Su Zixuan looked at Jian Yi in shock, unable to believe his ears, “You… What did you say?” Divorce?

He hadn’t explained yet, why was he sentenced to death like that? 

“You do not believe me?”

Jian Yi didn’t feel well either. She knew she was too hypocritical, but it was like a thorn in her throat. No matter how much vinegar she drank, the thorn would not disappear. She had to be a little harder and take a big mouthful. The thorn was swallowed only after the meal, and the pain she received at that time would also be very painful.

She leaned on her side and looked out the window, the sky was already bright, she didn’t dare to look at him, she just said softly, “I believe you, but…”

“No, I don’t agree!” Su Zixuan said frantically. Happiness was in his hands, why would he give up? He would never let go.

“Zixuan, you are not the problem, this time it’s me…” Jian Yi didn’t know how to explain to him. How could she tell him that she was actually another person? 

“I think we should think about it separately.”

“I don’t know why you think that way, but I won’t agree to the matter anyway!” Su Zixuan said decisively, his tone unbearable.

Jian Yi closed her eyes in pain, “If one day, you find out that the person you love is not ‘me’, what should you do?”

Su Zixuan didn’t know why she said that. He looked at Jian Yi suspiciously, her profile was perfect, and even her slightly trembling eyelashes made his heart move. Why would she say such a thing?

“You are you…” Su Zixuan turned her over, she was closing her eyes in pain, as if she was suffering some pain.

“No! You don’t understand!” Jian Yi broke free from his restraint, threw off his hand, and looked directly into his eyes, but she couldn’t say the words, and murmured, “I…”

“Yi’an, what are you thinking? Is it because you don’t believe me, or because you…” fell in love with someone else? So why did you want to leave me in such a hurry? Su Zixuan was very unconfident, the confidence in the past had completely disappeared.

Jian Yi shook her head, “No, I believe you, but I have some reasons that I can’t tell.” Seeing that it really didn’t make sense, Jian Yi suddenly sighed, “Forget it, the matter may be my imagination.”

Maybe she shouldn’t have that kind of thought. She was Jian Yi. Except for some of her fans, who would remember her? She imagined that Su Zixuan liked her, no, he only liked the body.

Dodging Su Zixuan’s outstretched hand, Jian Yi took two steps back and said in a low voice, “I’ll go back and check on the children.”

Su Zixuan rushed back from the hospital and didn’t eat breakfast. He just wanted to explain to her what happened the previous night. Who knew that the explanation didn’t work, but when he heard such words, his heart was broken.

Was there any reason why she couldn’t sit down and talk? Su Zixuan didn’t understand. With a sigh, he turned around to deal with the follow-up of the matter, no matter who it was, as long as he caught any clues, he would not forgive the person.

And the incident caused a great sensation at the beginning, mainly because the show was getting more popular. People with children and no children liked to watch it. The ratings were very high, so the discussion was also large. In addition to the kind of scandal, the public could be described as an excited cat smelling fish.

Some people said that they had long known that Su Zixuan was such a person. This kind of person was not without precedent. He was also a member of a wealthy family. When they first got married, their love was unusual, but after a few years, the husband also came out to steal food.(cheat)

Men were all like that, no matter how good-looking their wife was, wildflowers were always fresher.

Some people also said that since the loving couple image was sold, it must be sold to the end, and it was too disrespectful to collapse the image now. What was more, they were already worried that Su Enran would be a scumbag in the future just like his father.

However, such insulting words were quickly criticized by netizens.

Others suggested that such an artist with bad conduct should not continue to record the show, and should be banned as soon as possible to prevent her from coming out to bring bad air.

There were also people who sympathized with Jian Yi.

In short, there were different opinions on the Internet. Instead, they pushed the show to the peak of ratings. Li Wei was very happy. With Jian Yi, he would definitely be promoted and raised. However, after receiving Sister Tao’s call, he became depressed, as Jian Yi didn’t want to participate in the last recording.

He first stabilized Sister Tao, and quickly contacted the director. Who knew that the director was also in a hurry. It was the Li family who put pressure on them not to let Jian Yi film. After discussion, he still agreed that Jian Yi would not come to record the final episode.

Li Wei felt that something was wrong. Jian Yi married the Su family. Why was the Li family putting pressure on him? Shouldn’t it be…

The chief director quickly warned him that some things were best not to speculate, otherwise the world of capital would die.

Li Wei understood, and hung up the phone quickly. Now he had to re-plan the general process of filming. Since Jian Yi was away, what should be done so that the show could go on better? Yes, there was a lot of work to be done.

After Jian Yi sent Su Enran to school, she received a call from Sister Tao. There was no one else at home, only the gardener in the courtyard and the nanny. After the conversation in the morning, she didn’t see Su Zixuan anymore.