Su Zixuan thought about it seriously, “The thing I want to do the most right now is to accompany you. I have worked for so many years, and I have some savings myself. During this time, I’ll consider it a vacation. Don’t you like my company?”

Jian Yi’s face turned red. Her heart was beating rapidly. He was so close, she felt like she had nowhere to hide, and the sound of his breathing seemed to be imprinted deep in her mind. She dodged slightly, but was soon caught by Su Zixuan, who took her back into his arms gently but firmly.

A low voice like a cello whispered in her ear, “Huh? Do you like my company?”

Jian Yi felt his breathing in her ears, it was itchy, and the goose bumps all over her body rose uncontrollably. She nodded invisibly, her voice so thin that she could barely hear it, “I like…”

Su Zixuan took the opportunity to bite her earlobe and asked, “What do you like?”

Jian Yi froze, only to feel a strange feeling coming up from her body, like an electric current, and like the sound of the breeze blowing the leaves in the spring. She was a little uncomfortable, she only felt that her earlobe was wet. It was a wonderful and enjoyable feeling, she didn’t stop him, she lowered her head and closed her eyes and replied in a low voice, “I like to be with you.”

It was like a girl’s murmur, and it was like the sound of a butterfly flapping its wings in a flower, ethereal and charming.

Su Zixuan noticed that her body was already weak, he moved forward along her earlobe, and said in an ambiguous voice, “Do you like me?”


The voice disappeared in the blending of the two, little by little, slowly being eaten.

After a long while, after the two separated, Su Zixuan gently wiped the saliva around her lips with his fingertips, looking at her bright red lips, and the lovely pink at the corners of her eyes, her blurred eyes—

Jian Yi quickly realized something, she quickly pushed him away, her heart thumping, “I, I, I haven’t finished my sketches today, I’m going to rush the drafts, you, you, you pick up Su Enran later and Anqi…”

Saying that, she hurried up to the second floor, almost falling over.

Su Zixuan couldn’t help laughing when he saw her hurried and cute appearance. When he saw that she almost fell, he wanted to run over to help her, but she quickly stood up and disappeared into the stairwell.

Su Zixuan stroked his lips. Feeling the taste that belonged to her, all the depression that day disappeared without a trace.

When he heard a text message notification sound, he opened his phone and saw that it was a text message from his mother Liang Qin.

“Zixuan, your father is angry, hurry back and apologize to him, call Yi’an, and make it clear, the matter will be over.”

Su Zixuan typed, “No, I’ve made up my mind, so you don’t need to persuade me, I’ll go back to pick up An Qi later.”

After sending it, there was no reply. After Su Zixuan sat for a while, he went upstairs to tell Jian Yi that he would go to the Su Mansion to pick up An Qi first, and then pick up Su Enran after school.

Jian Yi blushed and said okay.

Su Zixuan looked at her, “Wait for me to come back.”

When he got home, Su Zhiqiang and Liang Qin were no longer at home, only Zhao Wenqi was waiting there.

Zhao Wenqi sighed and said, “Why are you making such a fuss? Just make it clear, Zixuan, apologize to your father.”

Su Zixuan sneered, “I’m not wrong, why should I apologize? Aunt Zhao, I understand your kindness, but I won’t change my mind about the matter. Come, An Qi say goodbye to Grandma.”

An Qi looked at Zhao Wenqi ignorantly, and when she heard goodbye, she waved her hand subconsciously, smiling like a little angel.

Seeing that he could not be persuaded, Zhao Wenqi helped to carry the things to the car, and said, “Come back when you are calm enough. How can a family have overnight grudges?”

“I understand, Aunt Zhao, take good care of yourself. I’m leaving. When Shengnan comes back, you have to discipline her well. Next time, I won’t allow her to offend my wife.”

Zhao Wenqi was taken aback. What did he mean? Didn’t they divorce? Where was the wife from?

Just as she was about to ask him what he meant, the car had already gone far, and an idea came to Zhao Wenqi’s mind. Could it be a fake divorce?

But on the divorce certificate, it was written in black, and it clearly stated that the relationship between the two had been dissolved. What was going on?

Zhao Wenqi didn’t understand anymore. She shook her head and thought that the young man had a lot of tricks. She couldn’t control it anymore. When Shengnan came back, she needed to teach her more about how to control her emotions, otherwise she would be a shame to her mother’s spirit in heaven.

When he brought An Qi back, before entering the door, Su Zixuan felt a depressed atmosphere in the room, and when he went in, he saw that it was his father-in-law and mother-in-law.

Everyone sat upright with serious faces, only An Qi didn’t know anything, and when she saw Jian Yi, she slipped down from Su Zixuan’s arms, and wanted to walk to her by herself.