Jian Yi held An Qi in her arms. She was painting in the studio just now, and when the nanny came up to say that her parents came, she was so frightened that she quickly closed the studio and hurried down.

“Yi’an, what happened to you and Zixuan? Did he really betray you?” Wei Jia asked forcefully, she glared at Su Zixuan who was standing behind Jian Yi, gnashing her teeth, as if he really did a heinous sin.

“Mom, it’s not Zixuan’s fault, it’s me who asked for a divorce. Actually I…” 

Su Zixuan hugged An Qi and looked directly at Wei Jia

“The matter is my fault!” Su Zixuan interrupted her and shook his head slightly, “It is because of my fault that Yi’an brought it up, but I accepted the punishment. Don’t worry, I will definitely ask for her forgiveness!”

Wei Jia pointed at him angrily, “Did you really cheat?” Thinking that she trusted him so much last time, she didn’t expect him to be such a person!

Jian Yi quickly explained, “No, it’s something else, he didn’t cheat, I didn’t know how to explain it, but don’t worry, I’m fine. Um, you and dad should go back first, I’ll visit you with Zixuan later to explain to you.”

She gave her father a look. He raised his eyes to look at Su Zixuan, then Wei Jia, and then slowly said, “Since the children have said so, let’s trust them and let them handle it themselves.”

After a long time of persuasion, Wei Jia left, but before leaving, she warned Su Zixuan, “If Yi’an suffers any harm, don’t think I’ll let you go!”

Before returning home, Jian Yihui’s call came. Wei Jia answered the phone impatiently, she was still angry. 

“Mom, Su Zixuan was kicked out of the Su family!”

“What?” Wei Jia shouted in surprise, “Su Zixuan was kicked out? What’s going on?”

“It’s a long story, in short, my in-laws didn’t let them divorce, but they didn’t listen, so…Mom, the matter shouldn’t be Zixuan’s fault, maybe it was really brought up by my sister. It’s not that you don’t understand her character…”

“Okay, I have my senses.” 

Wei Jia wondered, ‘Why did they divorce? Their relationship was pretty good, but Yi An still proposed it?’

Was it just to be kicked out by the Su family? So what was the real reason?

Something seemed to flash in her mind, but Wei Jia didn’t grasp it. She just felt that the answer was ahead, but a cloud of fog kept lingering in front of her, blocking her way, and she couldn’t see the direction or the answer.

“Hey, Yi’an…” Mr. Jian sighed faintly, looked at his wife Wei Jia’s embarrassed face, and shook his hand.

“Forget it, I’m too lazy to care about the two of them. I’m afraid that Su Enran would be sad if he finds out.” Wei Jia knew that Su Enran was a child who was very insecure. If he knew that his parents had divorced, he would be very sad.

No, she had to remind Yi’an that she couldn’t let Su Enran know about that, and she had to hide it.

“Yi’an, let me tell you, you must not let Su Enran know about this, otherwise he…”

“I know, I won’t talk about it, let alone, we won’t be separated. Don’t worry, mom.”

After chatting, Jian Yi hung up the phone.

Su Zixuan touched her head, “Mother-in-law didn’t say anything to you?”

“No, she just asked me not to tell Su Enran about this. By the way, why did you just…” Jian Yi questioned, although she planned not to tell it at first, but after thinking about it, she also had the right to know the truth.

“You forgot? You told me not to tell her. If she was stimulated, something wrong might happen.”

Su Zixuan reassured, “It’s not your fault that you became her, it could only be said that it was arranged by God. Only you and I know about this, so don’t tell anyone else.”

Su Zixuan was afraid that Wei Jia would have an opinion about her when she found out, and she would be the one who would be hurt.


She would live well and be filial to them.

“Things on the Internet…” But things had gotten bigger, and the Internet was now full of gossip. Jian Yi was afraid that the incident would affect him.

“Let them talk, it doesn’t matter as long as we are happy,” Su Zixuan put his arms around Jian Yi and said relaxedly. What was the point of caring about other people’s opinions? It was their life, there was no need to care about them.

“Yeah, mom—” An Qi shouted angrily, sandwiched in between them, like a sandwich biscuit.

Su Zixuan let go of the mother and daughter, and smiled embarrassedly, “Qiqi, I’m sorry, don’t be angry, can Dad feed you?”

Su Zixuan picked An Qi up, put her on his shoulders, and walked around the room. Suddenly, An Qi’s happy laughter was heard.

Looking at their happy appearance, Jian Yi couldn’t help but take out her phone to take a picture and posted on Weibo, “As long as you are here, happiness is by my side.”

That was an explanation to the audience. Jian Yi thought with peace of mind.

After posting, she didn’t check the comments on Weibo, as these things had nothing to do with her. And what she wanted to pay attention to now was only her one-third of an acre of land, as well as him and them.

Now, she belonged to her own Jian Yi, and was his Jian Yi.