He only felt that his chest was blocked by a big stone, which was very painful, but he couldn’t respond. After a while, he said, “I don’t want to be separated from you… You are you, no one can replace you, Yi’an, what I want is you!”

Jian Yi looked at him coolly, all kinds of grief in her heart disappeared. She didn’t know who to trust now, she could only cut off all of them before reconnecting with her. She looked at Su Zixuan, his eyes were full of pain, then she turned her eyes away, looked into the distance, and said faintly, “This is just your impulse for a while. When you wake up, you won’t think so.”

Saying such words, she felt like her heart was pricked by a needle, she frowned slightly and continued, “Zixuan, I’ve been really tired these days, I don’t want to live under the mask anymore, if …”

There was a sudden desire in her heart, her eyes flickered slightly, but she was a little scared. Would he… put aside his self-esteem for her?

“What if?” Su Zixuan asked nervously and anxiously. Right now, his mind was in a mess, unable to think, so he could only follow her rhythm. He felt sensitively that this would be a turning point for both of them.

Jian Yi’s fingers clenched her clothes unconsciously, her heart beat faster, her head was half down, and she said in a low voice, “If…if you want to start again after separation…”

Su Zixuan’s eyes lit up, he grabbed Jian Yi’s hand and asked, “You mean…”

Jian Yi retracted her hand and said hurriedly, “I didn’t say anything. In short, let’s end the relationship first.” 

She wouldn’t mind if she could do it all over again.

“However, can you not tell ‘her’ parents?” 

It was one of the most painful things in the world for a white-haired person to send off a black-haired person. Her intention was not to make that happen.

Su Zixuan was still thinking about Jian Yi’s words. Did she mean that as long as the current relationship ended and then they could start again?

Thinking about it that way, he seemed to be alive. So why was it so difficult? It was just to pursue her again, as long as she was willing, as long as she agreed, everything was not a problem.

If she was afraid, he would give her a sense of security; if she was sad, then he would give her happiness as long as she wanted.

After connecting his heart knot, Su Zixuan nodded affirmatively, “This is a temporary separation, okay?” 

At that time, he would pursue her again, so that she would no longer have any grudges in her heart, and marry her.

Jian Yi looked at Su Zixuan and nodded slowly, “Your father’s side…”

“It’s okay, I’ll handle the matter.” Su Zixuan said confidently, “Yian, wait for me.”


After taking the children to dinner, the two returned hand in hand, as if nothing had happened, but as if something had changed.

The next day, Su Zixuan brought the documents needed for divorce and Jian Yi to the Civil Affairs Bureau for divorce procedures. He did not tell anyone in the Su family about it.

When he got the divorce certificate, he seemed to have a hot potato (a difficult problem), but after looking at Jian Yi who was smiling, he felt that it was just a test.

Jian Yi looked at the divorce certificate with tears in her eyes, and moved to Su Zixuan, “Zixuan, thank you.” Thank you for doing so much for me.

She understood that he must have struggled in the matter. After all, Su Zhiqiang’s attitude was stringent, and now that they had divorced without his consent, if the matter was exposed, he would definitely be furious.

Su Zixuan walked forward, thinking about how to turn the green book into a red book, but did not notice the flashing light not far away.

“Why are you being so polite? Yi’an, I’m so happy to meet you, thank you for coming to my world, I’m the one who should say thank you,” Su Zixuan sighed. He never thought in the past, he would put one person in his heart. And the woman would be stubborn, anxious, cranky, and afraid of everything.

And the feeling was unprecedented, making him feel as if he had lived again.

Jian Yi smiled and didn’t speak, but she felt sweet in her heart and looked at him with clear eyes. It was good that he could think so.

After the matter was resolved, she was really relaxed, and Jian Yi showed a happy smile.

She thought the matter was very confidential, but as soon as Su Zixuan returned to work in the company, he saw Zhou Qing’s hesitant gaze fall on him.

Su Zixuan was in a good mood. After sitting down, he opened his hand and asked, “What’s wrong? Is there something wrong?”

“Mr. Su, are you in a good mood today?” Zhou Qing looked at Su Zixuan’s expression, only to feel that he was full of joy, but he was wondering, didn’t he like Madam very much? Why was he so happy after divorce? Was everything pretentious?

Su Zixuan raised his eyebrows. Was it obvious? His new life with Yi’an was about to begin, how could he not be happy? 

“Yeah, you’re weird today. If you have anything, just say it.”

Zhou Qing hesitated for a while, still not quite believing his guess, and finally, facing the heavy eyes of everyone outside the door, he took out his phone, went directly to the hot topic, and handed it to Su Zixuan.