Even if he knew it was fake, outsiders were excited by rumors no matter what the truth was. So as he expected, the incident quickly broke out on the Internet, and there were even high-definition photos.

Someone planned it. But who would it be? Who wanted Zixuan to have such a scandal?

Even in the shopping mall business, such low-level means were rarely used now. After thinking about it, Li Zheya couldn’t think of who it would be.

After a while, Su Zixuan woke up and looked at the white walls of the hospital, feeling a little stunned. When he woke up a little, he realized what had happened. He quickly turned over, but because of his weakness, he rolled and fell to the ground.

Hearing the movement, the nurse hurriedly pushed open the door and came in. Seeing Su Zixuan falling to the ground, she rang the bed bell, and soon a doctor came over.

Li Zheya also received the news and rushed in immediately.

As soon as Su Zixuan saw Li Zheya, he stared at him weakly, “It’s a shame, I treat you as a friend, but you did such a thing! You……”

“Have you made enough trouble?” Li Zheya stepped forward to signal the nurse to let him go, waved his hand, and told them to go out first. When the door closed, Li Zheya looked at Su Zixuan, “Is your brain broken? Will I do the kind of thing that ruins grandma’s birthday banquet? I’m afraid you’re not awake enough. We’re the hospital so it’s better to ask the doctor to give you some medicine to clear your mind.”

Su Zixuan held on to the edge of the bed, breathing was still a little difficult, and his whole head was drowsy, “Really…not you?”

Li Zheya said angrily, “You think about it!”

The two were silent for a few seconds, Su Zixuan thought for a while, and felt that it did not seem to be Li Zheya’s style, so he asked in a hoarse voice, “Yi’an, how is she?”

“I haven’t contacted her yet. After the incident, she took Su Enran and left. Her face was not very good,” Li Zheya said.

After listening to Li Zheya, he was anxious, “No, I have to go back and explain to her that things were not as she saw…” After speaking, he walked out of the door in embarrassment, only to be pulled back by Li Zheya.

“How will you explain it to her like this? When your medicinal properties are lifted, explain it to her, I believe she will understand,” Li Zheya comforted.

“No, you don’t know, if she really misunderstood…” 

She had said before that, no matter what the reason, if he betrayed her, the two of them would dissolve the marriage.

“Don’t worry, once your medicine has worn off, just go back with the inspection report and make it clear to her.”

Su Zixuan wanted to leave forcefully, but his body did not allow it, so he ended up staying in the hospital until the next day.

When he woke up the next day, his mind was clear, and all the events of the previous night were recalled, so Su Zixuan hurried home.

Liang Qin didn’t sleep well the previous night. She originally wanted to take care of Zixuan in the hospital, but Zheya had him in the hospital to take care of him, so she didn’t have to worry.

She got up early in the morning and made some nourishing soup for him. Before she went out, she heard a noise, and at first glance, it turned out that Zixuan had returned.

“Mom!” Su Zixuan saw Liang Qin come out of the kitchen as soon as he entered the door, “Why did you get up so early?”

As soon as he put on his shoes, he hurried back to the room before Liang Qin could answer. He was really afraid that she would not be there.

After taking a few deep breaths at the door, he mustered up the courage to open the door. When he saw her sleeping with the children, he was relieved.

He came to the window and looked at her affectionately.

Jian Yi felt a strong gaze cast on her, opened her eyes in confusion, and saw Su Zixuan looking at her deeply, “Zixuan?”

“I’m back,” Su Zixuan squatted down, helped her up, and made her lean on the head of the bed.

“I’m sorry. About what happened last night, I swear to God, it’s really not what you saw,” Su Zixuan said in a hurry. He was very uneasy, and always felt that if he didn’t explain clearly, she would say goodbye.

Jian Yi gradually woke up. She pointed at the two children, then got up and motioned for him to speak elsewhere.

The two stood face to face, Su Zixuan broke the quiet atmosphere, “Yi’an, you have to believe me, I really don’t know who that woman is, I was drugged…”

The air in the morning was a little cold, and Jian Yi crossed her arms and interrupted him coldly, with sharp eyes and an ethereal tone, “Let’s get a divorce.”