When she woke up the next day, facing Su Zixuan’s sad expression, Jian Yi was embarrassed. Who knew there would be such an oolong the previous night? It was simply unexpected, and she didn’t mean it.

Before the children got up, Jian Yi hurried to the washroom to wash up. She was brushing her teeth when the door suddenly opened. She just turned around when Su Zixuan’s figure flashed in quickly, her upper body was held tightly by the strong arm. She looked in the mirror and saw Su Zixuan hugging her with his eyes closed.

“Hey…” Jian Yi shook her shoulders uncomfortably, trying to shake him away.

Su Zixuan raised his head slowly, smiled at her in the mirror, and asked in a daze, “Huh? What’s wrong?”

With foam in her mouth, Jian Yi said vaguely, “What are you doing early in the morning?”

Su Zixuan smiled. His eyes seemed to be full of stars, glittering, just like the happy eyes of Su Enran and An Qi when they usually ate candy. His tone was soft, and he twisted his body slightly as if a little shy and a little hypocritical, “I am hugging my wife, can’t I?”

Jian Yi stretched out her toothbrush, “I want to brush my teeth, don’t make trouble.”

Su Zixuan’s embrace tightened, “You brush yours, I’ll hold mine.”

She saw that he had no self-consciousness at all, and was hanging on her like a sloth. She could only let him continue to hold her sweetly and helplessly. Anyway, he would let go of the position after holding for a long time.

What Jian Yi did not expect was that until she finished, Su Zixuan had no desire to let go. Later, Jian Yi knew that he was holding her to make up for sleep.

Jian Yi: I should smile, I’m not angry at all.

Then scissor eyes were thrown toward Su Zixuan. Su Zixuan didn’t feel scared at all, “You said it, listen to you outside, listen to me at home.”

Jian Yi only felt that she was shooting herself in the foot.

Su Enran discovered that his mother’s personal time had been reduced recently, and he got to spend less time alone with his mother. Later, he found out that it was because his father had been staying by his mother’s side and occupying her time.

Not only that, but his father took him to the playground when he was free, something he had never thought of before.

Recently, his father came home after work, and it seemed that meetings had been reduced a lot. In addition, he often played games with him. Su Enran liked the current father even more.

And Jian Yi was not idle. After a few people discussed the performance, they discussed the dance with the dance teacher invited by Sister Tao. Although it was a slow dance, Jian Yi found that it was not as simple as she thought.

Slow dance relied more on the softness of the body. Although the original owner had dance skills, after all, she hadn’t practiced for a long time, so Jian Yi suffered. She didn’t want to try the feeling of stretching.

At this time, in the dance studio, the program crew followed the filming, Su Enran went to school, An Qi practiced with Jian Yi.

Jian Yi put the same pink dance suit on An Qi. She looked soft and cute. When she saw herself in the mirror, An Qi stared at herself in the mirror stupidly for a long time, in disbelief.

Looking at Jian Yi in the same clothes, she looked at her, then looked down at herself, then looked at the mirror again, pointed at the mirror and shouted excitedly, “Mom!”

“Yes, mom is in the mirror,” Jian Yi nodded. It was the second day of training. After a simple stretch a day before, she almost couldn’t get up in the morning. With the arrival of her aunt, she was uncomfortable.

But the time to perform was getting less, so she decided to hold on.

Jian Yi asked An Qi to hold the pole in the dance studio, “Qiqi, mom will go practice dancing. You can play here by yourself for a while, okay?”

An Qi nodded ignorantly, wrinkled her nose, and said in a milky voice, “Okay, okay.”

Jian Yi went to find the teacher and followed her to learn seriously.

When she took a break, she saw that An Qi was learning to dance! Jian Yi looked at her movements, not knowing whether to laugh or cry. She wasn’t very good at walking. Maybe she was watching her spinning in circles, and she wanted to imitate her, but she fell by herself.

Then she got up again cutely, her little hands raised high, and she learned to look like she was really cute.

Jian Yi took a sip of water, and shouted with a smile, “Qiqi, do you want to learn to dance?”

An Qi thumped and fell again. But she was not discouraged, stood up again, staggered to Jian Yi’s side, took her hand, and seemed to want to dance with her.

Jian Yi understood the little clever ghost’s intention, and immediately took her hand, raised it to the top of her head, and then circled to the right. An Qi also followed and grabbed a few circles, as if she was dizzy, swaying like a drunkard, and the other small hand directly grabbed Jian Yi’s arm.