Like a thunderbolt from the blue, Su Zixuan said, “What?”

“I…” Suddenly, Jian Yi saw a trace of blood on his fingers, and his face seemed to be smeared with rouge, and she was speechless, “You…”

Su Zixuan followed her gaze and looked at his fingers, and was stunned.

Jian Yi hurriedly tidied up her clothes and ran back to the room quickly, leaving Su Zixuan with a dull face.

After Jian Yi left, he smashed the pillow angrily. What the hell was that? Why did that happen when he built up the courage?

However, her face appeared in his mind, as if there was something unnatural, as if reluctance to bear the pain. Could it be dysmenorrhea?

Knowing that his wife was suffering from dysmenorrhea, he quickly put on his shoes and ran back to the room. She was not in the master bedroom. When he went to the bathroom, he heard the sound of water. He knocked on the door and the sound of water disappeared.

“Yi’an, are you okay?” Su Zixuan asked worriedly.

“I… I’m fine, go check on the children.” 

Thinking of the scene just now, Jian Yi almost hit her head to death. The original owner’s period was not very regular, so she didn’t even know that she would have it that day.

The scene a while before was really embarrassing.


Hearing her energetic voice, Su Zixuan felt a little relieved. He went to the room to check on the children. They were sound asleep. He thought about it, and went downstairs to make her a cup of brown sugar water.

He heard that drinking the stuff during menstruation had a soothing effect.

When Su Zixuan arrived in the kitchen, he greeted Zhao Wenqi, who was still busy, turned around and went to the kitchen to find it.

But after searching for a long time, he still couldn’t find anything. Zhao Wenqi couldn’t stand it any longer, “Zixuan, what are you looking for?”

Su Zixuan scratched his head awkwardly, “Brown sugar, I can’t find it.”

“Brown sugar?” Zhao Wenqi gave him a meaningful look, then turned around and pulled it out for him from the cabinet, “If it’s uncomfortable, it will be better to stay with Jiang.”

“Oh? Thank you,” Su Zixuan took it, thanked her, and went to boil the water.

Zhao Wenqi looked at him with relief, the child had really grown up, and he knew how to love his wife, which was great.

Su Zixuan worked hard for a long time before finally soaking the brown sugar. He didn’t put ginger in it. He wanted to see if her condition was serious. If it was serious, he would go down and boil it again. It would be better to give her a drink at that moment.

Jian Yi came out of the shower, but she didn’t see Su Zixuan. She was a little confused, where did he go? An idea popped up in her mind, wouldn’t he go to solve it by himself?

When she was about to go to bed, the door was silently opened, and there were soft footsteps.

It was Su Zixuan carefully carrying a bowl of dark water.

Su Zixuan put it on the table and beckoned, “Come here, this is the brown sugar water I made for you, you won’t feel uncomfortable after drinking it.”

Jian Yi was stunned. She looked at his expectant eyes, walked over quickly, looked at the dark bowl of water, and swallowed, “This is brown sugar water?” Why didn’t it look like it? Was there too much brown sugar in it?

“Yes, come, drink it quickly, the effect will not be good when it’s cold,” Su Zixuan nodded, immediately brought it to her, and fed her personally.

Jian Yi didn’t like it very much, but she reached out and took a sip. She stuck out her tongue, it was so sweet.

Too sweet, no wonder it didn’t look like water with sugar.

Jian Yi gave him a tangled look, “Can I not drink it?”

“You…Aren’t you uncomfortable?” Su Zixuan asked with concern. He naturally reached out and touched Jian Yi’s stomach, “I think you seemed to be uncomfortable just now.”

Jian Yi finally decided to tell the truth, “This… it’s too sweet.” 

How much sugar did he put in?

“Sweet?” Su Zixuan took a sip and found that it wasn’t particularly sweet, just average sweetness.

“Isn’t it sweet?” Jian Yi couldn’t help but ask when he looked at her.

But looking at his eyes, he didn’t seem to notice.

Sure enough, Su Zixuan shook his head, “It’s not very sweet.”

Jian Yi was silent. She knew where An Ran’s gene for sweets came from. It turned out that the two were not very sensitive to sweets.

Seeing that Jian Yi was not very happy, Su Zixuan put away the bowl silently, “I’ll put it away.”

Jian Yi noticed his lost mood, and hurriedly shouted, “Wait a minute—”

She took the bowl from his hand, closed her eyes, raised her head, and poured it into her mouth. With a grunt, she poured it directly into her stomach.

She handed the bowl to Su Zixuan, “I’ll go drink some water.”

Seeing her wiping her mouth, Su Zixuan put the bowl on the table, grabbed her wrist, took her directly into his arms, held her face, and kissed her.

His tongue sucked the sweetness in his mouth until Jian Yi was about to suffocate. He released her, gently wiped the silver threads off her mouth, and said in a low voice, “This way it won’t be too sweet.”

Jian Yi subconsciously smacked her mouth, feeling the sweetness in her mouth, as if… it was really not that sweet anymore, and there was his faint taste.

Seeing Su Zixuan’s half-smiling expression, she reacted, and quickly pushed him away, leaving him directly.

Su Zixuan touched his lips and looked at her absently. The taste was so sweet.

The night’s depression disappeared at the moment, he smiled and took the bowl down while dancing.

Every now and then he stopped and reminisced about that kiss.

Jian Yi laid on the bed and touched her lips, as if his flexible tongue was still playing in her mouth. When her body was hot, there was a feeling of emptiness in her lower abdomen.

She hurriedly closed her eyes, couldn’t think too much, and went to bed.

When Su Zixuan packed up and went back to the room, Jian Yi was already asleep. He kissed her on the forehead before turning off the light to sleep.