An Xiaojian was dead. As her good friend, what was wrong with using her things a little? When she was alive, she thought she treated the woman well. Every time she met, she bowed her head, nodded and bowed to her liking. But in others’ eyes, why was she the one who held that woman’s thigh? She also worked very hard. Why couldn’t everyone see her hard work?

An Xiaojian, don’t blame me for taking away your work. You should thank me, otherwise, it would be a pity that such a good work will be lost in dust. 

Xia Jingjing thought to herself, but when she saw NLTAJ’s work, she had a strange feeling in her heart. Although the style was far from An Xiaojian, the brushstrokes looked familiar.

And… the style was very similar to her previous style of imitating An Xiaojian, vaguely, as if someone was deliberately imitating, but looking at the comments, the person had previous works, which were not far from the current style. It should be her illusion. Xia Jingjing shook her head. It should be her own delusion. She had been under too much pressure recently, so she may have been thinking too much.

However, her heart was really sour. People could become popular with just one piece of work, and she had to deliberately pick up other people’s works. It was inevitable that she had some grievances in her heart. How could there always be such unfair things in the world?

However, thinking of the huge amount of money and the crazy rise in popularity due to the work ‘Spiritual World’ recently, Xia Jingjing did not continue to be upset, but turned off her phone and started drawing according to Jian Yi’s outline. After selling the copyright, she would be able to live without worrying about food and clothing for a period of time. By then…

Xia Jingjing did not continue to pay attention to the matter. She only thought that it was a crazy marketing method, just like she used An Xiaojian’s reputation to market the work at that time.

Naturally, she didn’t pay attention to the comics that Jian Yi published on Weibo next, and that was something she would regret in the future.

It had been five days since the comic was serialized on Weibo. Due to the existence of Li Yan, a loyal fan, Jian Yi’s new Weibo had become more popular. A kind of strange hopeless healing system, a new style, completely appeared in the public’s eyes. In addition, NLTAJ was not like the one ten years ago, who only posted one painting a week, but she updated every day, in the form of comics, telling a story of hope in despair.

In the past few days, with the unfolding of the story, the audience had been so devastated by the author every day. People were chasing updates frantically, and the most eye-catching was Li Yan. After being rejected by Jian Yi, he kept urging updates under her Weibo every day.

If they were seen by someone who didn’t know, they would have thought it was a little girl chasing a star.

Although Jian Yi deliberately concealed it, Su Zixuan knew about the serialization of the comics. Su Zixuan knew that Jian Yi was sensitive, he just pretended not to know, but he secretly followed her with the trumpet (account under hidden name).

The two maintained an eerie harmony.

However, when the tenth chapter of the comic was serialized, Jian Yi suddenly received a call from the dean, asking her to come to the orphanage to find her.

With doubts, Jian Yi went to the orphanage. Su Zixuan was a little uneasy. Although he told Jian Ling to keep the conversation between the two of them secret, he was very uneasy.

“Shall I accompany you?” Su Zixuan took Jian Yi’s hand and said intimately, with a hint of worry in his eyes that he hadn’t noticed.

Jian Yi smiled slightly and patted his big hand, “Maybe it’s about the donation last time, it’s alright, I’ll go.” 

But she, who had always been keen, noticed that something was wrong with him. But she didn’t think much about it and said goodbye to him. Afterward, she went to the orphanage.

Su Zixuan looked at Jian Yi’s back and prayed in his heart, hoping that Jian Ling would keep her promise and not tell Yi’an that he went to her that day, otherwise he really didn’t know what would happen.

“Dad, what’s wrong with you?” Su Enran sensed that something was wrong with Su Zixuan, and he had been like that since his mother left, so he raised his head and asked.

An Qi also followed An Ran’s example and climbed onto Su Zixuan’s lap.

Su Zixuan picked An Qi up, shook his head and said, “It’s alright, Dad is just thinking about things. Okay, you can do your homework first, and we’ll pick up your mother for a meal later, okay?”

“Okay!” Su Enran jumped up happily. Recently, his mother had been drawing and had no time to play with him. His father and his sister were too busy to accompany him. He hadn’t gone out for a long time.

“Brother!” Seeing Su Enran running away, An Qi quickly broke free from Su Zixuan’s arms and wanted to get down.

Su Zixuan asked her to stand on the ground with both feet. After she stood firm, he slowly let go of her hand. An Qi was in a hurry and quickly ran up. She staggered, but miraculously she did not fall down. Su Zixuan watched from behind in a cold sweat.

“An Ran, tell her to wait,” Su Zixuan put his hands behind An Qi and shouted to Su Enran who was about to run up the stairs.

Su Enran stopped, turned around quickly, ran over and told An Qi to wait a moment, then ran back upstairs to get his homework.

“Brother?” An Qi pointed in the direction Su Enran ran away, and turned back in confusion.

Su Zixuan picked her up, “Brother will come down in a while, let’s wait for him in the living room.”

At six o’clock, Su Zixuan felt that Jian Yi should have finished talking with Jian Ling, so he said to An Ran, “An Ran, your homework is almost done, let’s go to your mother.”

But when Su Zixuan called Jian Yi, the call was not connected, and he suddenly had a bad premonition.

He hurriedly called Jian Ling and told the driver to hurry up.

After two beeps, the phone was connected. Su Zixuan asked anxiously, “Dean Mother, is Yi’an still in the orphanage? Why didn’t she answer her phone?”

“She left twenty minutes ago…”

“What? Did you tell her something?”

“I… told her what happened that day. After thinking about it, I still think she has the right to know. You shouldn’t hide it from her.”