Su Enran was surprised to find that the atmosphere between his parents was different. For example, when he was taking a bath, his wise, handsome and cold father leaned against the door with a smirk like a fool, and looked at his mother who was bathing him stupidly.

And his mother didn’t drive him away like usual, but gave him a helpless look, then blushed and gave him a bath calmly.

“Yi’an, let me help,” Su Zixuan looked at Jian Yi bathing An Ran. He was leaning against the door.

Su Enran felt that the sticky Su Zixuan didn’t quite resemble his father’s style. Hearing that, goosebumps arose, and he rubbed his arms.

Jian Yi asked quickly, “Is the water cold?”

Su Enran shook his head, but kept his eyes fixed on Su Zixuan. Jian Yi followed his gaze and saw Su Zixuan leaning against the door with a hippy smile, “What are you doing? Don’t disturb his bath.”

Su Zixuan smiled and said, “I didn’t, I just want to help.”

Jian Yi looked at him with affectionate eyes. Her ears were slightly red, and she refused, “No, if you have time, go look after An Qi.”

Su Zixuan looked at her fascinatedly, thinking of his goals, to be a good husband and a good father. An Qi’s relationship with him was not as good as with Li Zheya. It was really heartbreaking to think about it.

Turning around in his mind, he understood Jian Yi’s intention, and nodded, “Okay, then I’ll go and see An Qi. If you need any help, just call me.”

Jian Yi waved her hand unbearably, “Go quickly.”  She really couldn’t stand it. A big man was so clingy.

“Mom, what’s wrong with dad?” Su Enran asked suspiciously, looking at Su Zixuan who was running away excitedly.

Jian Yi wiped the shower gel for him and held her forehead weakly, “He’s probably stupid.” She was so happy.

When sleeping at night, the position was still the same as usual. Su Zixuan awkwardly leaned into Jian Yi’s ear and said, “Let the children sleep by themselves, okay?”

Jian Yi was not an ignorant girl, so she naturally knew what he was thinking. Listening to his rippling words, she couldn’t wait to slap him. But at the moment, she didn’t speak and just looked at him coldly.

Su Zixuan sensed that the atmosphere was not right, touched his nose, feeling inexplicably guilty, “I…I just said that casually, the children are still young, and they should sleep with us.” 

But he was crying in his heart.

His wife was stern.

Su Enran didn’t know if his father wanted him to sleep in the master bedroom, so he happily took the story book and listened to An Qi’s bedtime stories.

Too many things happened that day, and the children fell asleep quickly. Jian Yi didn’t paint for two days, and her hands were a little itchy. So she went to the study to paint a few grids, and then returned to her room.

As soon as she entered the room and came to the dressing table to prepare to sleep, she was embraced by a strong chest. She was stunned, and saw his happy expression in the mirror.

“Yi’an…” Su Zixuan murmured, he leaned down on Jian Yi’s back, wrapped his hands around her neck and placed them on her chest. He closed his eyes tiredly, after all, he was inhaling her scent.

“What, what’s the matter?” Jian Yi took his hand, a little frightened. She really didn’t expect Su Zixuan to be so clingy, he had never acted like that in memory.

But thinking about it that way, if it was because of her, she was quite happy.

After all, who didn’t like a person who liked themself?

“I just want to hug you,” Su Zixuan stood up, pulled Jian Yi up from the chair, pulled her directly into his arms, and continued to hug her tightly. Her chest was against his chest, as if they could clearly hear each other’s heartbeat.

Bang- Bang- Bang-

Jian Yi only felt her heartbeat speeding up. Her chest pressed tightly against his chest, she was a little breathless, but she felt a sense of peace of mind.

The two of them didn’t speak, just hugged quietly. There was the sound of the children breathing evenly on the bed. The night outside the window was silent, and occasionally there were one or two strange calls.

It seemed like a long time later, Jian Yi only felt his hand sliding on her body, and only felt that the heat was rising. Jian Yi quickly pushed him away, and said in a panic, “It’s getting late, so let’s take a rest instead.”

As she said that, before she even finished applying the body lotion, she hurried to the bed and burrowed into the bed quickly, only revealing a pair of bright eyes that looked at Su Zixuan.

Su Zixuan couldn’t help laughing, only to feel a burst of heat coming from his lower abdomen. He looked at the shy Jian Yi, and his heart was even more moved.

He walked to the bed and found that her eyes were tightly closed, but her eyelashes were trembling slightly. He leaned down and could clearly feel her nervousness. All her inner colors were pretending to be a paper tiger. (appears threatening but weak inwardly)

He watched silently for a few seconds. She opened her eyes quickly, found that he was still there, and hurriedly closed them again.

Su Zixuan laughed. He lowered his head, pecked her on the lips lightly, and said softly, “Good night.” Then he went to take a cold shower.

When Jian Yi heard the sound of his footsteps getting farther, she opened her eyes quietly and breathed a sigh of relief when she didn’t see his figure. She touched her lips, as if his scent still remained on her lips, the warmth lingered in her heart, and she smiled sweetly.

At the same time, a kind of sweetness rose in her heart, she thought silently, it turned out that was the feeling of love.

After Su Zixuan came back from the bath, he found the three had fallen asleep. He went to his own position, stretched out his hand to them, and smiled happily. The happiness was not too late, right?

After watching Jian Yi quietly for a long time, he turned off the light and went to sleep.

Immediately, the world fell into darkness, and soon, there were four even breathing sounds.