Jian Yi looked at Su Zixuan with a frustrated face, stood up quickly, and asked with concern, “What happened? Could it be that they…”

Su Zixuan walked to Jian Yi, took her into his arms, put his head on her neck, and hummed tiredly.

Li Zheya was also shocked. But when he saw the intimate behavior of Su Zixuan and Jian Yi, he smiled bitterly, and sat on the sofa steadily.

Jian Yi patted his shoulder, “Let’s sit down and talk about it.” 

After they were seated, she asked, “Did they embarrass you?”

Su Zixuan showed a stiff smile, “We quarreled. I didn’t expect that I would quarrel with them when I grew up. I really couldn’t imagine it.”

Li Zheya looked at Su Zixuan in surprise. Anyone who knew him knew that he had always been most afraid of Su Zhiqiang. He had always been like that since he was a child, but he never expected that he would quarrel with his father that day.

“You’re really good. You even quarreled with Uncle, and he didn’t punish you?”

Su Zixuan relaxed his body and snorted coldly, “So he kicked me out of the house.” Then, he looked at Jian Yi with aggrieved eyes, “Yi’an, I have nothing left, I only have you…”

The corners of his eyes were slightly red, and there was a faint fascination. Seeing that, Jian Yi coughed twice, she turned her head and didn’t look at him again, her heart was beating non-stop.

Li Zheya looked at the two of them looking at each other. It seems that they did not become alienated because of the divorce, and suddenly understood what Jian Yi said just now. He thought they were separated, and he still had a chance, only a slim chance. But now it seemed that her world could no longer hold him.

Standing up, he coughed twice to attract their attention, “I have something to do, so I’ll go first. If you need me, you can call me. After all, we are all friends.”

When passing by Su Zixuan, he silently tapped him on the shoulder, his eyes were sad but relieved. As if encouraging, he gave Su Zixuan a firm look.

After taking another two steps, he turned back and said, “I hope you can be happy.”

Jian Yi was stunned for a moment, and suddenly thought of the joyous feeling of happiness when she shared her works with him when he was in the study room, and suddenly stopped him, “Zheya!”

Li Zheya was stunned for a moment and stopped. He stood a few steps away from her and looked at her quietly and tenderly.

Jian YiIan walked around the sofa and approached him, “Thank you, for liking ‘me’ so much, and it was because of your liking that ‘me’ was created, thank you.”

Looking at Li Zheya’s confused appearance, Jian Yi smiled and said, “It doesn’t matter if you don’t understand, you just treat it as me thanking you. I hope you can find your own happiness.” 

After speaking, she and Su Zixuan had a tacit understanding. They looked at each other and smiled.

Li Zheya left with relief and bitterness in his heart. Although his back was sad, he could not hide his ease. Perhaps it was good for him to let go of the love and offer his blessings.

Thinking about it, his pace was light.

When Li Zheya left, Jian Yi sat down with Su Zixuan, “The man was scared away by you.”

Su Zixuan smiled embarrassedly, he would not admit that he did it on purpose. But if Zheya could let go, he had nothing to worry about.

It was not that he didn’t have confidence in himself, but because Zheya was his best friend, he didn’t want any grudges between them.

“I just want to hug you, I didn’t think about anything else;” Su Zixuan imitated An Ran’s ignorant appearance and sold a cute face. Seeing that, Jian Yi burst out laughing, he was cheating, actually acting cute!

“Don’t make trouble, let’s get down to business, what’s going on?” 

Didn’t the divorce happen in the morning? Why did the media break it out, and the parents-in-law knew so quickly.

Su Zixuan briefly explained to her that. After listening, Jian Yi said with guilt and distress, “It’s all my fault, if it wasn’t for me…”

“It’s not your fault. If I’d just paid a little attention, this kind of thing wouldn’t have happened.”

“Then what are your plans?”

“I don’t want to go back to the company for the time being. I have hands and feet, so I’m not afraid that I won’t be able to support myself, but…” He looked at Jian Yi affectionately, “Will you despise me without the title of President Su?”

“Then will you despise me for not being the original her? Will you despise me for deceiving you for so long?” Jian Yi asked back.

Su Zixuan shook his head affirmatively, “No,” He pressed his forehead against Jian Yi’s, “How could I despise you?”

“So, I won’t despise you, but if you don’t return to the company, do you want to start your own business?” Su Zixuan was still a little worried. Would Su Zhiqiang block him? No matter what he did, it would come out good.