Now the sixth episode had been broadcasted, and the scene where Li Shengnan came uninvited appeared. After negotiating with the person in charge of the Su family, they agreed to broadcast the part of Li Shengnan, so the part was not edited.

As soon as the show was broadcast, it attracted a lot of heated discussions. Some people said that after the incident, maybe they could understand why Jian Yi was so unruly before, and marrying into a wealthy family was actually not as happy as they imagined.

Thinking of the press conference that Su Zixuan held not long ago, it seemed that he had found some tricks again.

“The Su family looked down on Jian Yi before, right? Isn’t she just a housekeeper’s assistant? She was so arrogant, how could she have such an attitude without the permission of the Su family?”

“So what’s going on now? Don’t they value Jian Yi?”

“It’s really not easy to marry into a wealthy family. I thought she was very happy, but I didn’t expect her to be treated like that. She’s really pitiful.”

“What kind of road you choose, what kind of hardships you should endure, that was what she chose.”

“So was the previous press conference really real?”

“Of course it’s true. The show was recorded before. It must have been because he saw her doing well on the show, so Su Zixuan came forward to support her. Anyway, Jian Yi had good looks, and although she didn’t have much work, she still had acting skills, and she didn’t participate in messy variety shows to irritate our eyes, which is very good.”

“It’s not easy, it’s not easy. I hope they can live well, otherwise our little prince Su Enran will be really pitiful.”

With the broadcast of the show, the ratings had been rising steadily, and the episode of suspected torn scenes had made it even popular, and it had jumped directly to the hot search list.

When he went to work the next day, Su Zixuan vaguely heard his subordinates discussing the matter. When he was a little free, he went online and read it for himself.

Seeing that many people questioned his feelings for Jian Yi, he was sullen for a while, but when he thought of how he and Yi’an would slap them in the face, he couldn’t help laughing.

Zhou Qing looked at Su Zixuan with a look of surprise. Mr. Su didn’t have a fever recently, right? How did he become so strange? But when it came to the thought that he and Jian Yi would actually be together after six years of marriage, and have a bloody love after marriage, it didn’t seem to be unusual.

The comments on the Internet did not pay much attention to Jian Yi, but the show was coming to an end, and the content of the previous filming had almost been enough for ten episodes.

So the director team discussed how to shoot the last phase.

In the end, it was decided to let four groups of families gather together.

When Jian Yi received Sister Tao’s call, she was still a little guilty. After all, she didn’t cooperate with the program team to shoot at the villa recently, so she felt guilty subconsciously.

But she didn’t expect to receive the news of the last episode of filming. Jian Yi held her mobile phone and listened to Sister Tao’s voice, and said in surprise: “You mean Su Zixuan also has to film?”

Wasn’t it? She felt ashamed at the thought of how sticky he would look facing so many cameras.

Sister Tao: “Yes, the is the plan of the show team. If he really can’t participate, we won’t force it, it’s An Ran’s side…”

All the other families were attended by their parents. If Su Zixuan didn’t attend, An Ran’s sensitive temperament would indeed feel uneasy and embarrassing.

Jian Yi hesitated for a while, ” Okay , let me tell him, if he didn’t agree, I couldn’t help it.”

Sister Tao: “Okay, it is the fifteenth of next month. Remember to tell him when that time comes.”

”Okay, by the way, An Ran’s graduation party, I…” Jian Yi settled down for a while, “Can you find a dance teacher for me, so I could practice dance temporarily.”

In fact, she couldn’t dance, but the original owner knew a little bit, but she was not very proficient. Now that she had promised, she had to do it well. She couldn’t break her promise, or she would lose her prestige in front of your children.

”Dance?” Sister Tao thought for a while, “Okay, I’ll find it for you right away. What kind of teacher are you looking for?”

”It’s all right, do it quickly.” Jian Yi was at a loss. She didn’t know what performance Su Enran was going to perform. She would find the teacher to discuss the performance with her.

”Okay, I’ll make arrangements for you.” Sister Tao was relieved. Since joining the show, Jian Yi had become a lot more obedient and no longer made trouble. When the show was over, she would be asked to return to the entertainment circle as soon as possible. Her popularity was on the increase of their audience.

Four big family gatherings were scheduled for next week, and An Ran’s graduation party was at the end of the month, and there was still a week and a half left, so Jian Yi was a little worried about whether she could practice well.

But worrying was useless, When the boat gets to the bridgehead, it will naturally straighten itself out. (we’ll cross that bridge when we come to it)

Thinking that Li Zheya was still lying in the hospital because he saved her, Jian Yi asked Aunt Li to make a table of dishes, and then took it to the hospital to send him there.

Before leaving, she called Su Zixuan so that if he did not find her when he came back later, he wouldn’t go on in his madness. It’s not too much trouble to go there at noon.

But since he was happy, let him.

When Su Zixuan received the call, just after the meeting, he was so surprised that he almost broke his voice, “Are you going to the hospital to see Zheya? Then wait for me in the hospital, and I’ll go in with you when the time comes.”

Jian Yi thought about it. The hospital was densely populated. If she goes by herself, it would be hard not to be gossiped about. If Su Zixuan was with her, it may have been much better. “Okay, if I arrive first, I will wait for you at the door.”

”Okay,” Su Zixuan covered his phone, “Is it alright if I go later?”

Zhou Qing carefully checked the schedule, “Wait, the manager of the branch…”

Su Zixuan interrupted him, “Expanding, right? You go, I have something to do at noon.” His wife was more important, and he believed that Zhou Qing could handle that kind of thing.

Zhou Qing was stunned for a while, although as the vice president, he really had the ability to do it, but in the past, President Su personally went there. It seemed that he had really changed.

”Work hard, I’ll give you a raise if you do well.” Su Zixuan put on his jacket, called the driver, and took the special elevator to leave.

Shortly after he left, Zhang Jiaqi came out of the tea room, squinting his eyes. It seemed that Su Zixuan really reconciled with Jian Yi.

All the hard work she had done in the recent past had been in vain! She followed him with the notoriety of being a mistress, and helped him build bridges, so that the Su Group and Zhang’s company could cooperate, but he turned around and forgot!

She would recover the account well, Su Zixuan, just wait and see.

She looked at the calendar, a red dot was prominently circled on it, her thoughts slipped, and suddenly, she had a plan in her mind.