At the time, Li Zheya didn’t have the heart to continue reading the documents. He put away his phone and looked out the door from time to time. Finally, he saw the figures of Su Zixuan and Jian Yi. They came in one after the other, and Su Zixuan was carrying a lunch box in his hand. 

Jian Yi followed behind.

“Grandma Li,” Jian Yi greeted her then said, “Aunt at home cooked the food tonight. It’s better than mine, you should like it.”

Seeing that Su Zixuan and Jian Yi had such a good relationship, Tao Huihua said with a smile, “I like what you made yesterday. Hmm, if just my disobedient grandson will bring me a granddaughter-in-law like you, I will be the happiest.”

Jian Yi glanced at Li Zheya, he was full of depression, “Zheya is very good, and will meet a good person.”

Tao Huihua smiled and the wrinkles on her face deepened. She pointed at Li Zheya and said, “Look at how sweet her mouth is. If you also find a granddaughter-in-law, I’m sure I won’t bother you.”

“Grandma!” Li Zheya shouted in dissatisfaction. 

“I see, I will find you a granddaughter-in-law who is like my sister-in-law,” he emphasized the ‘like’, it sounded like there was something in the words, but there was nothing on the surface.

Tao Huihua had to shut up, sighed, and said nothing.

Su Zixuan didn’t pay attention to Li Zheya’s provocation. Since he proposed to start again, Yi’an’s attitude toward him changed from before.

But that was also a kind of progress. He was confident that she would be moved by him. As for Li Zheya, he just needed to keep him away from her.

After keeping Li Zheya’s assistant and Li’s housekeeper to keep watch at night, Su Zixuan led Jian Yi back.

Su Zixuan gave the lunch box to the driver. He took Jian Yi, who was puzzled, to a nearby small park for a walk. Walking forward, there was a big river, the water was sparkling, and the colorful neon lights illuminated the river.

The lights in the park were dim, and pedestrians could not see their faces clearly.

“What do you want to do?” Jian Yi took her arm out of his hand. She looked at the dim environment around her, and asked a little uneasily.

Su Zixuan put his hands in his trouser pockets, his shadow was elongated by the light and reflected on the ground. The expression on his face was unclear, only a smile was heard in his voice as he said, “I want to take a walk with you.”

Jian Yi’s ears got slightly red. The dim and ambiguous environment really made people think a lot. She lifted the hair on her cheeks and put it behind her ears, and said in a soft voice, “Wait, what walk?”

Su Zixuan looked at her lowered head and tentatively grabbed her hand. She did not refuse. He squeezed her wrist gently and tightly, “I heard that walking with your loved one every day would prolong your life.”

Jian Yi struggled slightly, and when she heard what he said, her face turned red instantly. She followed him two steps before retorting, “What theory is this?”

When she saw lovers hugging and kissing by the woods, she swung her arm back with force, and looked at the lovers with her eyes dodging.

Su Zixuan didn’t expect her to be so innocent. He couldn’t help but be stunned for a moment, feeling a little weird in his heart. But he didn’t think too much, didn’t care, and continued to walk forward.

“Yi’an, what I said today, have you considered it?” Su Zixuan watched a boat pass by on the river, leaving ripples on the water surface. His eyes fell on the ripples, his tone was much lighter than usual, even his attitude looked much more stable.

Jian Yi was two steps away from him. After walking up, her eyes also fell on the river, “I don’t know.” In fact, she was still struggling, although she did have something in her heart, and the dean was right, but… …

Maybe she couldn’t get past that.

“You don’t know?” Su Zixuan looked back at her. The bright lights in the distance just reflected on her face, red, purple and green, which clearly illuminated the expression on her face. She was struggling.

“You don’t know what?” Su Zixuan asked. Before Jian Yi could answer, he asked again, “You don’t know if you like me, or if I could give you happiness?”

Jian Yi didn’t answer. She looked at the river, and after a while, she said faintly, “You know that we are bound together, but why am I still hesitating? It’s because, what belongs to me is only my heart, if…”

She turned around and faced Su Zixuan. There seemed to be nothing in her eyes, but she seemed to have everything in it.

Su Zixuan murmured, “What if?”

Jian Yi looked at the river, “If I lose even my heart, then I really… will have nothing.” The whispering tone gradually disappeared in the wind.

The howl of the boat sounded in the distance, and a few low sounds fixed the atmosphere between the two.

Su Zixuan thought about it, but didn’t think it was the reason. He choked up, “You…you can trust me, how can you only be by yourself? You still have me.”

Jian Yi gave a low laugh. The night wind blew over, and goose bumps appeared on her arms. She folded her arms, her voice was long and erratic, “I don’t even believe in myself, how can I believe in you?”

“Yi’an, are you worried about something? As long as you say it, I can change it.” 

Her tone was very wrong, she obviously had hope, but when she thought about it in her heart, it seemed like the distance between them had become farther away.

“What are you worried about?” 

Jian Yi murmured, “I’m afraid of losing…” If she lost her heart, then in the world, she really had nothing.

Su Zixuan grabbed her shoulder directly and looked into her eyes with the light coming from a distance, “Don’t be afraid, I can lose to you. I will let you win, in the battle of love, I can lose utterly. Don’t be afraid, okay?” After seeing that she was shaken, he had to appease her.

He didn’t know that she was so insecure, maybe it was his original ignorance that left a deep impression on her.

“I…” Jian Yi looked at his sincere expression and was moved slightly in her heart, but she couldn’t go on with the words.

“I don’t want to win, I just want you,” Su Zixuan said while leaning on her shoulder, the night was dark and the lights were charming, she looked even more attractive in the environment.

Jian Yi looked into his eyes, only to see a bright light.

Looking at each other, Su Zixuan felt that she was tempting him. Those charming eyes kept firing, his heart was throbbing, and an electric current passed through his lower abdomen. He only felt hot all over.

Suddenly, he took her into his arms and breathed roughly, “Yi’an, let’s be together. It doesn’t matter how you want to win the war, I just hope that you can truly belong to me.”

Jian Yi was nestled in his hot arms, and his unique masculine breath lingered on the tip of her nose, almost dizzying her head and was on the verge of almost nodding.

She quickly pushed him away and hurried forward, covering her cheeks with her hands, but her hands were burned by her face.

The lights on the road were dim, and she didn’t look at the road, so she just hit a wall of meat, “Fu.k! You don’t look at the road when you walk?!”

Jian Yi paused, stopped quickly, lowered her head, and apologized, “I’m sorry.”

“Can an apology compensate me for my loss?” The man was unwilling to give up. He stretched out his hand to push Jian Yi. Su Zixuan hurried to catch up, stopped Jian Yi’s shoulder and moved her back two steps, looking directly at the man, “Why? What’s the matter?”

The man saw that Su Zixuan was tall and handsome, with a fierce look on his face.

“It’s alright,” Su Zixuan comforted when he saw Jian Yi bowing her head, thinking she was frightened.