Jian Yi suddenly felt at ease. She looked at him holding her arm tightly, looking anxious, and the corner of her lips raised. They could try it, it was not impossible, wasn’t it?

“You really want to…” Jian Yi suddenly said.

Su Zixuan: “What?”

Jian Yi raised her head, shy and timid, “Are you really willing to lose to me?”

“What?!” He exclaimed in surprise, and the man looked up subconsciously, groggy. They were unable to see his face clearly, as he lowered his head to go about his own business.

“Are you serious? I do, of course I do!” Su Zixuan said happily. His expression was the most lively since Jian Yi knew him, he grabbed her arm and said carefully, “You really would like to start over with me?”

It was like a red rain falling from the sky, wasn’t that a miracle? He thought it would take a long time to grind, and he was ready for a protracted war.

He did not expect–

But Jian Yi shook her head and said solemnly, “I just promised to try it. If… if you betray me, I will find a way to end our marriage.”

If the two were still like before and couldn’t get along, then life would be over, but if he betrayed her, she would never want to see him again.

“What do you think?” Jian Yi asked, not because she didn’t believe in men, but because she didn’t believe in the inferiority of men. There was a difference between zero and countless times of cheating.

The purpose of her saying that was that if he really liked her as he said, and wanted to be with her all his life, the condition was equivalent to a waste condition, and if he…

Then it was not in vain for her to waste her feelings to verify him.

“Okay!” Su Zixuan nodded, “If I really betray you, we can divorce.”

“No matter what the circumstances of betrayal…” Jian Yi added silently. The reason why she hadn’t been in love for so long was because she had an emotional cleanliness (needs loyalty), and she couldn’t stand those who eat in the bowl and look at the pot. (someone who is always checking out their options)

And she was also idealistic. Either she loved something very much, or she had no feelings at all. At least she could comfort herself that because she didn’t love, she wouldn’t be hurt.

Some people said that she had low self-esteem, maybe that was the case. She had no confidence in herself and couldn’t believe that someone could really love her so much.

“Okay,” Su Zixuan said with certainty. After thirty years of living, that was the first time he had been tempted, and she was his only woman. He would not cheat. If he wanted to cherish her, how could he possibly cheat? That was impossible.

Jian Yi also smiled and nodded, “Okay.” 

She hoped that he wouldn’t let her down.

Su Zixuan was overjoyed and hugged her in his arms, facing the evening wind, in the small park full of ambiguity and closeness, the hearts of the two gradually approached.

Su Zixuan felt her in his arms, hugged her tightly, and wanted to insert her to the core, “Yi’an, don’t worry, I will be a good husband and a good father in the future. If there is some issue, even if you beat me and scold me, I will never fight back, I will cherish you…”

Jian Yi shyly nestled in his arms. Listening to his love words, she was a little uncomfortable, and hummed lowly, “It’s too late, let’s go back.”


He took her hand, and the corners of his lips were about to reach the back of his head, like an idiot.

Jian Yi found that after agreeing, she was more relaxed than before, but sometimes she was afraid that he would find out that she was not the original owner.

“Zixuan, what if…” After the two made up their minds, they walked by the river holding hands, and Jian Yi suddenly asked.

Su Zixuan was immersed in joy, not noticing that there was something wrong, but just turned around and said affectionately, “What if?”

“If one day, you find out that I am not the original me, what would you do?”

“You’re not who you used to be now.” Su Zixuan stopped and helped her brush her hair to her ears, “You’ve changed too much, and it’s because of your changes that I couldn’t ignore you.”

Jian Yi was stunned for a moment, looked at Su Zixuan blankly, and murmured, “So…you know.” The voice was inaudible, and when the wind blew, it floated into the air.

She thought that he couldn’t notice it. Did he feel it so early? Thinking so despicably, he was actually attracted to her, and there was a hint of joy in the tragic and solemn.

“What did you say?” Su Zixuan put his head to her face and asked softly.

Jian Yi shook her head, “It’s okay, I’m talking to myself.”

Since he noticed, but did not doubt it, it meant that he didn’t suspect that she would be another person, so let the secret be hidden in her heart forever.

The two walked along the riverside for a long time and talked about a lot of topics that had not been discussed before.

Jian Yi discovered that Su Zixuan actually had many of the same hobbies as her, such as table tennis, basketball, and painting.

And Su Zixuan found that Jian Yi was not as incompetent as he remembered. She could paint, repair houses, and plant flowers and plants. Besides acting, she had so many skills, which he did not expect.

She was even more different from what he imagined. It seemed that although they were very close before, they were actually very far away.

At nine o’clock, Jian Yi suddenly heard a growl from Su Zixuan’s stomach, and he looked at her awkwardly.

She just remembered that she only brought food for Li Zheya and the others, while Su Zixuan hadn’t eaten yet.

“I forgot that you didn’t eat,” Jian Yi said guiltily.

“Then…” Su Zixuan took the opportunity to say, “Give me a reward?”

“What…” Jian Yi’s lips were touched by a soft and warm object. His face suddenly became bigger in front of her eyes, and the words in her mouth were blocked before she could finish speaking.

“You…” Jian Yi covered her lips while blushing and looked at him in disbelief.

“I’m just exercising my basic rights as a husband. If you want to exercise your legal rights as a wife, you could too,” Su Zixuan pointed to his lips.

“I don’t want it!” Jian Yi was childish again, and walked forward angrily.

Su Zixuan quickly chased after her, “Yi’an, Yi’an, wife, wife.”

“Don’t call me ‘wife’…” The wind slowly blew away the shy atmosphere.