After the two cared about each other, they changed their minds.

Jian Yi put down her legs, looked up at the moon, and muttered to herself, “I hope it’s really like what Mom said, nothing would change.”

She massaged her numb legs before returning to the room. When passing by An Ran’s room, she pushed the door open naturally and went in. There was only An Ran’s figure on his bed, but Su Zixuan’s figure was nowhere to be seen.

Her heart sank for a while. Did he hear the conversation with the dean just now? As soon as she turned around, she saw Su Zixuan walking in with a sleepy face, “What’s wrong?”

“No, nothing, where did you just go?” Jian Yi asked anxiously, staring at his expression closely.

Su Zixuan panicked, “Zhou Qing called me. I went to the study room to deal with things, what’s wrong?” He looked over Jian Yi and looked at An Ran, pretending to be concerned about him.

Jian Yi only thought that he was behaving naturally, shouldn’t it be so coincidental? Did he overheard her when she went out to make a phone call?

She squeezed out an unnatural smile, “It’s okay, I thought you went somewhere, it’s late now, take a rest.”

She felt something was wrong, but Jian Yi shook her head and left An Ran’s room.

After the door was closed, Su Zixuan stared at the door with deep eyes, frowning. At the moment, he needed some time to digest what he just heard.

The truth? What truth was she afraid he would know? Also, was she not her? What did it mean? She talked about herself as if she was different from the one he knew.

Suddenly, Su Zixuan’s mind came to the brushes and painting books on the table that he had never seen before, and he seemed to have a conjecture in his mind. But the conjecture was really unbelievable. He couldn’t believe himself, couldn’t believe his ears, couldn’t believe his brain. What he heard and remembered just now, was it all right?

Lying on the bed, turning off the light, the moonlight poured in from the window, lining the dim room with a faint light, like a dream.

Was what he was going through now real? He closed his eyes, hoping that when he woke up from sleep, the absurd thoughts in his mind would quickly disappear.

He really couldn’t imagine that Jian Yi wasn’t Yi’an.

“Mom…” Su Zixuan listened to Su Enran muttering, then turned over and fell asleep again.

Maybe he really thought too much. Maybe she didn’t mean that. Maybe she just said that she was changing from the past. Thinking about it, Su Zixuan fell asleep.

Back in the room, Jian Yi recalled the scene and always felt that when she was on the call, there seemed to be someone behind her, silently peeping at her. Shouldn’t that person be him?

Jian Yi got more uneasy. She worried for a long time before falling asleep slowly.

When she woke up the next day, the dark circles under her eyes were more obvious, and her whole body was not very good.

Su Zixuan was successfully brainwashed by himself. What he heard the previous night was definitely not what he thought, and then when he saw Jian Yi, he couldn’t help but think of her crying under the moonlight.

Then the thoughts began to spread, and after thinking about it carefully, she was indeed different from what she remembered. Although the two of them had not been together for a long time, as a couple for so many years, they would still have a little understanding.

First of all, the most obvious thing was that she didn’t wear makeup at home. In the past, if she didn’t dress up before going out, she would never come out to meet people, even though she was beautiful without makeup. Secondly, she was patient and gentle with her children. She was reluctant to bring children before because the children were noisy. Also, he didn’t know that Yi’an could draw, and she still drew so well.

The more he thought about it, the more it matched what she said the previous night.

And the most important point was, did the dean, the welfare home, refer to the one she went to before? If it was, according to her character, she was unlikely to spend time in the orphanage, and her time would only be spent on how to make herself more beautiful.

Thinking about it that way, he didn’t know when it started. She was a lot different from the original her.


Su Zixuan still couldn’t believe it in his mind. The one he fell in love with was the changed version of her, how could it not be her? He didn’t believe it.

“Why, why are you staring at me?” Jian Yi met Su Zixuan’s gaze, only to feel that his eyes were hot, as if he was searching for something, and subconsciously touched her face, but there was nothing.

Su Zixuan looked back and smiled, “It’s nothing.”

Jian Yi became more uneasy. Her fingers unconsciously stirred the spoon in her hand, and she was slightly absent-minded.

The scene naturally fell into Su Zixuan’s eyes, and he remained calm.

Su Enran and An Qi also sensed that the atmosphere was not right, and the two children were obedient and silent.

When Su Zixuan finished eating, he casually said to Jian Yi, “Have you not been here for a long time? Let’s take Su Enran back to his grandma’s house this week, okay?”

“Ah?” Jian Yi was stunned for a moment, and looked at Su Zixuan with round eyes, a little confused. Why did he suddenly talk about that matter?

“An Ran, do you want to go to grandma’s house?” Su Zixuan asked naturally.

Su Enran nodded, “Yes.” 

As he had never been there, he looked at Jian Yi expectantly.