian Yi ran out of the hospital and looked at the people coming and going. The world was so big, it seemed that there was no place for her. All of it belonged to the original owner. She had it, but when she returned from a dream at midnight, it was her own time.

After the show was broadcasted, Jian Yi got a large number of fans with her alternative charm. She was standing outside at that time, without any disguise except for her makeup. When someone recognized her, they excitedly came up and asked for an autograph. Jian Yi quickly put it aside, called a cab, and left the place immediately.

Fortunately, it didn’t cause a stir, and everyone dispersed when they saw her leaving.

“Girl, where to go?” The driver looked at Jian Yi from the rearview mirror. When he saw her face, he was instantly shocked. As soon as his mind turned, he remembered who she was, and quietly looked in the rearview mirror.

Jian Yi breathed a sigh of relief, and when she heard the driver’s words, she immediately regained her senses. Where was she going? She didn’t know where to go either.

After thinking for a while, she thought of the dean, and said, “Go to Anxin Welfare Institute, on xx street, No. 45.”


Only there, for the time being, was where she escaped, and only there was someone who knew who she was. At that moment, Jian Yi felt that she was overwhelmed by an invisible force, like a heavy stone pressing against her heart.

In a daze, the car arrived quickly. After paying the fare on her phone, Jian Yi stood at the door in a daze. That was where she grew up and her home.

As if Jian Yi was standing at the door waiting. The security uncle saw Jian Yi, and his eyes lit up. The last time she came to the orphanage, the big cart of milk was not only distributed to the children but even to the people in the orphanage, and the food in the cafeteria had gotten better in recent days.

“Girl, I’ll open the door for you.” The uncle of the security came directly to open the door, “I really thank you so much for giving the children something delicious and fun. You are such a good person.”

He didn’t surf the Internet, and he didn’t know how badly Jian Yi was talked about on the Internet, but a person who could come to the orphanage and send so many things must be a good person.

Jian Yi thanked him, looked at the grass and trees in the welfare home, and walked in slowly. The children were doing handicraft lessons. When she showed up, she looked at the window for a long time. She also came there when she was a child.

Halfway through, she happened to meet Jian Ling.

Seeing her bad face, Jian Ling asked concernedly, “What’s the matter? Aren’t you filming today? As far as I know, the show hasn’t finished yet, right?”

Jian Yi shook her head gently, followed her to the office, slammed the door shut, and threw herself into Jian Ling’s arms, “Mom, I’m so uncomfortable.”

She didn’t know what she was suffering from, maybe it was because no one knew her, or maybe it was because she could only live as someone else.

Jian Ling put her arms around her and stroked her hair, “What’s the matter?”

Jian Yi told her the whole story. Jian Ling frowned at first, but later, smiled.

After Jian Yi finished speaking, she saw Jian Ling laughing and asked, “Mother Dean, what are you laughing at? Is it because my thinking is too naive?”

“I’m laughing at you, you didn’t know happiness in the midst of happiness.” Saying that, Jian Ling scratched the tip of Jian Yi’s nose, “You, sometimes you just think too much, he likes you, isn’t it good? Do you want him to hate you?”

“That’s not true, it’s just that I think it’s weird, and I’m not her…” Jian Yi said awkwardly, she understood the truth, but there was a lump in her heart.

“You are her now.” Jian Ling’s face suddenly sank, “no matter what you were like before, you can only be her now, you know?” Whether it was because she was insecure or psychological pressure, she couldn’t go back to her previous state.
