Su Enran shook his head and raised his shining eyes, “Dad, I don’t want to sleep with my mom.”

Su Zixuan was shocked, and he pretended not to hear anything and said, “I know that my son is very sensible.”

Su Enran turned around, ignoring him, and went back to his room.

Su Zixuan looked at the closed door, then looked at Su Enran who was far away, shook his head tiredly, and hurriedly followed, “An Ran, wait for me.”

Before ten o’clock, Jian Yi was lying on the bed, tossing and turning, unable to sleep. Seeing An Qi sleeping again, Jian Yi felt very envious. After she finished eating and washing, she quickly fell asleep again. But she laid down for a long time without falling asleep, and she was always thinking.

Outside the window, the moonlight poured in through the curtains, and she couldn’t sleep. An Qi seemed to be sound asleep again. Jian Yi got up quietly and took her phone to the garden.

Under the moonlight, the whole garden showed a quiet atmosphere. Jian Yi looked at the sky, the moon gradually became round, and sighed melancholy.

Why was it so difficult to be a human being? Glancing at the time, it wasn’t too late. After thinking about it, she called the dean.

Soon, Jian Ling answered the phone and asked strangely, “Yi’an, it’s so late, what’s the matter?”

When Jian Yi heard the familiar voice, tears almost came out. She covered her mouth, for fear that she would cry out at some point, “I’m fine, I just miss you.” 

Listening to her tone, she didn’t seem to know about the recent events.

That was fine, to save her from worrying about her.

Jian Ling felt something was wrong when she heard her voice. She understood that something must have happened to her to call so late. Otherwise, she would come back directly if she missed her.

“What happened?” Jian Ling asked tentatively.

Listening to the concerned voice of the dean mother, Jian Yi only felt infinite grievances welling up in her heart. In the world, perhaps only it was her who would understand her.

“I…” With a sore nose, there was a choking breath in her throat, and she desperately swallowed the tears back. After it disappeared, she dared to speak, “I’m really okay, I just miss you.”

The moon rose in mid-air, pouring out silver moonlight, and the entire courtyard was dyed a layer of silver light. Jian Yi looked up at the sky, her tears seemed to be really obedient and went back.

“Yi’an, no matter what happens, mom is here. Don’t be afraid. If you have any grievances, just tell mom, okay?” Jian Ling closed the book in her hand. Recently, Yi’an donated another sum of money, adding part of her estate to her account. She was figuring out how to use the money, so she didn’t leave the office so late.

“Mom, I…” Jian Yi was a little bit broken at the moment, “I really want to go back to the orphanage, that way, at least I won’t be too entangled…” Because she was greedy and wanted Su Zixuan to have only her in his heart. Iit was her who had the shadow of the original owner.

“Did he treat you badly?” Jian Ling went to the point.

“No, he’s still very nice to me.” 

Jian Yi sat on the bench with her knees in her arms, listening to the voice of the dean. She felt a little at ease, but what she didn’t notice was that there was a slender figure approaching her.

Jian Yi murmured twice and said, “I just became greedy. I’m afraid that one day he will… hate me when he knows the truth.”

When Jian Ling heard that such a strong child as Yi An actually cried, she sighed in her heart. The most painful thing in the world was emotion.

She comforted her, “This is ridiculous. No one would know about it. Yi’an, don’t think about it. It’s late now, hurry up and go to bed. If you really miss me, come back to see me more when you have time. But remember, you are her, but don’t tell anyone about it, okay?” Jian Ling was afraid that she would be trapped by love, and impulsively would tell Su Zixuan about it.

“But… I am not her in the first place…” Jian Yi was a little greedy at the moment. God wanted her to be alive, but why not her body?

Jian Yi was immersed in her hypocrisy and entanglement, and she didn’t notice the figure that was getting closer behind her, and that figure came at an even speed from the beginning but paused for a while. Then he found a suitable place, hid aside, and looked at her in the courtyard with complex eyes.

“You stupid child, what are you talking about? You are her now, there is no difference between you and her, do you understand?”

“I know I’m not her. I have a weird temper. I always like to be alone. Even if there is a problem that I couldn’t solve by myself, I won’t ask for help. I won’t act like a spoiled child, and I don’t seem to consider other people’s feelings. I… I have too many shortcomings. Dean Mother, I am afraid… I am afraid that one day he will look at me with unfamiliar eyes, and then ask me, where did she go? Why am I in her body? I don’t know what to say at all.”

Maybe it was because her defenses were lowered in front of people she was close to. She said what was in her heart in pain, but she didn’t notice anything strange, and when she realized that her emotions were a little out of control, she paused slightly, gasping for breath.

She let out a breath of turbid air, and then said, “I’m sorry, I’m too emotional.”

“It’s okay, it’s okay to say it.” Jian Ling soothed her, but she was still afraid that she would not be able to bear the pressure, “Yi’an, you must never tell other people these words, you know?”

Jian Yi hummed heavily, “I see, it’s really much better to not tell anyone.” 

She glanced at the moon, and suddenly thought if the dean was still busy at work.

“Dean Mother, are you still in the office?”

“I just stayed to sort out the bills, I’m not tired, you don’t have to worry.” Jian Ling seemed to recover after listening to her tone, and said, “Go back to sleep, maybe the child woke up. Don’t think so much, sometimes you just scare yourself.”

“Okay, you don’t have to work late at night. If you have anything to do, do it tomorrow, you can rest early.”