Liang Qin was stunned for a moment. Zhao Wenqi, who had not gone far, heard that, and her footsteps also paused. Jian Yi really dared to say that. Didn’t she learn a lesson last time? Su Zhiqiang clearly said that divorce was not allowed, but she never thought that she would bring it up again.

Zhao Wenqi walked away gradually, and did not hear what Liang Qin said, but without listening, she knew that the madam would definitely not agree. Besides, even if she agreed, Su Zhoqing would not necessarily agree.

Liang Qin looked at Jian Yi thoughtfully. She had really changed a lot recently, but she didn’t expect her to become more courageous.

She sat upright with a frosty face. The good face just now seemed to have never existed. She looked at Jian Yi with raised eyes, picked up the teacup and took a sip of tea, “Yi’an, that’s a different thing.”

Jian Yi put her hands on her knees obediently. Every time she was serious, she would do that. She looked at Liang Qin with unconcealed eyes and said seriously, “No, it’s the same thing, you asked me what do I think about the matter, my thought is, I want to get a divorce.” She wanted to leave the past behind and start her new life.

If she could, she could also support Su Enran and An Qi. Even if she was out of the house, she was willing. She believed that she had the ability to support them.

“Are you serious?” Liang Qin frowned slightly, like a rock that slipped slightly from a snowy mountain. It may be insignificant, but it might roll into a big snowball at some point.

Jian Yi nodded, “Yes, I’m serious. I told you because I respect you. I will talk to Zixuan about the matter.”

Neatly, without hesitation. To talk about the similarities between her and the original Jian Yi, she was afraid it was her character that was not at all sloppy.

She couldn’t have a bit of sand in her eyes, and when the sand got in her eyes, she would just try desperately to get it out, instead of letting it circulate in her eyes and eventually be expelled.

At this moment, Liang Qin was looking at Jian Yi, seeing the persistent look on her face, she asked, “Why?” She was really puzzled. Wasn’t the relationship between the young couple very good? Why couldn’t they trust each other and solve the problem?

Besides, she believed that her son was not the kind of person to do that.

Before Jian Yi could answer, Liang Qin asked again, “You don’t believe him?”

Jian Yi was slightly stunned, but she quickly recovered, “No, I believe him, but…”

Liang Qin gave a long ‘Oh’, waiting for Jian Yi’s answer.

“But I’m not sure if he…” Speaking generally, Jian Yi didn’t know how to explain it. After hesitating for a long time, she finally said, “I’m not sure if he has me in his heart.”

The person he met was the original owner, and the one who gave birth to the children was also the original owner. She was just a ghost, and she possessed her for some reason.

Although she had tried it before, she still had a grudge in her heart. The identity was picked up by her, not because of her. Although she felt sorry for the original owner, since she had the opportunity, she would not let it go.

Liang Qin seemed to have heard a very absurd joke. She laughed in a rare manner. Although she still looked elegant, it seemed to be a frantic laugh, “You’re not sure if he… has you in his heart?”

It was really funny. How did they meet and then get married? Didn’t she have any place in his heart? He was still expecting something so out of reach.

“I know it’s absurd, if…” Jian Yi said sincerely, “If there is a chance in the future, we will get along well.”

After speaking, she stood up and bowed to Liang Qin, “I’m sorry, I’m not feeling well, I’ll go up first.”

Liang Qin looked at her with a sneer. With a little difficulty, the two finally gave up the good relationship they had managed to maintain. She also said that she was not sure if Zixuan had her in her heart. It was really funny. Her son had become like that, was she blind?

If it wasn’t for her good education, Liang Qin would probably have hit her with a hammer.

She took out her phone angrily, took a deep breath and called her old friend. She wanted to see who was in charge of the matter! If the person was caught, she would never forgive her!

“Hey, Lao Qin, I have something to trouble you,” Liang Qin sat gracefully, the anger in her heart had been suppressed by her. After talking for a while, she nodded and said, “Yes, that’s it, I’m really useless, so you have to check it out. When Lao Su comes back, I’ll tell him the price of the land. You’re a friend. If there’s any need, I will trouble you more. If you have any news, reply to me as soon as possible…Then thanks for the trouble.”

After hanging up, Liang Qin threw the phone on the table, turned to look at the clock on the wall. It was ten o’clock, and she was a little anxious, why Zixuan hadn’t come back yet?