After thinking about it, she still called the Li family, and it was Li Zheya who answered the call.

“Zheya, why hasn’t Zixuan come back yet?”

“Hospital? Okay, I see.”

Zixuan was actually drugged. He was in the hospital but Jian Yi was still at home. She didn’t care about her husband at all as if she didn’t really have any relationship with him at all.

Jian Yi didn’t go back to the room. She went to An Qi’s small room. Zhao Wenqi was coaxing her to sleep. As soon as Jian Yi went in, An Qi, who was obviously fast asleep, suddenly opened her eyes and looked dazedly. Looking at Jian Yi, she reached out for a hug.

Jian Yi took her into her arms and said to Zhao Wenqi, “Aunt Zhao, I’ll take care of her. My mother-in-law may need you, go ahead and take care of hrt. I’ll be with the kids.”

Zhao Wenqi nodded. Although she didn’t know what the two of them talked about, she knew that it was definitely not a small conversation.

Just thinking about it, as expected, Liang Qin really called her and said a few words. She glanced at Jian Yi in surprise, simply said, “I’ll leave first,” and left.

Jian Yi took An Qi in her arms and kissed her little fat face affectionately, “Qiqi, Mom really missed you.”

An Qi raised her eyes and glanced at Jian Yi, put her arms around her neck, and reliably said, “Mom…”

“Huh? Mom’s here, let’s go look for brother.”

Jian Yi came to An Ran’s room. Su Enran was leaning on the head of the bed, looking at the album seriously. When he heard a knock on the door, he looked up, and saw Jian Yi holding An Qi standing at the door. He was surprised, “Why did you come here, Mom?”

His nanny and the housekeeper grandma said that he would sleep alone, what was the matter?

Jian Yi held An Qi in one hand, stretched out her other hand to Su Enran and said, “Dad can’t come back tonight since he has something to do. Would Su Enran sleep with Mom and his sister?”

Su Enran struggled for two seconds and decided to get out of bed to put on shoes. He ran over to hold her hand, “Mom, what is dad doing? Why didn’t he come back? It’s so late”

Jian Yi replied, “It’s a very important thing. When you wake up tomorrow, Dad will be back.”

“Is it a meeting?” Su Enran asked in confusion. When his dad was busy before, he didn’t see him as he didn’t come back at night.

“Well…” Jian Yi looked at An Qi, who was shaky in her arms, “It’s similar to a meeting, but it’s a little more troublesome than a meeting. Enran should be obedient, okay?”

“Okay.” Su Enran obediently climbed into bed, and when he was about to fall asleep, he suddenly asked, “Mom, will you leave?”

Just as Jian Yi wanted to answer him, she saw that he was in a daze and fell asleep again. She shook her head dotingly, tucked him in the quilt, and then whispered, “I’m sorry, An Ran.”

Su Enran murmured, “Mom…”

Jian Yi kissed him, “Go to sleep, Mom is here.” 

She hoped her decision would not be wrong, and hoped that An Ran would not be hurt.

Su Enran received a response and fell into a deep sleep.

Jian Yi turned on the lamp, and the room fell into darkness. She gently patted An Qi’s chest, and soon, she also fell asleep.

Jian Yi laid down, the photos she received before and the photos from that night suddenly appeared in front of her eyes. She thought she didn’t care, but in fact she cared to death. She knew that Su Zixuan was unlikely to betray her in that kind of scene, but she just subconsciously thought, ‘What if?’

What if the photos were real, what if what happened that night was also real?

After the lamp was turned off, the room fell into darkness, and no one saw Jian Yi secretly shedding tears. She couldn’t let others see her vulnerability, she couldn’t let others see that she was hurt.

Wiping away her tears, Jian Yi closed her eyes and listened to Su Enran and An Qi’s breathing. She slowly hypnotized herself, and she fell asleep.

In the hospital, after Li Zheya told Liang Qin about Su Zixuan’s situation, he sat outside the ward and sighed deeply. Some time ago, Su Zixuan brought his family to take care of him. Now it was his turn to take care of him. 

Fortunately, the medicinal properties of the drug were not very heavy, otherwise he would not know how to explain it.

He handed over the aftermath to the housekeeper. After Jian Yi left, Su Zixuan collapsed and passed out shortly after. His whole body was hot, as if he had a fever, and he couldn’t wake up. He just shouted Yi’an’s name.

When he came to the hospital, he found out that he was given a small amount of aphrodisiac/medicine, which made him emotionally unstable, and he fell into a coma.